Ninbanda Shubnalu

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Revision as of 17:13, 30 August 2018 by (talk) (Character sheet)
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Character in Taming The Westmark

  • played by CaliberX

Character sheet

Name: Ninbanda Shubnalu Title: Brother Class: Vowed Level: 3 Hit Points: 7/12 (3d4+3) Armor Class: 3
Alignment: Neutral XP: 4246/8020 Sex: Male Age: 32 Height: 5'7" Weight: 165
STR 14 To Hit: +1 To Dam: +1 Open Doors: +1
DEX 14 AC Mod: -1 Initiative: +1 Missile Adj: +1
CON 14 HP Adj: +1
INT 9 Add Langs: 0 Able to read and write
WIS 15 Save vs. Magic: +1 XP Bonus:+5%
CHR 13 Reaction Adj: -1 Retainers: 5 Retainer Morale: 8
Breath Attacks Poison or Death Petrify or Paralyze Wands Spells or Spell-like Devices
16 (+1 v Magic) 11 (+1 v Magic) 14 (+1 v Magic) 12 (+1 v Magic) 15 (+1 v Magic)
To Hit AC:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Move Silently Climb Walls Hide in Shadows
27 88 17
Languages: Imperial
Background: Professional (Scribe)
Marathon Man (Tireless) - Does not need to rest every six turns in the dungeon, also doesn’t need to rest after a forced march (does need to rest if the forced march continues for a second day), also move 30’ faster in Chain Mail or lighter armor.
Swashbuckler (Lightfoot) - Gains a +1 AC bonus if wearing Leather Armor or worse and is free to move (included above)
Smooth Operator (Fast Talker) - +2 to Reaction rolls when attempting to parley
Naturalist (Ghostwalker) - Leaves behind no trace of his movement and thus cannot be tracked, can attempt to hide larger groups at a penalty
Combat Maneuvers (Disarm) - Make an attack roll at -2 to hit, if successful, opponent is disarmed
Other Abilities:
Ninjutsu Novice - Move Silently, Climb Walls, and Hide in Shadows as a Thief of one level lower
River Reed Bridge - can walk/run across liquid/muddy ground for one round/level/day (3 rounds/day)
Silver Fists - unarmed attacks count as silver weapons
Gear Cost Weight Notes
Short Sword +1, +3 vs Dragons - 2 +2 atk, 1d6+2 dmg, +4 atk, 1d6+4 dmg vs dragons
Unarmed - - +1 atk, 1d6+2 dmg, silvered
Darts (ammo spent) 3g 3 +1 atk, 1d4+1 dmg, 15/30/45
Horse, Riding - - "Balam"
Backpack 2g 2 worn, holding 22 lbs of gear, 12 lbs of coinage
Bedroll 1s 5 in saddlebag
Candles (10) 10c - in backpack
Crowbar 2g 5 in backpack
Feed (5 days) 25c 5 in saddle bag
Grappling Hook 1g 4 in backpack
Lantern 9g 3 in saddlebag
Trail Rations 25s 5 5 days preserved, vegetarian, in saddle bag
Silk Rope 10g 5 50' in length, in backpack
Saddle 25g - worn by Balam
Saddle Bag 1s - worn by Balam, holding 22 lbs of gear
Wineskin 1g 4 in saddle bag
Iron Spikes (12) 1g 8 in backpack
Total: 56g 5c 5 lbs readied/58 lbs stowed
PP: 5
GP: 50
EP: 0
SP: 37
CP: 25

Character Background

(Work in progress!!)