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Character in Taming The Westmark

  • played by Stattick

Character sheet

Name: Naric Title: Class: Elf Level: 3 Hit Points: 10 Armor Class: 5
Alignment: Neutral XP: 8,125 Sex: Male Age: 172 Height: 5'5" Weight: 100 lbs
STR 9 To Hit: 0 To Dam: 0 Open Doors: 0
DEX 14 AC Mod: -1 Initiative: +1 Missile Adj: +1
CON 13 HP Adj: +1
INT 16 Add Langs: 2 Able to read and write
WIS 11 Save vs. Magic: 0
CHR 8 Reaction Adj: +1 Retainers: 3 Retainer Morale: 6
Breath Attacks Poison or Death Petrify or Paralyze Wands Spells or Spell-like Devices
15 12 13 13 15
To Hit AC:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Other Abilities: Infravision 60', Detect Hidden/Secret Doors 1-2(d6)
Languages: Imperial, Elvish, Shou, Old Ektau, Eirengarder
Background: Laborer (Sailor)
Skills: 4 Skill points + 1 Class + 1 General
Hyper Aware, Elven Senses: +1 to find secret doors or hear noises
Swashbuckler, Lightfoot: +1 AC if wearing Leather or worse
Swashbuckler, Duelist: Dex instead of Str for one handed melee weapons
Survivalist, Hunter: Automatically succeeds on Foraging roll
Riding: Can make melee or ranged attacks from horseback
Mage, Familiar: Raven (black with iridescent green hue in bright light) named "Gael" (Elvish for "Glimmer").
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 1: Charm Person, Magic Missile, and Read Magic
Level 2: Invisibility, Mirror Image
Horse: Ilin - riding horse File:Blue roan.jpg
Gear Cost Weight Notes
Sword +1 - 4 1d8+1
Leather Armor 6 15 AC 8
Dagger 3 1 1d4 damage
Dagger, silver 30 1 1d4 damage
Shield 10 10 AC: (1 less)
Longbow 40 3
Quiver and arrows (d20) 5 3 1d8 damage
Sub Total: 94 37 lbs
Horse, riding (Ilin) - -
Backpack 2 2
Bedroll 0.1 5
Candles (10) 0.1 0
Case (Scroll) 1 0.5
Flint and steel 2 0
Grappling hook 1 4
Ink (1 oz vial) 8 0
Oil (1 pint flask) 0.1 1
Quill pen 0.1 0
Mirror, small steel 10 0.5
Parchment (5 sheets) 1 0
Rations, trail (5 days) 2.5 5
Rope, silk 50' 10 5
Sack, large 0.2 0.5
Spellbook 15 3
Waterskin (2) 2 8
Sub Total: 55.1 34.5 lbs
Grand Total: 149 71.5 lbs
PP: 0
GP: 30
EP: 0
SP: 9
CP: 0

Character Background

Naric. At least that's what he tells people his name is. Frankly it doesn't sound like an Elvin name, and he doesn't care. He won't say what he did to earn the unwelcome of his own people. But he is a good with a sword and a sarcastic word.

Most elves will know what Naric is though, and some might even know his specific story, but most won't speak of it, at least not those in his Creed. The "name" Naric is Elvin for "shunned".

Naric was on the wrong side of a violent dispute involving his people. Since his part was minor, and he was but a young man and just following the lead of his father, he was given leniency, and merely shunned for the period of a century and a day. He may not use his name or social position, none shall recognize him, and he is not to dwell or linger in Elvin communities. It has left him comparatively destitute, and both cynical and bitter.