Pardimon Kenn
Chaotic Good Razorclaw Shifter Ranger 3

- Background: Sailor
- Age: 28
- Height: 5' 6"
- Weight: 145 lbs
Ability Scores
- Strength 14 (+2)
- Dexterity 17 (+3)
- Constitution 14 (+2)
- Intelligence 8 (-1)
- Wisdom 14 (+2)
- Charisma 10 (-)
- AC: 15 (11 armor, +3 Dex, +1 fighting style)
- HP: 28
- Speed: 30'
- Proficiency: +2
- Melee Attack: Scimitar +5, damage 1d6+3
- Bonus Action while Shifted: Claw +5, damage 1d6+2
- Ranged Attack: Longbow +5, damage 1d8+3, range 150/600
- Spell AttacL +4
- Spells Known: Absorb elements, hunter's mark, zephyr strike
Saving Throws
- Constitution +4
- Dexterity +5
- Strength +3
Languages Known
- Common
- Sylvan
- Elven (drow dialect)
- Light & Medium armor
- Shields
- Simple & martial weapons
- Navigators’ tools
- Water vehicles
- Acrobatics +5
- Animal Handling +4
- Athletics +3
- Nature +4
- Perception +4
- Stealth +5
- Survival +4
Resilient (Constitution)
- Darkvision 60’
- Shifting (bonus action, gain (level + Con mod) temp hp, off-hand attack as a bonus action [+Dex or Str attack, 1d6+Str damage], lasts 1 minute, resets on short rest)
- Ship’s Passage: When you need to, you can secure free passage on a sailing ship for yourself and your adventuring companions.
- Favored Enemy: Undead (Advantage on Survival to track, Intelligence to recall info)
- Natural Explorer: Forest
- Fighting Style: Defense (+1 AC when wearing armor)
- Primeval Awareness
- Archetype: Hunter
- Colossus Slayer: 1/turn, deal +1d8 damage on a weapon attack to a creature that is below max hp
- Scimitar
- Long bow + 20 arrows
- Dungeoneer’s pack
- Leather armor
- Belaying pin (club)
- 50’ silk rope
- Lucky charm (sahuagin claw)
- Set of common clothes
- Belt pouch
- 5 gp