The Gravediggers
The party name of Gravediggers has been registered for the party at the Guild Hall in Deepwood. It is a mixed band, an amalgam of a novice Ghostkiller band with a journeyman but ill-fated Slayer crew.
Guild Party Roles
Typical roles:
A ‘Metal’: a fighter armed with a free +1 weapon (your choice) and also free Weapon Specialisation Feat.
An ‘Opener’; a rogue with the usual abilities
A ‘Deadman’ : an undead /healing specialist who uses the knowledge and paraphernalia of a real cleric but (often) without actual devotion. They lose medium armour prof but are gifted a ‘habit of protection’ , a rough sackcloth robe that provides Wis bonus with light armour.
A ‘Sparky’; hedge wizard (non-upper caste) or sorcerer
A ‘Scout’: ranger
A ‘Berserk’: Tusk barbarian
A ‘Trickster’: bard (disapproved of by authorities due to their chaotic nature but tolerated in Guild bands). Make money on the side through performance .
Wizard/ Champion roles:
These ruling class elves/half-elves might be attached to a Guild band as penance, to gain experience or to learn about their Realm from the bottom up.
A ‘Prentice’ : a ruling-caste Wizard doing journeyman service. Gets a min of 12 in all characteristics to bolster rolls.
A ‘Squire’: a ruling-caste Champion (LN or LG paladin-type) doing penance or a page/squire who seeks the right to do Vigil.
Seven Angels roles:
A 'Chaplain’: an actual priest of the local Seven Angels (LG) religion, wearing a humble wooden shield, habit of protection (as ‘deadman’ above) and +1 holy spear, hammer or such-like. can only have humble gear and give money to local temples/poor. Gain a +1 mace, spear or axe of minor undead disruption (+1d6 versus undead)
Standard Adventurer races are human, halfling, dwarf or ‘Tusk’ (tusked orc-like brutes; only tolerated in Guild bands). Local dwarves mine Brightsilver, a valuable resource. Ruling-class types (Wizards and Champions) are elven or half-elven or (increasingly less frequently) human.
Yuck, Scout
Moyuk “Yuck” Hobgoblin “Scout”: Ranger (Dungeon Rover) 2 N
Character creation: 6#4d6k3 7 11 11 8 18 12……7 -> 12
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 11 Wis 11 Cha 8
Languages: Common, Tusk Darkvision 60’ +4 Stealth
HP: 20/20 AC: 18 BAB: +2 (Cleave)
Stalclub: +8, 1d10+8 (+7, 1d10+11), magic Dagger: +6, 1d4+4 (+5, 1d4+6) Dart: +4, 1d4+4
Fort 5 (6 vs disease) Will 0 Ref 5
Skills: 7/lvl Climb 2:9 (6) Craft (Traps) 1: Disable Device 2:7 (4) Handle Animal 0:1 Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1:4 Perception 2:5 (7 vs underground hazards) Stealth 2:11 (8) Survival 2:6 Swim 2:9 (6)
Feat: Power Attack -1 to hit, +2/+3 damage
Combat Style Feat: Cleave - If you hit, get another attack on adjacent target. -2 AC until next turn.
Trait: Trailblazer - While traversing any wilderness, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Survivalchecks, and gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against diseases.
Trait: Animalistic Affliction - You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal and wild empathy checks
Stone Scouting (Ex) A dungeon rover gains a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice underground environmental hazards, including traps, potential cave-ins, and dangerous flora. A dungeon rover receives a check to notice these hazards whenever he passes within 10 feet of them, whether or not he is actively looking.
Favored Enemy (Ex): Undead At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemiestable. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Vermin Affinity(Ex) +1 A ranger can improve the initial attitude of vermin. Diplomacy check rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. Additionally, a dungeon rover can influence oozes with a –4 penalty on his vermin affinity check.
