Declan Dority
Declan "Dec" Dority was raised in the worst part of the Eavesdown slums on Persephone. His mother tried her best, but a combination of a felony record and a problem with drops meant that she had little ability to care for Dec and his eight brothers and sisters. Dec's never known his father (or, except perhaps briefly, the fathers of his various siblings).
Dec's disadvantaged upbringing, however, couldn't hide his innate facility with mathematics and computers. From occasional minutes defrauded from Cortex cafes, stolen or salvaged computer parts, and money he'd earned doing a variety of illegal or semi-legal activities, Dec managed to carve out a skill set for himself. He intends to turn his natural talents and hard-earned skill to the creation of a technology empire, background be damned.
But, first, he needs to live. And for that he needs money. There not being much work for gutter trash with a juvenile record on Persephone, Dec set out to find work on a ship while saving money to start his own business. (Or steal one; he's not picky.)
Home world: Persephone
Dec is young, but a lifetime growing up in the slums means that he's not naive. He is unaccustomed to "nicer" society, but tries his best.
Absent anything else to occupy his time, Dec will find a local watering hole, buy a few rounds, and tell everyone about the tech-company empire that he's going to build someday.
Dec is 20 years old, of average height, fair skin, pale eyes, and red-brown hair. He has the rangy build that bespeaks a youth spent with inadequate nutrition but plenty of physical activity - primarily in the form of running from various authority figures.
Dec typically casually in cheap clothes. He has a few sets of nice-ish clothing, but rarely finds a reason to sport them.
Physical d6 Mental d10 Social d8
Child Prodigy d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Eidetic Memory: Spend 1 PP to roll your Know skill and add it to your total once per scene.
O Exceptional Talent: Step up an existing Complication to step up or double a Skill in a non-combat situation.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Hard Luck Case d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
O Nose for Trouble: Gain 1 PP when you stumble into a situation you shouldn’t be in or overhear something you shouldn’t.
O Trouble on Your Heels: When you are being chased or followed out of a scene, you may step up Sneak or Trick when you roll to slip away.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Sneak, Survive
Big Plans d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Milk Run: Spend 1 PP to turn a Complication into an Asset [implied: for the next roll].
O Did I Forget to Mention That?: Gain 1 PP when an important detail of your plan 'slips your mind.'
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice, Trick
- Craft d4
- Drive d4
- Fight d4
- Fix d8
- Fly d4
- Focus d6
- Influence d8
- Know d10, Cortex Tech
- Labor d4
- Move d4
- Notice d8
- Operate d12
- Perform d4
- Shoot d4
- Sneak d6
- Survive d6
- Throw d4
- Treat d4
- Trick d8, Gaining Access
Signature Assets
- Folding Money d8 (Dec always seems to have some money on him, usually in the form of cash or coin. Useful for greasing palms, buying rounds, bribing cops, and all manner of other purposes.)
- "Salvaged" Cortex Handset d8 (Dec "found" this top-shelf Cortex handset when it fell off the back of a mule in Eavesdown. Or something like that, anyway.)