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I have noticed in play that scale tends to slow things down, lead to lots of back and forth, or lots of behavior I don't particularly enjoy (analysis paralysis and retconning). The following is a modification to the scale system to try to reduce that. Specifically:

-The decision point is removed, so you do not decide between a +1 or +2 shifts if you succeed. Instead, scale has a specific impact on outcomes that. -The number of steps of difference between scale are eliminated. Either one side has scale advantage or not.

Scale Advantage


Succeed- You succeed and gain a boost.

Succeed with Style- You succeed and create an aspect with a free invoke on it.

Fail- You can accomplish your goal at a cost or you fail.

Tie- You succeed.

Attack Action

See combat section.

Create Advantage

Succeed- You get two free compels on your aspect or you can create up to two aspects.

Succeed with Style- You get three free compels on the aspect you create or can create up to three aspects.

Fail- You gain a boost.

Tie- You create the aspect with a single free compel.


Succeed and Succeed with Style- You are unaffected by the consequences and gain a boost.

Fail- You suffer the consequences based on the number of shifts.

Tie- You are unaffected by the consequences.

Scale Disadvantage


Succeed- You succeed, but face a minor consequence.

Succeed with Style- You succeed.

Fail- You face a major consequence.

Tie- You can choose to succeed, but you face a major cost.

Attack Action

See Combat Section

Create Advantage

Succeed- You gain a boost or you pay a minor cost and create the aspect with a single compel.

Succeed with Style- You create an aspect with a single free compel.

Fail- You face a major consequence.

Tie- You pay a minor cost and gain a boost.


Succeed- You are unaffected by the consequences.

Succeed with Style- You are unaffected by the consequences.

Fail- The consequences are equal to twice the number of shifts.

Tie- You take a box of stress or the target number is increased by 2 on your next action.