Equipment: 250 Masterwork Breastplate 200 +2 Stalclub (“Cave-In”) 5 Dagger 2 Dart x4 2 Ranger’s kit: This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. 9 Grappling hook 1/250 Thieves tools 30
1 gp
a finely made pirate lute: Lute of marvellous playing: +2 to perform, can self-play tunes it becomes familiar with. Cursed?
- a posey of sweet smelling fruits
Background: Moyuk wasn’t cut out to be a marauding slaver, like most Tuskers. He was undisciplined, he liked playing with bugs, and then there was the stench. Oh my gods, the stench! Even among other unwashed brutes, he was a pariah. Eventually he was kicked out of the tribe, which suited him just fine.He fell into dungeon roving, working alone to find lost valuables. When the other PC’s came across him, it took some effort to convince them that he wasn’t just a wandering monster. His brute strength, and his experience with traps, made him an invaluable addition to the party. One of them called him “Yuck” for short, and the name stuck like yesterday’s breakfast.
Dasten, Opener
Dasten, TN Male Human Rogue (Unchained) 2 (a Sneak)
STR 11 (+0) | DEX 18 (+4) | CON 17 (+3) | INT 15 (+2) | WIS 14 (+2) | CHA 12 (+1)
Max HP: 21 | AC: 19 (Touch AC: 15) (Flatfooted: 14) | Initiative: +6
BAB: 1 | Hit dice: d8 | Movement: 30 | Size: Medium
Skills: 8 + INT (2) + 1 (Skilled) / level = 11/level
Acrobatics +9, Bluff +6, Climb +5, Disable Device +10 (+12 with masterwork thieves' tools), Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +8 (+10 for hiding small objects on his person with the pickpocket's outfit), Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +6
Saving Throws
Fort: 3 | Ref: 7 | Will: 2
Background Traits: Reactionary (+2 to initiative checks), Backstabber (+1 damage against flanked enemies)
Favored Class: Rogue (Unchained) (1/6 Rogue Talent)
Racial and Class Features: Bonus Feat, Skilled, Finesse Training, Sneak Attack (1d6), Trapfinding (+1 to Perception for traps and +1 to Disable Device), Evasion (take no damage on successful Reflex saves that normally allow half damage)
Rogue Talents: Weapon Training (Daggers)
Other Proficiencies & Languages: Simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. Can proficiently wear light armor. Dasten knows Common, Gnomish, and Sylvan.
Two-Weapon Fighting - Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6
Dodge - You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose the benefits of this feat.
Weapon Finesse - With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls.
Weapon Focus (Daggers) - You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Dagger of Returning +2 (+8, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, S or P, Light, Returning, 10ft Thrown)
Dagger +2 (+8, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, S or P, Light, 10 ft Thrown)
Shortbow (+5, 1d6, x3, P, 60ft)
Light mace x2 (+5, 1d6, x2, B, Light)
Sap x2 (+5, 1d6, x2, B, nonlethal, light)
Mithral Chain Shirt (+4 AC | Max +6 DEX)
Oil of keen edge (12 uses on a dagger)
Gear: Aside from his equipment on one bandolier, on his person Dasten wears a bandolier that holds a small steel mirror, three pieces of chalk, flint and steel, and earplugs. In his waist pouch he has his waterskin. He also slings a quiver of 20 arrows. In and strapped onto his masterwork backpack are 40 more arrows, a common lamp, a flask of lamp oil, a bedroll, a blanket, 50ft of silk rope, 50ft of string, a grappling arrow, a hammer, five pitons, a waterproof bag, a sack, four flasks, seven days of trail rations, a messkit, a bar of soap, a bar of rubbing charcoal, five sheets of parchment, a deck of cards, and his masterwork thieves' tools. He wears a pickpocket's outfit, seemingly normal clothing with several pockets sewn inside, and warm winter gloves. With the backpack, he carries a medium load. He has 1 brightsilver penny.
