Sample Phoenix

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Shiba Bushi

Rank One – Dedicated Yojimbo

Air 2 (Reflexes 3), Earth 2 (Stamina 3), Fire 2 (Agility 3), Water 2, Void 3.

Defense 3, Iaijutsu 1, Kenjutsu 2, Kyujutsu 1, Meditation (Void Recovery) 3, Spears 3 (Naginata), Theology 1.

Techniques: Way of the Phoenix. Kata: Tail of the Sun.

Honor: 2.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Quick, Kharmic Tie (3 pts), Ascetic, Idealistic.

Initiative: 5k3 Attack (Damage): 6k3+3 (3k3) TNtbH: 23

Rank Two – Defender of the Clan

Air 2 (Reflexes 3), Earth 3, Fire 3, Water 2, Void 3.

Defense 3, Iaijutsu 2, Kenjutsu 3, Kyujutsu 2, Meditation (Void Recovery) 3, Spears 5 (Naginata), Theology 1.

Techniques: Way of the Phoenix, Dancing With the Elements. Kata: Tail of the Sun.

Honor: 2.2 Advantages/Disadvantages: Quick, Kharmic Tie (3 pts), Ascetic, Idealistic.

Initiative: 6k3 Attack (Damage): 8k3+5 (3k3) TNtbH: 23

Rank Three – Warrior of the Void

Air 3, Earth 3, Fire 3, Water 2, Void 5.

Battle 1, Defense 3, Iaijutsu 2, Investigation 1, Kenjutsu 3, Kyujutsu 2, Meditation (Void Recovery) 4, Spears 5 (Naginata), Spellcraft 1, Theology 1.

Techniques: Way of the Phoenix, Dancing With the Elements, One With the Void. Kata: Tail of the Sun.

Honor: 2.2 Advantages/Disadvantages: Quick, Kharmic Tie (3 pts), Ascetic, Idealistic.

Initiative: 7k3 Attack (Damage): 8k3+5 (3k3) TNtbH: 29

Isawa Shugenja (Fire)

Rank One – Arrogant Apprentice

Air 2, Earth 2 (Willpower 3), Fire 3, Water 2, Void 4.

Calligraphy 1, Defense 1, Lore: History 1 (Magic), Meditation 1 (Void Recovery), Spellcraft (Fire) 2, Tea Ceremony 1, Theology 1.

Technique/Spells Known: Isawa’s Art/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Aura of Flame, The Fires From Within, Katana of Fire, Earth’s Stagnation, Elemental Ward, Sympathetic Energies.

Honor: 2.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Blessing of Fire, Friendly Kami, Brash, Contrary, Fascination (Fire Magic).

Initiative: 3k2 Attack (Damage): N/A TNtbH: 10

Rank Two – Involved Researcher

Air 2, Earth 2 (Willpower 3), Fire 4, Water 2, Void 4.

Battle 1, Calligraphy 1, Defense 1, Lore: History 1 (Magic), Meditation 2 (Void Recovery), Spellcraft (Fire, Spell Research) 3, Tea Ceremony 1, Theology 1.

Technique/Spells Known: Isawa’s Art/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Aura of Flame, The Fires From Within, Heart of the Inferno, Katana of Fire, Tail of the Fire Dragon, Earth’s Stagnation, Elemental Ward, Sympathetic Energies.

Honor: 2.4 Advantages/Disadvantages: Blessing of Fire, Friendly Kami, Brash, Contrary, Fascination (Fire Magic).

Initiative: 4k2 Attack (Damage): N/A TNtbH: 10

Rank Three – Elemental Warrior

Air 2, Earth 3, Fire 4, Water 2, Void 4.

Battle 3, Calligraphy 2, Defense 3, Lore: History 3 (Magic), Meditation 5 (Void Recovery), Spellcraft (Fire, Spell Research) 5, Tea Ceremony 1, Theology 3.

Technique/Spells Known: Isawa’s Art/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Aura of Flame, The Fires From Within, Heart of the Inferno, Hurried Steps, Katana of Fire, Light of Yakamo, Tail of the Fire Dragon, Earth’s Stagnation, Elemental Ward, Sympathetic Energies.

Honor: 2.0 Advantages/Disadvantages: Blessing of Fire, Friendly Kami, Brash, Contrary, Fascination (Fire Magic).

Initiative: 5k2 Attack (Damage): N/A TNtbH: 13

Asako Courtier

Rank One – Novice of the Court

Air 2 (Awareness 3), Earth 2, Fire 2 (Intelligence 3), Water 2 (Perception 3), Void 3.

