Brahnamins Characters - Trick

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Jr. Lieutenant Michael Kilpatrick :: Callsign - Trick


High Concept

  • Reckless to a Fault



Free Aspect

  • Born Under A Dark Star


  • Pilot

  • Tactics
  • Provoke

  • Gunnery
  • Notice
  • Rapport

  • Tech
  • Sneak
  • Fight
  • Shoot



  • I'm Not Touching You - As a full-phase action when on the tail of a flight of at least 2 ships or when a flight of at least two ships is on your tail, use Pilot to attack instead of Gunnery. This attack uses the Weapons rating of one of the other ships.
  • The Devil's Details - You gain +2 to attempts to create an advantage using Notice.


Other Statistics

Stress Track: [_] [_] [_] [_] [_]


  • Mild [2]:
  • Moderate[4]:
  • Severe[6]:

Refresh: 3

Personal Details

Born on Libris, Trick's childhood was not steeped in technology, but he quickly showed that he had a sharp mind and an aptitude for spacial recognition and interaction and an almost intuitive understanding of how things went together, how they connected. Even when no connection was apparent.

He was also prone to get into trouble. Prone to start trouble.

That didn't necessarily change much with his enlistment, but they kept him too busy and too focused for his penchant for trouble to find deep purchase. They also kept him exhausted with drills and training . . . and now the war.