Ronin Schools

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Using the Otokodate in 3rd Edition

Way of the Wolf introduced everyone to the concept of the otokodate, or 'warrior brotherhood' of the Ronin. And, while these Techniques were pretty damn cool, in order to use them you had to 'pay to be one of the cool kids'. Well, that just isn't right. So here, in this space, I'm going to turn the original brotherhood techniques into Rank Techniques. These Techniques may be taken by an ronin. However, unlike the Ronin Techniques set out in the Core rules, you may not switch from one band to the other willy-nilly. Once you take the first technique of any brotherhood, you must take all other available techniques before transferring to a generic Ronin school. --Daermon 21:08, 15 Jul 2005 (PDT)


The Broken Guard

The Eyes of Nanashi

The Forest-Killers

The Machi-Kanshisha

Scales of the Carp

Sword of Yotsu

The Tessen

The Weavers


Cult of the Blood-Red Moon

The Fortune's Grace

The Order of Isashi