"Knock Out" Phoenix Knig

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Phoenix Knight is a relatively recent addition to the PrizeFighters roster, and has been floundering since she debuted. She constantly strives to show others within the promotion that they can and should leave, and that the criminal syndicate they are all working for does not have their best interests at heart. Unfortunately, this has meant that the Syndicate has consistently booked her in matches where she doesn't stand a chance, pitting her against the biggest and strongest opponents they can.

Phoenix Knight is a small woman, no more than 5 foot tall and 100lbs. She keeps things bright with her ring attire, white trunks and top with bright pink strapping and a pair of bright pink shin-guards. She wears her long blonde hair in two low ponytails that stream behind her as she unleashes her acrobatic move-set.

The Entrance

The Knock Out walks to the ring to I Fight Dragons' She's got Sorcery. She typically performs an aerial cartwheel on the entrance ramp before performing a neat box split on the ring-apron. Waiting for the bell she stretches, showing off her flexibility.

Between the Ropes

Phoenix Knight started her career as a gymnast, and it shows. She rarely performs high-impact moves, relying instead on her acrobatics to avoid big bumps. Her offence includes spinning kicks and chops, using the rotation to build up momentum to match the power of her opponent. When caught in an arm-wrench she often walks along the top rope to free herself. She often uses hurricanranas and tilt-a-whirl moves, showing off her acrobatics while not being limited by her lack of strength.

Knight's finisher, though she rarely gets to use it, is the Good Knight. When an opponent is on their knees facing the turnbuckle she runs forward and grabs the top ropes, using the momentum to lever her body as high as possible, before crashing both of her boots into the back of their head and neck.