Bloodshed in Behdastar
Bloodshed in Behdastar is a play-by-post wiki using James Spahn’s OD&D clone, The Hero’s Journey by Barrel Rider Games.

- Waiwode playing Eorlas the Beardless
- Talisman playing Táralcar
- KnockingBox playing Agathin
- Marc G. playing Mucanto
- Stormraven playing Grainne
- roryb as the GM
Play Threads
Quotes & Lore
“Remember the time when we caught the infamous market-stall arsonist? How were we to know the lad was the Captain of the Watch's son?”
— Eorlas the Beardless
“The Duchess has helped us before. Perhaps she may again.”
— Grainne
“We’ve been together as a band for a long time. I remember when we made peace with the stormy bird-men by restoring the enchanted ruby called Raven's Crime to its rightful place in their remarkably sculpted mountain roost, the Chamber of Four Winds.”
— Agathin
“Although we each have our own goals and flaws, we tend to be known for the storming of Brightmoor Tower.”
— Táralcar
“Remember when we thwarted Sawtooth and her brigands? If only we hadn't lost her in that freak thunderstorm.”
— Mucanto
Eorlas the Beardless
played by Waiwode
A soot-stained veteran of the Goblin Wars, proud of his long moustaches and smooth chin.
Level 1 Dwarven Fighter (0 XP; 2,000 needed)
Background: Miner
Str 14; Dex 11; Con 17 (+1); Int 11; Wil 11; Cha 7; Ap 12; Luck 14
AC 14; RV 3; HP 8/8; Attack +1; Save 15 (+2 vs death, +4 vs poison & spells)
Dwarven Traits: By Axe & Hammer, Tough as Nails, Undrground Senses, Craftsman's Eye, Magic & Poison Resistance, 90' Dark Vision
Fighter Traits: Combat Machine, Weapon Specialization (War Hammer), Saving Throws
Armor & Weapons:
- Ringmail Armour (RD 2 + 1 for Tough as Nails = 3) - 30
- Small Shield +4 AC - 5
- War Hammer (1d6; +1 wielded 2-handed) - 10
- Sling and 20 Stones (1d6-1; RoF 1; 30’) - 6
- Dagger (1d6-1; thrown) - 2
- Miner’s Pick (2d6; 2-handed only) - 15
Other Gear:
- Backpack (10/30): Bedroll, 50’ Hemp rope, Frying pan, Flint & Steel, 2 days’ trail rations
- Clothing, Common
- Belt-pouch (0/5): 2 gold pieces
- Large Sack (0/30):
- Waterskin
- Cloak
Encumbrance: 78 lbs.; lightly encumbered (MV 6)
played by Stormraven
Grainne is a weathered wanderer of the woods, her cloak usually marked by moss or grass.
Level 1 Human Ranger (0 XP; 2,500 needed)
Background: Forester
Str 9; Dex 6 (-1); Con 12; Int 9; Wil 8; Ch 12; Ap 8; Luck 14
AC 9; RV 0; HP 6/6; Attack +0; Save 14 (+2 vs poison); Forestry 2
Human Traits:
- COMBAT TRAINING: Humans may select any one weapon. They are able to wield it without penalty, regardless of any restrictions imposed by their chosen class.
- EXTRAORDINARY LEARNER: Humans receive a 15% bonus on all experience points they earn.
- UNCANNY ADAPTABILITY: Humans receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Ranger Traits:
- WEAPON/ARMOR RESTRICTIONS: They may wield any weapon in combat as well as utilize leather, ring mail, chain mail, small shields and buckler shields to protect themselves.
- FORESTRY: Rangers are most at home in the wilderness, among the flora and fauna of the world. Their Forestry ability may be used to track both humanoids and animals in natural environments. When in these natural environments, Forestry may also be used to remain both unseen and silent. Finally, when a Ranger encounters a natural wild beast he may utilize this ability in an attempt to sooth and calm such an animal. To use the ability, the referee rolls 1d6. If the number rolled is equal to or below the Ranger’s Forestry ability, he has succeeded.
- GIANT-SLAYER: When fighting bugbears, giants, goblins, and hobgoblins, a Ranger may add his Base Hit Bonus to his weapon damage in combat.
- SAVING THROW: A Ranger receives a +2 to bonus to any saving throws made vs. poison. TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING: With the referee’s permission, a Ranger may fight with a one-handed melee weapon in each hand. This grants him a second attack each combat round, with the damage inflicted determined by the weapon wielded.
