Brahnamins Characters - Lev
Jian van Jensen :: Ship's Captain
“Perhaps I can convince you to sleep on it?”

Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Drive | Fix | Know | Labor | Move | Notice | Perform | Shoot | Survive | Throw |
Ghost in the Machine: There ain't a system in the 'Verse you cain't crack.
- Code Monkey: You are a master at teaching old code new tricks - When you are altering or rewriting code on the fly, spend 1 PP to roll your Trick die and add it to your total on any Operate roll.
- Hacker Handle: It's not your name, but it's how folk know you where it matters - Replace your Operate die with a
on your next roll. If you are successful, gain a BDHD equal to that die's normal rating.
[Highlighted Skills: Operate/Sneak/Trick]
Small Ops Command: Sometimes a handful of bastards beats a platoon of beasts . . . particularly when those bastards are your bastards
- Natural Leader: You have a natural instinct for knowing what needs doing - When a member of your team directly follows one of your orders, spend 1 PP and give that team member an Asset equal to your Influence die rating
- Talk ‘em Down: You have some experience dealing with hotheads - When you try to defuse a charged situation, step up or double Influence. Take or step up a Complication to do both
[Highlighted Skills: Influence/Fight/Fly]
Former Doctor: You were a doctor once . . . a long long lifetime ago.
- Ghosts of the Past: You help people when you can. But sometimes you just cain't - Gain 1 PP when you can't bring yourself to help someone who needs medical attention
- Little Favors: You've fixed up a lot of folk who might not have made it otherwise. Grateful hearts remember and are ready to do what they can to repay you - Spend 1 PP to create a
Asset to represent a favor you can call in
[Highlighted Skills: Influence/Operate/Treat]
Signature Assets 

Horse Tranq Hypospray Farm Grade Hypospray for administering large doses of Tranquilizer through physical contact.
Alliance Cortex Implant Computer Implant with full wireless access. Can be used to link with any local system. Relays directly to visual cortex and inner ear. No visible externals.
- Back Door When you stare into the abyss . . . the abyss stares back. You can use your implant to suss out back doors into systems by hard-linking your system to theirs. Create the
complication Hard-Linked to step up or double Operate when infiltrating electronic systems.
Scene/Episode Assets
Character Concept: Practical Pacifist/Always in the Thick of Things.
Role: Ship's Doctor/Medic
Home planet: Sihnon
Religion: Buddhist[ish]
Age: 38
Height: 170cm
Weight: 70kg
First Impressions: Jian is short and wiry, with a mix of Asian and Caucasian features. He keeps his hair buzzed and wears a short goatee, has dark eyes and a quiet, unassuming voice. On ship or station, he is almost always found in ship's coveralls festooned across the arms, legs, and torso with myriad pockets in which he keeps all the tools of his trade handy.