MI666-006:Ms. Word

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Ms. Word aka Erika Vocce Messenger Saboteur

Catalyst - Signal Jam
The Angel was sent to act as a switchboard, relaying messages from the God Machine to humanity. In this way, it shaped the information released, hiding Truths that were meant to be hidden, releasing Lies that needed to be told, shaping society with subtle missives, and relaying secret words to those in the know. But one day, it was given messages that directly contradicted each other. It was, simultaneously, told to reveal and obscure the same bits of information. In a screeching, terrible flash of insight and jagged mental paradox, the Angel tore free from its feedline, trying to make the feedback stop.


Concept: Mastermind/Signals Operator
Virtue: Secretive
Vice: In the Open
Primum: 2
Incarnation: Messenger
Agenda: Saboteur (Condition: An Eye for Disorder)

An Eye for Disorder
Beat: Gain a Beat when the character draws attention to herself by destroying, unsettling, or destabilizing a system.
Resolution: After performing an action intended to create chaos, the player enjoys a +3 bonus on the relevant Skill roll.


(7) Erika Vocce
Public Radio Show Host (Primary)
(?) Unfilled Cover slot.


Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 Intelligence 3 Wits 3 Resolve 1 Presence 3 Manipulation 4 Composure 2


Academics 3 (Cryptography)
Athletics 2
Expression 3 (Broadcasting)
Firearms 2
Intimidation 1
Investigation 3 (Interviews)
Politics 2
Persuasion 2 (Asking for favors, Keeping People Calm)
Socialize 3
Stealth 2
Subterfuge 3 (Keeping up appearances)



Diversion (Manipulation + Expression)
Fungible Knowledge (Wits + Academics)
Identity Theft (Manipulation + Subterfuge)
Meaningless (Manipulation + Academics)
Muse (Manipulation + Expression)
Tower of Babel (Manipulation + Socialize)


Play on Words (Presence + Expression + Primum)

Demonic Form


Electrical Sight (Intelligence + Composure)
EMP Field (Intelligence + Primum)
Sense the Angelic (Wits + Investigation)


Inhuman Beauty (Presence + Intimidation)
Clairvoyant Sight




Voice of the Angel (Presence + Expression + Primum)


Cover Merits: Erika

Striking Looks 2
Erika is gorgeous
Fame 1
Erika is a minor celebrity
Alternate Identity 3
Fiona Markersly, Public Relations

Demon Merits

Professional Training (Broadcasting) 3
9-again with Expression, Investigation, and Persuasion
2 dots of Contacts related in the field of broadcasting
Demon Cult 3
A select number of Erika's internet fandom believes she is sending them coded messages about demons. Some of them are even right.
Versatile Transformation 1
Partial Transformations only cost 1 Aether for every 2 manifested powers.