The Orphan Of Ages:PCs:Morgan Hart Williams

Morgan Hart Williams
Player: MrPrim
Obsession: Being One of the Mommies
Fear: Being left behind and forgotten.
Notches | Upbeat | Downbeat | Relationship | |
Helplessness | 4H | Fitness 45 | Dodge 35 | Protege: N/A |
Isolation | 1H, 2F | Status |
Pursuit 20 | Favorite: N/A |
Self | 6H, 1F | Knowledge 35 | Lie 45 | Responsibility: N/A |
Unnatural | 3H | Notice 50 | Secrets 30 | Guru: Erica 50 |
Violence | 1H | Connect |
Struggle 20 | Mentor: the Cabal 60 |
Score | Of course I can... | Features | |
Sociomancy* | 60 | - | Special |
Friendly | 60 |
...get some small help from strangers |
Subs for: Connect |
Pregnant | 40 |
...feel the joy of the life growing inside me |
Subs for: Status |
* Obsession Skill |
The Sh!t Noone Meant to Tell You [Artifact]
A Korean language copy of Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care: 7th Edition with quotes from mumsnet pasted over all sections with proper nouns, enchanted with Crowd Source.
The Soccer Mom's Car [Artifact]

It's an old, barely functional 1983 Dodge/Plymouth Vista. It runs okay, but the AC has trouble sometimes. Thing is, it's an insanely safe car. Like, impossibly so. Firstly, anyone who sits inside is compeled to put on a seat belt, if they don't they face a Rank 3 Violence check as thoughts of hideous crashes run through their mind. Secondly, the driver gets +20% to any roll to avoid the car crashing or getting damaged. Finally, if the car ever does crash anyone under 18 will be perfectly unscathed, no matter how bad the crash (well, technically they could be trapped inside and if the car starts burning they might be in trouble from suffocation... no one's tested that). Anyone over 18 is in the usual amount of danger.