Mythic FAte A JRPG/Ileana

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Ileana Basarab

Physical description

A 14 year old girl with short blond hair and blue eyes, lleana's slender 5.2 frame makes her look even younger than she is. Normally a bright and chipper girl, the recent trauma she has suffered has left her a quiet and sullen girl.


Refresh and stress

Refresh: 2

Physical stress: [][][][]

Mental stress: [][][][][]

Magical stress: [][][][]


High concept: Pyrokinetic Half-Kitsune Orphan

Trouble: Afraid of her powers


Hunted by Fenrin

Lone Survivor

Despises those that take advantage of the weak


Great +4


Good +3



Fair +2




Average +1






Always a Way Out

+2 on Burglary rolls made to create an advantage whenever you’re trying to escape from a location.

Face in the Crowd.

+2 to any Stealth roll to blend into a crowd. What a “crowd” means will depend on the environment—a subway station requires more people to be crowded than a small bar.

Strength From Determination.

Use Will instead of Physique on any overcome rolls representing feats of strength.


Name has access to the following magical elements

Fire Element Illusion Element


Phase One

Ileana grew up never knowing her father, who was a minor noble in the Mollian court. Other children teased her, calling her a traitor’s daughter. As she grew older, she came to learn that her father was hung for treason, her mother refused to tell her the truth, that her father was framed by Fenrin. Ileana’s mother long suspected that her daughter was in fact sired by Fenrin in the guise of her husband. When Ileana reached her 14th year, her powers manifested, small at first, but increasing in intensity with her emotional state. Eventually rumors spread back to Fenrin, who sent men to collect Ileana. The trauma of being taken from her mother caused the most intense manifestation of her powers yet, killing the soldiers, her mother and burning down the Basarab manor.

Aspect: Hunted by Fenrin

Phase Two

After accidentally destroying her home, Ileana roamed the countryside. Fenrir wasted no time in spreading a campaign of lies about her, claiming her to be a demon spawn that intentionally destroyed her mother. Ileana had to steal to survive, using the forest to hide like so many thieves. Eventually she encountered Alkyne, who had been banished to the forest. The crossbowman tired to help the obviously endangered young girl, but she refused, not trusting anyone. Alkyne’s good nature would not allow him to stand by, however, and he continued to search out for her in forest. Eventually he found her, being threatened by bandits. Alkyne was outnumbered but fought on. He would have been overwhelmed but Illeana used her powers for the first time since Basarab manor, saving Alkyne Aspect: Lone Survivor

Phase Three

After the confrontation, Ileana asked Alkyne to give her some time to consider coming to Bloom-Harvest with him and Rassra. Returning to the countryside, she overheard some farmers talking of the battle in the forest. She then learned that the bandits were part of a larger organization called the Green Scar. Realizing the Green Scar would be out for revenge, she ran to find Alkyne, finding him and Rassra engaged with the bandits. She agrees to accompany the duo to Bloom-Harvest, but only after the have dealt with the Green Scar.

Aspect: Despises those that take advantage of the weak
