Shadows of the Dark Side/True Empire

Relationship with the Grievers
The Grievers, also known as the Black Band, are what remains of COMPNOR's paramilitary arm, who have resorted to piracy and brigandry after the new Empress revoked their organization's official backing. Their ships and armaments are all Imperial Navy surplus, and heavily concentrated on the lower end of the scale; the largest vessel likely to be fielded by the Grievers is an Arquitens, with Gozantis being significantly more common. Their ships can be distinguished from true naval vessels by the black mourning band adorning each hull.
The Grievers are known to have sweetheart deals with minor warlords all across the galaxy, who offer safe ports for the disposal of prizes. Zsinj and Tarkin likewise tolerate them as long as the Grievers don't prey on shipping within their territories, but some analysts believe Tarkin may be covertly sponsoring and/or directing some of their activities. He has certainly benefited from the recent spate of raids on bacta shipments.
Super Star Destroyer Sheev Palpatine
The flagship of the True Empire’s fleet, this Executor-class vessel was rechristened to honor the late Emperor.
TIE/ad Avenger
The TIE Avenger is a multi-purpose starfighter developed from the TIE Advanced x1 flown by Lord Vader at the Battle of Yavin as one of the Empire’s many proposed answers to the T-65 X-wing starfighter; it won out over the competing TIE Defender design on the basis of its lower cost and the ability to be launched from existing TIE racks. However, the Battle of Endor pre-empted the existing plans to put the craft into large-scale production, leaving the Avenger as a rarity assigned only to the most skilled aces of the True Empire's fleet... at least for now.
- TIE Avenger
TIE Avenger
TIE Avenger
TIE Avenger
TIE Avenger
Grand Moff Phedrik Tarkin
A cousin of the late Wilhuff Tarkin, Phedrik was holding the governorship of Seswenna Sector when Palpatine died at the Battle of Endor, and quickly emerged as one of the most prominent New Orderist leaders when the Empire splintered after Leia Organa's coronation. Now styling himself a Grand Moff, Tarkin commands a large swath of the Outer Rim, directly and through various vassals.
Grand Vizier Mas Amedda
After serving as Vice Chair of the Senate throughout Palpatine's tenure as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Mas Amedda remained a close ally to the Emperor, stepping away from the Senate as its powers waned and taking up a position as Palpatine's Grand Vizier.
After Palpatine's death, he was pressured by Admiral Kenatus of the Capital Fleet into accepting Leia Organa's claim to the Imperial throne. At first it seemed that this was the end of his career in politics, as the new Empress first dismissed him and then abolished his position, but New Order loyalists made contact with him and smuggled him to the Seswenna sector, where his recognition has served to buttress Tarkin's claims of legitimacy.
Admiral Rodon Carcharias
Rodon Carcharias is an officer of only middling competence, but outstanding ruthlessness and amorality, a trait demonstrated by a particular incident when, as a Star Destroyer captain, he performed an orbital bombardment of a small, backwater mining colony that had offended the Emperor.
Colonel Viktr Techt
A Royal Guard who had been rotated into frontline service when the Battle of Endor occurred, Viktr Techt attached himself to Phedrik Tarkin. He now commands the True Empire's elite forces, including a number of other former Royal Guards. Techt and his fellow guards have discarded their pure red armor in favor of chrome-plated stormtrooper armor, at least until such time as Phedrik actually becomes Emperor, but they have retained their cloaks, converting them into dramatic black-edged mourning capes.