Armor & Weapons:
- Short Sword 8
- 2 Spears 4
- Studded Leather Ring Mail 25
- Small Shield 10
Other Gear:
- Backpack (0/30) 5
- Bedroll 2
- Rope 50' (hemp) 1
- Waterskin (2) 2
- Torch (6) 1
- Rations, Trail (2 Weeks) 14 (at 1 gp/day)
- 6 Healing Kits (30)
- 8 gold pieces
- Traveling Clothes
Encumbrance: 10 lbs; unencumbered (MV 12)
played by KnockingBox
Agathin is an unusually excitable elf prone to bursting into song, enamored with romantic legends of the bygone Flower Wars.
Level 1 Elf Bard (0 XP; 1,250 needed)
Background: Forester
Str 11; Dex 13; Con 5 (-1); Int 10; Wil 8; Cha 11; Ap 16 (+1); Luck 9
AC 10; RV 0; HP 5/5; Attack +0; Save 15 (+2 vs magic); Lore 1
Elf Traits:
- BLADE AND BOW: Elves are able to wield the long bow, long sword, short bow and short sword, regardless of other class restrictions.
- AGELESS: Elves are immune to the paralyzing and level-draining touch inflicted by some undead crea- tures.
- FRIEND OF THE WOODLAND REALM: Natural creatures rarely react with hostility to elves unless directly an obviously threatened. They regard elves as natural creatures of the forest, just like them.
- FOREST WALKER: Whenever an elf is traveling through a forest or woodland terrain, they leave no trace of their passing and are invisible if they remain still. They must be alone, with other elves, or at least 90 feet away from non-elvish allies to benefit from this ability.
- ELVISH SENSES: Elves are highly attuned to the ways of magic, both natural and foul. They can automatically detect the presence of magic and evil in the same manner as the Detect Evil and Detect Magic spells, at
a range of up to 60’.
- STAR SIGHT: Elves can see as easily in starlight or moonlight as they can in day light. They are still blinded by total or magical darkness.
Bard Traits:
- WEAPON/ARMOR RESTRICTIONS: Bards have a diverse selection of weapons available to them, they may wield any one-handed melee weapon, any ranged weapon, and the staff. They are able to wear both leather armor, ring mail and chain mail, as well as use small and buckler shields.
- LORE: Whenever a Bard encounters a magical item, he may examine it in order to discern its history. The referee rolls 1d6 and if the roll is equal to or below the Bard’s rating in their Lore ability, the Bard can recall some information regarding the item’s history or use. This may or may not reveal specific magical properties of that item, at the referee’s discretion.
- SPELL CASTING (2ND): Beginning at 2nd level, a Bard may cast Wizard Spells in a fashion exactly like a Wizard. However, unlike the Wizard, the Bard does not begin play with the foreknowledge of any spells. They must find Wizards to instruct them or recover spells from scrolls or other sources. Instead they begin play with a blank book in which to inscribe any spells the Bard discovers. Reading from the book, the Bard presses his chosen spell formulae into his mind, “preparing” these spells. Once a prepared spell is cast, it disappears from the Bard’s memory (until it is prepared again). It is possible to prepare a spell multiple times using the available “slots” in a Bard’s memory/capability. If a Bard finds a scroll containing a Wizard spell while adventuring, he can copy it into his spell book.
- SAVING THROW: A Bard receives a +2 bonus to any saving throws made vs. magic.
Armor & Weapons:
- Long Sword (1d6; +1 wielded two-handed) - 10 lbs
- Shortbow and 20 Arrows (1d6-1; RoF 2; 50’) - 10 lbs
- Leather Armor (RV: 1) - 20 lbs
Other Gear:
- Backpack (0/30)
- Traveling Clothes
Encumbrance: 40 lbs; unencumbered (MV 12)
played by Talisman
A curious wanderer from Lohtëmar, with a light heart and a lighter step.
Level 1 Half-Elf Monk (0 XP; 2,000 needed)
Background: Cook
Str 11; Dex 14; Con 6 (-1); Int 13; Wil 8; Cha 13; Ap 12; Luck 7
Half-Elf Traits: Martial Amateur (shortbow), Arcane Dabbler (magic shield), Fast Learner, Star Sight
Monk Traits: Stealth, Unarmed Damage (1d6-1), AC Bonus (+4), Saving Throws
AC 14; RV 0; HP 5/5; Attack +0; Stealth 2; Save 12
- Quarterstaff (1d6) - 10
- Unarmed Strike (1d6-1)
- Shortbow and 20 Arrows (1d6-1; RoF 1; 50’) - 10
- Dagger (1d6-1; thrown) - 2
- Cast Iron Skillet (1d6) - 10
Other Gear:
- Backpack (10/30): Bedroll, Flint & Steel, Healer's Kit, 5 days’ dried rations
- Clothing, Traveling
- Belt-pouch (0/5): 4 gold pieces
- Waterskin
- Cloak
Encumbrance: 46 lbs.; unencumbered (MV 12)
played by Marc G.
