Save Game: Fight the Zeroes!:Rocky

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The protagonist of a “joke” game that was released to unexpected success, the Rock King (called Rocky, the game’s developers never gave him a “proper” name) suffers from being the native of a game that was never fully beta tested.

The head of a convey of trucks and other big vehicles, Rocky and the citizens of the equally unnamed “Rock Kingdom” that has been destroyed by Lord Doom (cardboard cutout bad guy in sinister-looking armour) and his minions, drive the open road, Mad Max style, fighting off all sorts of weird enemies, most of whom are also driving/piloting vehicles of some sort, ending up in the epic jousting-style fight between Lord Doom’s “flying truck o’ doom” and Rocky’s vehicle

Appearance: looks like a Medieval War series style medieval king that’s carrying an electric guitar.


High Concept: Truck-Driving Rock King

Trouble: Beta

Aspect: Hamster-Lion of the Gods (add furry wings for added weirdness) Hamster-Lion

Aspect: Mystic Guitar

Aspect: The Castle Monster Truck


+3: Run

+2: Jump, Shoot

+1: Block, Fix Punch


Run that Body Down

unlocks the Attack action for Run

Jumpin’ Jack Flash

Jump upgrade. +2 jumping over obstacles

Guitar Town

Unbeatable for Shoot: lets you automatically create an aspect with two free invokes