Backstory: Up to now, Dasten has only ever known the Slayer Guild and the guild adventurer life. His folks brought him into the guild the minute he was born, they died working for the guild (eaten by the undead), and the guild took on the responsibility of raising the poor lad up. After all, he wasn't going anywhere at his tender young age, so it was a safe investment in training. That said, though he unsurprisingly has deep ties in the Slayer Guild, "loyalty" is not quite the right way to put the relationship between him and the guild. Rather, he's never even considered that there might be more to life than completing jobs for the family, so to speak, and "appropriating" certain items for compensation along the way whenever a client came up short on the payment. Dasten had only been given the small potatoes so far, but the brass thought it was time for him to start on the real contracts. But the band they put him in, the Last Men Standing, was led by one of the Slayer's worst sorts, the kind who didn't give a fig for the risks. After the deadman boss took on yet another contract that seemed too suicidal and he and Dasten got into an argument, that was as far as that relationship went. The boss dined with the brass and soon after the guild kicked Dasten out of the Slayers altogether for insubordination, years of work for them notwithstanding. That was a few months ago. Now, though, he hasn't heard from them at all--and, damn, he liked some of the people in that Last Men, even if the boss was an ass. And more than that, he's down to his last coin since he's been out of work since. Now Dasten sets off to find them, or their bodies, and the silver they had hauled with them.
He has since joined up with the Ghostkillers Guild after their run-in with the necromancer priest Voyce.
Yona, Trickster
Name: Yona , Slayer Trickster
Player: Mindstalk
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 19
Class/Level: Bard 2
Alignment: Good
A tricksy survivor of the Last Men Standing, a generalist 'Slayer' band, where she worked with Dasten (the party Opener). When the LMS attacked the necromancer's castle, they were killed or captured by the necromancer's tusks. Their talltusk leader insisted that they keep Yona alive. She was held captive at the tusk's village , using her skills to win their trust and approval . Realizing she had been kept for slaughter for an annual feast, she escaped and ran for Deppwood town.
Pic: https://bravenewmoe.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/ending-card.jpg (big)
Personality: mix of playful or intense. Wins most staring contests. Bossy. Kind.
Siblings: maybe
Love interest: no
Languages: Common, Tusk, Elven troubadour
Abilities Strength 10 Dexterity 14/+2 Constitution 12/+1 Intelligence 14/+2 Wisdom 13/+1 Charisma 16/+3
Senses: Perception +5
Init: +2
HP: 15 AC: 17 (Touch 12 Flatfooted 13)
BAB: +1 CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Ref: +6 Will: +4
Special: +4 vs. bardic, sonic, or language dependent effects; re-roll 1 failed save/day (Second Chance trait)
Skills with ranks
Bluff: +7 Climb: +4 Diplomacy: +8 Intimidate: +7 Knowledge arcana: +7 Knowledge geography: +7 Knowledge history: +7 Knowledge local: +7 Knowledge nature: +7 Perception: (see combat) Perform (singing): +7 Sense Motive: +5 Spellcraft: +6 Stealth: +6 Use Magic Device: +7
Human Point-blank Shot 'You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.'
Level 1: Arcane Strike
xx Level 3 xx: Precise-Shot 'You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.'