Mucanto was a trick rider for Cresier's Carnival of Curiosities, before slipping away into the night with their prize stallion due a payment dispute.
Level 1 Human Acrobat (0 XP; 1,250 needed)
Background: Groom
Str 11; Dex 11; Con 7; Int 11; Wil 11; Cha 12; Ap 13; Luck 9
Human Traits:
- COMBAT TRAINING: Proficient with spears
- EXTRAORDINARY LEARNER: Humans receive a 15% bonus on all experience points they earn.
- UNCANNY ADAPTABILITY: Humans receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Acrobat Traits:
- WEAPON/ARMOR RESTRICTIONS: They may use the club, dagger, quarterstaff, short bow, short sword, and sling and may wear leather armor. They may also use buckler shields.
- ACROBATICS: This ability can be used to make a standing jump at a distance or height of five feet, plus their level or a running jump twice that distance. When using a ten foot pole to assist in these jumps they add an additional ten feet to distance. This ability also allows them to walk along narrow ledges or tightropes when used successfully, as well as scale sheer surfaces without the aid of tools. Finally a successful Acrobatics roll allows them to reduce damage from a fall of up to 50 feet without suffering any damage.
- NATURAL AGILITY: +1 bonus to AC due to Dex below 14.
- SAVING THROWS: Acrobats receive a +2 bonus to any Saving Throw made to reduce or avoid the effects of any trap, magical or mundane.
AC 13; RV 1; HP 6/6; Attack +0; Save 14; Acrobatics: 1
- Dagger (1d6-1; thrown) - 2
- Shortbow and 20 Arrows (1d6-1; RoF 2; 50’) - 10
- Leather Armor (RV: 1) - 20
- Buckler (+2 to AC) - 2
Other Gear:
- Backpack (10/30): bedroll, flint & steel, 6 torches, 50' hemp rope, grappling hook, large sack (0/30), 3 days trail rations
- Clothing, Traveling
- Belt-pouch (0/5): 3 gold pieces
- Waterskin
- Cloak
Encumbrance: 44 lbs.; unencumbered (MV 12)
Behdastar is an area of recently settled land nestled between the Towers of the Stars (mountain range) and the Trackless Moors. Also known as the Baronial Tripartite, three fiefs (Comlay, Coontar, and the Gindar baronies) share an uneasy alliance within these borderlands and wilds.
Although recently plagued by raiders and bandits, a thriving new city and numerous opportunities to stake claims in the iron-rich hills and mountains, cultivation, and many other natural resources have attracted folk from various neighboring nations and regions, making the Behdastar plateau a melting pot of peoples. From the northwestern cold forests, a small group of elves who have remained after the Flower Wars have settled in the Gray Wood. One of the Seven Secret Dwarf-Gates of Tibor issues from a hidden location near the Maltor Pass, allowing dwarven traders to frequent the plateau and work many of the natural ores into finished works. And, of course, sworn knights and lords — mostly from Valdamor — have laid claim to the lands. Ruins of a long-forgotten empire also dot the fens and badlands of the surrounds.
Goblins and worse raiders are not unknown here, and in recent years, their growing numbers indicate a potential horde invasion in the near future. Spirits, shades, and walking dead also have a presence in places where the sun fails to pierce the shadows under twisted forests and broken cairns. None know why this unholy pestilence lurks on the fringes of farmland and hamlets.
Most alarmingly, a yearlong drought has created a crisis and shortage, and the careless expansion and windfalls have come to an abrupt halt. Famine and disease is on the rise, as are the predators of civilization — in Charis, the only true city in the Barony of Comlay, cutpurses and scoundrels are the true lords. Even worse was the discovery of a recent cult involving fearsome werewolves.
To exacerbate recent problems, the rival baronies have sent spies into one another’s realm. Mistrust is at an unprecedented high. Recently, in Clain, Poro Shadwick of Gindar was found guilty of espionage on behalf of Baron Tholomew and executed, starting a conflict between the three realms. Skirmishes have broken out, and being lured by easy coin, foreign mercenary companies are arriving on the plateau. Troubling times for sure!
There was never a greater need for heroes than now.
Elven Faith
Elves recognize a cosmic being or principle which brought about creation, but believe that this power is beyond prayers and does not respond to mortal worship. They recognize and commune with the divines of particular groves, glades, and grottoes. Indeed, the elves of the Gray Wood have "rediscovered" several new divine sites since settling there. Ballads are sung about the Firstborn, but they are more like mythic heroes, ancestors, or saints than goddesses or gods.
Some heterodox elves believe that the moon and stars hold distant but equally sacred natural sites, which they commune with on starry nights in clear, still reflecting pools and clearings that catch shafts of moonlight. The 'Stargazers' count Agathin among their number.