Calligraphy 1, Courtier 3 (Political Maneuvering), Etiquette 3, Lore: History* 1 (Politics), Medicine* 3, Meditation 1 (Zanji), Tea Ceremony 3, Theology* 1. (* denotes a Lore Skill)

Techniques: Temple of the Soul.

Honor: 3.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Fukurokujin’s Blessing, Sage, Bad Sight, Soft-Hearted.

Initiative: 3k2 Attack (Damage): N/A TNtbH: 10

Rank Two – Repository of Knowledge

Air 2 (Awareness 3), Earth 2, Fire 2 (Intelligence 3), Water 2 (Perception 3), Void 4.

Calligraphy 1, Courtier 3 (Political Maneuvering), Etiquette 3, Know the School: Bayushi Courtier* 3, Know the School: Doji Courtier* 3, Know the School: Ide Courtier* 2, Know the School: Ikoma Omoidasu* 3, Know the School: Kitsuki Courtier* 3, Know the School: Yasuki Merchant* 2, Know the School: Yoritomo Courtier* 3, Lore: History* 1 (Politics), Medicine* 3, Meditation 1 (Zanji), Tea Ceremony 3, Theology* 1. (* denotes a Lore Skill)

Techniques: Temple of the Soul, From the Ashes.

Honor: 4.0 Advantages/Disadvantages: Fukurokujin’s Blessing, Sage, Bad Sight, Soft-Hearted.

Initiative: 4k2 Attack (Damage): N/A TNtbH: 10

Rank Three – Social Archivist

Air 2 (Awareness 4), Earth 2, Fire 2 (Intelligence 4), Water 2 (Perception 3), Void 4.

Calligraphy 1, Courtier 3 (Political Maneuvering), Etiquette 3, Know the School: Asako Courtier* 1, Know the School: Bayushi Courtier* 5, Know the School: Doji Courtier* 5, Know the School: Ide Courtier* 3, Know the School: Ikoma Omoidasu* 4, Know the School: Kitsuki Courtier* 4, Know the School: Yasuki Merchant* 3, Know the School: Yoritomo Courtier* 4, Lore: History* 3 (Politics), Medicine* 3, Meditation 1 (Zanji), Tea Ceremony 3, Theology* 3. (*denotes a Lore Skill)

Techniques: Temple of the Soul, From the Ashes, Voice of the Universe.

Honor: 4.0 Advantages/Disadvantages: Fukurokujin’s Blessing, Sage, Bad Sight, Soft-Hearted.

Initiative: 5k2 Attack (Damage): N/A TNtbH: 10

Asako Henshin

Rank One – Student on the Path

Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 2.

Calligraphy 1, Defense 1, Jiujutsu 3, Lore: Elements 3, Medicine 3, Meditation 3 (Zanji), Theology 1.

Techniques: Riddle of Fire, Mystery of Water.

Honor: 2.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Magic Resistance (2 pts), Sage, Contrary, Idealistic.

Initiative: 3k2 Attack (Damage): 6k3 (4k1) TNtbH: 10

Rank Two – Emissary of Enlightenment

Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 3.

Calligraphy 1, Defense 1, Etiquette 1, Jiujutsu 3, Lore: Elements 3, Medicine 3, Meditation 3 (Zanji), Theology 2.

Techniques: Riddle of Air, Riddle of Fire (1 Free Raise), Mystery of Air, Mystery of Water (1 Free Raise).

Honor: 2.4 Advantages/Disadvantages: Magic Resistance (2 pts), Sage, Contrary, Idealistic.

Initiative: 5k3 Attack (Damage): 6k3 (4k1) TNtbH: 15

Rank Three – Friend to the Elements

Air 3, Earth 3, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 4.

Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Etiquette 1, Jiujutsu 3, Lore: Elements 5, Medicine 3, Meditation 3 (Zanji), Tea Ceremony 1, Theology 2.

Techniques: Riddle of Air (1 Free Raise), Riddle of Earth, Riddle of Fire (2 Free Raises), Mystery of Air (1 Free Raise), Mystery of Fire, Mystery of Water (2 Free Raises).

Honor: 2.0 Advantages/Disadvantages: Magic Resistance (2 pts), Sage, Contrary, Idealistic.

Initiative: 6k3 Attack (Damage): 6k3 (4k1) TNtbH: 18

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