Brahnamin's Characters - Lev

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Dimitri Lev :: Infiltration Specialist


Attributes d6Arrow03.png

Physical d8 || Mental d10 || Social d6

Trained Skills d6Arrow03.png

Fight d6

Fly d6

Influence d10

Notice d8

Operate d12

- Infiltrate Systems d6

Shoot d10

Sneak d6

Trick d10

- Misdirection d6

Untrained Skills d4

| Craft | Drive | Fix | Know | Labor | Move | Perform | Survive | Throw | Treat |

Distinctions d8

Ghost in the Machine: There's not a system in the 'verse that you cain't hack into when you've got a need.

Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
Code Monkey: You are a master at teaching old code new tricks - When you are altering or rewriting code, spend 1 PP to roll your Trick die and add it to your total on any Operate roll.

[Highlighted Skills: Notice/Operate/Trick]

Old Leather Jacket: You wear your jacket like a uniform. Folk almost don't recognize you without it.

Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
Talk ‘em Down: Your jacket lends you an air of authority - When you try to defuse a charged situation, step up or double Influence. Take or step up a Complication to do both

[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Fly/Sneak]

Former Sec-Ops: Body armor or bogus creds, you know how to get where you ain't meant to get.

Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP

[Highlighted Skills: Influence/Operate/Shoot]

Signature Assets d6Arrow03.png

CyberWear™ Specialist Jacket d8 This replica of the rugged leather outerwear worn by independent sec-ops during the war comes complete with its own built in processors featuring a full cortex suite, variable frequency bandwidth, and broad spectrum wireless access as well as universal jack ports for the fashionable ex-military scoundrel hacker on the go.

Jack Boot: You can use your processors to forcibly overpower security protocols. When you physically jack into an electronic system, step up or double Operate on your next roll to infiltrate that system. 1s and 2s count as jinxes.

Cybernetic Limbs d8 Your hands don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about. After all, that's how they were engineered.
[Special: Lev's cybernetics extend fist to shoulders on both sides]

Crowd Control d6 Prized for its unparalleled stopping power, this medium-barrel pistol was favored by Independent Specialists during the war.
[Special: Loaded with non-lethal rubberized riot-rounds unless otherwise noted]

Diceless Assets

Independence Officer's Sidearm: Whether from sentiment or practicality, you held on to your personal weapon after the war.
[Special: Loaded with rubberized crowd-control riot-rounds unless otherwise noted]

Scene/Episode Assets


Home planet: Londinium

Religion: None

Age: 38

Height: 185cm

Weight: 90kg

A small-ops specialist in the war, Lev lost both his arms attempting to defuse a pulse mine, and given the choice between a ticket home or an untested experimental procedure, he opted to get new arms and keep fighting for what he believed in. It was a choice that would serve him well.

Despite people constantly trying to kill him to death, his time with the Independents taught him a compact suite of brutally marketable skills.

When the war ended, Lev took those skills freelance and never looked back.

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