The Lonely Serpent

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Miracle Sheet

-"Aaron's Serpent"

  • sensualist
  • peaceful

-"But, now, they are all dead, and worse than dead, all but one, and the Serpent is Lonely once more." (Insertname)

-"Intelligence and counter-intelligence, sabotage, infiltration, that kind of thing" (AsgarZigel)

-"Drawn deeply into the war by being attacked and possibly even a bit more active than usual for their kind before that." (The Tim)

-"Being a giant snake never helps anyways" (Slybrarian)

-"Constantly moving, with lots of plans on the go but she doesn't necessarily get a lot of stuff done, moving on to a new project before finishing an old one centuries later." (JaneBond)

-"Just because she's returned to the Valde Bellum and made new Powers doesn't mean she's not planning to make more children again." (EnigmaticOne)

-"A charred femur pulled from a burn pile. An early hominid snaps the femur and smoke leaks out..." (MrPrim)


She has been many things to many people. Mother. Murderer. Savior. Spy. She collects names like a dragon collects treasures, and has been the most active Aaron's Serpent involved in the Valde Bellum since its inception. The Lonely Serpent crawls around the world, carrying her world-chancel within her body, swimming through the bones of the living and dead, billowing through the clouds of coal smog and cigarette smoke. She is subtle, wise, filled with foresight and venom, nursed over a lifetime of hardship and pain.

Of course, like any Serpent she would much rather coil up and sleep away the ages. But she has suffered too much, seen too much to ever rest. She is the embodiment of Motion, moving ever onward to the ultimate conclusion. Call her Mwg Hell, Sarff Unig, Hoso Pinco, Ediz Azag or Sola Colubrum. Call her the Mother of Dragons or the Subtle Snake. She is who she is, alive and primal in a way few other creatures in existence is. She is one of the firstborn of the World Ash and she fights to protect her parent as ruthlessly as she did to protect her lost children.