Deft Dodge: +1 Reflex
Second Chance: re-roll failed save 1/day
Class Features A bard adds half her class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Bardic Performance (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage)
--Shortbow +2
--Mithral chain shirt
--Bard's kit
--Entertainer's outfit
--Traveler's outfit
--1000 + share of 23,000 haul brightsilver
Level 0 unlimited, DC 13
Message, Prestidigation, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Detect Magic
Level 1 4/day, [3 class, 1 Cha] DC 14
Silent Image, Cure light wounds, Auditory Hallucination
Malkin, Deadman
Str 11 (+0) Dex 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1) Int 12 (+1) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 16 (+3)
18 hps AC 19, 20 w/ shield (chain shirt +4, habit of protection +4) , Dex +1 Base Attack Bonus +1 Saves: Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +7
Melee shortspear: +1; 1d6 Masterwork Mace +2; 1d8 Ranged: light crossbow: +2, 1d6
Languages: Common, Angelic
Special: Aura, Channel Energy 1d6 Domains: Glory, Sun Spells : Level 0 (Orisons): 8 Level 1: 6+1 Suggested typical prayer list: Command, Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil, Dancing Lantern, Protection From Evil Domain spell: shield of faith
Turn Undead (DC14)
Blazing Channel (undead failing turn save are on fire)
Armour/weapon profs : simple weapons, light armor (med swapped for habit of protection)
Skills Ranks Spent:10/10 [Diplomacy 8: 2 ranks + 3 Cha + 3 class] [Heal 9 : 2 ranks + Wis + 4 class + 3] [Knowledge (Religion) 6 : +2 ranks + 1 Int + 3 class] [Sense Motive 9: + 2 ranks + 4 Wis + 3 class] [Perception 9 :+1 rank +1 trait + 4 Wis +3 class] [Spellcraft 5 :+1 rank +1 Int +3 class] Gold: 20 brightpennies remaining. Starts 160 (http://orokos.com/roll/696905)
Habit of Protection (+4 Wis bonus)
Chain shirt, small wooden shield, short spear, light crossbow, masterwork mace, bag of bolts, Pack, Guild Deadman Kit*, waterskin, books, pens, ink, candles, lamp, oil.
- has holy water, candles, holy symbols etc for cleric activities
Stake of Destruction +1/+3 vs Undead (+7/+9, 1d4+1/+3, 19-20/x2, S or P, light, 10 ft Thrown, one use of the Destruction ability if blessed by a bishop)
- Undead Destruction - on a successful attack, you may channel holy energy stored in the stake once against an undead creature. The creature must make a successful save against the turn attempt (DC based on the Turn Undead ability) or be destroyed.
Glory Domain Domain Spells: 1st—shield of faith, 2nd—bless weapon, 3rd—searing light, Touch of Glory (Sp): You can cause your hand to shimmer with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a standard action and give it a bonus equal to your cleric level on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. This ability lasts for 1 hour or until the creature touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll. You can use this ability to grant the bonus a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Sun Domain
Domain Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—heat metal, 3rd—searing light,
Sun’s Blessing (Su): Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.
Crew Money
23,500 brightsilvers
The Realm
“The Realm”: a temperate country bounded by mountains and forests. Ruled from central Palace City by benevolent-ish but stuffy elf and half-elf Wizards and their knightly Champions. Human and halfling mayors exercise power locally. The Realm recovered independence after a period of take-over by an alliance of Pirates, necromancers and Tusk warbands (the Pirate Conquest). The Champions can land a powerful band of knights (Champions) and Wizards by airboat at short notice, But they requite local militia nd wandering bands of Guild mercenaries to deal with lower level threats.
Dwarves work brightsilver mines, the precious commodity on which its economy depends. Brightsilver pennies are the local currency. The Yeoman caste of humans and halflings are encouraged to worship at the Temple of Seven Angels, a LG local religion with humbly attired priests.
The adventure started place at an isolated village in the Deepwood province. Skyboats seldom land here and the land still suffers with threats left over from the Pirate Conquest: undead, Tusks and monsters common to the world's wilds.[/QUOTE]
Story so far
The party has traveled to Deepwood town, there commissioned to go to the village of Threeangels where two previous parties had gone missing. The party realise that the local priest , a converted necromancer , has returned to his old ways and has been requesting Guild parties so as to murder them and build superior undead.
The present party has cleared a local graveyard of undead, then made a terrible failed raid on the castle where the priest-necromancer is ensconced. Now the necromancer has counter-attacked, sending his undead minions and tusks (hobgoblin-like humanoids...what is it with me and the repurposed humanoids? ) against the well-defended village. This time it’s the necromancer who’s screwed up as he’s lost about 70 minions and is in flight, pursued by Yuck (tusk Scout) and Dasten (Opener).
We only have two known Guilds at present- the generalist Slayers and the specialist Ghostkillers. If Yona is a member of the Last Men Standing, she is a Slayer guild member, with the role of Trickster. The role names appear to be the same across bands. The present party are Ghostkillers, but have already been joined by another member of the Last Men Standing, Dasten the Opener.
The Colour Bands
The oldest, usually high-level (5-6 in this setting) Guild bands have long histories that stretch back to beginning of Guild history. Many are named simply after colours; Red, Blue, etc.
Religions of the Conquest
During the Pirate Conquest, the pirates’ necromancer allies set up variations of their religion (the safer seeming Skull of Morbius and a scary cult, Ecstasy of Horror, closer to their real proclivities). The cults clearly still have adherents, like the false priest, long after the Pirates have been vanquished back to their city.
The Magnificent Library
The Magnificent Library stands in the City of Pirates. The Diamond Repository is a restricted chamber that only high-levels Necromancers’ can enter to consult their most treasured and mighty grimoires.
Guild Axe
An Exotic Weapon frequently wielded by Guild Metals. It has two heads and a spike -a Guild fighter can spin or turn the thing so as to be expertly able to deliver either Bludgeon (damage d6), Slash (damage d8) or Puncture (damage d6) as needed. The Gravediggers' Metal, Frost, has expertise in such a weapon.
As in older versions of D&D each of the six character levels has a name, depending on profession. In-world these labels are wielded as guesstimates of a Guilder’s experience and power.

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Rook | May lose this 'newb' title even during L1 |
2 | Swinger | |
3 | Guild Axe | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band |
4 | Champion | |
5 | Destroyer | Often poached at this level by Colour bands |
6 | Axe Saint | Famous/notorious even among Yeoman class peasantry |

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Punk | May lose this 'newb' title even during L1 |
2 | Sneak | |
3 | Guild Opener | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band; may receive special items |
4 | Assassin | |
5 | Shadow | |
6 | Ghost | These are rare; Assassins/Shadows tend to disappear on lone spy or assassination missions |

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Dude | May lose this 'newb' title even during L1 |
2 | Guide | |
3 | Guild Scout | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band; may receive special items |
4 | Master Tracker | |
5 | Ranger | Joins a distinctive lodge-carries out elite initiation with other Scouts |
6 | Green (or Delver) King |

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Novice | May lose this 'newb' title even during L1 |
2 | Mumbler | |
3 | Guild Deadman | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band; may receive special items |
4 | Exorcist | Many Deadmen of this rank are invited to join the Angel church |
5 | 'Bishop' | A fatuous title since the Deadman operating at this level has turned down offers of ordination; often they are hard-bitten bounty hunters |
6 | 'Cardinal' |

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Apprentice | May lose this 'newb' title even during L1 |
2 | Lantern | So -called as they tend to be most useful in functional magic (like light spells) |
3 | Guild Sparky | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band; may receive special items |
4 | Wizard/ Wiz | 'Wiz' in non-Guild company as ruling class Wizards find the association insulting |
5 | Arch-Wiz | |
6 | Guild Magus | Guilds often alot such high ranking Sparkies a tower or manse |

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Kwop ('Lad') | May lose this 'newb' title even during L1 |
2 | Crazy | |
3 | Guild Berserk | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band; may receive special items |
4 | Zog-Tak | ('Ogre Slayer' in Tusk) |
5 | Zog-Ka | ('Giant Slayer' in Tusk) |
6 | Zog Zog | ('All Slayer' in Tusk) |

Level | Guild Title | Notes |
1 | Busker | Main perceived function at lowest levels is to create goodwill among populations |
2 | Minstrel | |
3 | Guild Trickster | Undertakes Guild training; recognised by any Guild band; may receive special items |
4 | Troubador | |
5 | Bard | Can become embroiled in Champion/ Wizard court matters, especially if elven-blooded |
6 | Wonder Worker |