Randal in the Vulsara Galaxy
The Planet Randal is in the outer Perseus Arm of the Alpha Quadrant of the Vulsara Galaxy
- A medium sized M class planet circling a small G type yellow star. .
- One of 12 orbital bodies in its solar system.
- Habitable within human tolerable range.
- Dynamic mountain ranges. One large land mass, many archipelagos with large islands.
- Officially under the authority of the Vulsar Base Star Fleet of the Kingdom of Amber.
- It is not a member planet of the federation
- Listed as reasonably lawful and approved for Shore Leave for Star Fleet ships but is far from normal commercial routes.
- Randal is governed by a civilian Quadcameral Parliament each section of which elects two Representatives to an Administrative Council.
The Tricam
- Governor's Board
- Tourism Board
- Industry Board
- Populace Board
Tentar Associates
Tentar was originally the Small Star Ship and interplanetary freight ship construction divisions of Randal Corp. Denton "Tenten" Tentar was a managing director when the Randal Corp abandoned the facilities. One of the few Randal executives who remained on planet when the company abandoned its ties to it. With the remaining personnel he managed to refocus remaining facilities in the Landas region into the production of land vehicles and space shuttles.
New Randal Industries
NewRanCorp manages small scale personal Replicator services.
Gretilion Industries
Delwin Gretilion brought a large space based repair station of unknown origin and parked it outside the orbit of this world. Soon ships from all over the quadrant were coming for ship repairs and visiting the planet during the time required.
Neural Processing Units
Individuals serve as Neural Processors and receive substantial funds. They are linked into a complex computer system using their brains ans high speed processing units. They are intravenously fed and hydrated and physically maintained.
High Adventure
Hiking, camping, mountaineering.
These locations have various levels of oversight from guided excursions to unsupervised and unmarked trails.
Race Tourism
Race Tourism has been a staple of Randal since its early beginnings. Almost anything is raced but the most popular are horse racing and motorcycle racing.
Race venues
- Tranas Sky Ring: Hover and Zipp Speeders. Z-Class Hover Pods.
- Cala's Dustup: A desert venue with 30 different flat and rugged dirt tracks for motorcycles, tricycles and Fat Carts.
- Zembala Grand Arena: A stadium with 5 separate race venues for cafe motorcycle racing, flat track, Drag Race, and Figure Course races. Zembala has the best quality of rider services and housing.
- Tentar Duels: The City of Tentar. A Arena of wear resistant tracks for variety of motorcycles. Features 23 different Figure 5 tacks. 15 minor tracks with up to 2000 seating stands, 5 majors with 10,000 seating, and 2 championship Figure 5 courses with 20,000 seating, and one Main COurse with seating for 40,000. Planetary Figure 5 Championships occur here.
Figure 5 Course
Among the most popular motorcycle, Zipp and Hoverpod race formats. 4 rings, surround a center ring. Starting on the Center ring the riders are directed left or right at each of the 4 intersections causing the riders to risk crashing into each other. Green or Red Lights tell the rider which left or right course to take. Races take 50,75 and 100 Circles and the winner is the first to complete that number.
The Fig 5is one of the most popular formats on Randal. It is televised regularly and expereinced riders can build a strong fan base.
Hotel and Casinos
Many climes have beaches and diving. Casino hotels are popular for tour groups and personal explorations.
Amateur and Professional Sport
Professional Sports facilities participating in local and Federation athletics. Has not hosted a Galactic Olympics despite repeated bids.
- Football
- Baseball
- Freses Square
- Team Tennis
- Volley Ball
Combat Sports
- Star fleet prohibits Death Sports although some sports are fairly dangerous. But since Randal is not technically a Federation planet it does have active combat sports.
- Medieval Jousts.
- Knife fighting.
- Armored Melee. Fierarms tag.
Warrior Core
Warrior Core and Lord Gladiators Association
Topology and Location
Randals entry in the “Hitchhiker's Guide to The Federation Galaxy"
- Randal: Reasonably small M type Planet around a boring G Type Star.
- Recommendations: Currently a recreation and Shore Leave planet outside the fashionable circles of the Galaxy. Popular with race enthusiasts, gamblers, layabouts and those on the lamb.
“The planet was called Randal, though originally it was a Ferengi world, and had been sold during the early years of Ferengi/ Federation contact to the old Randal Corporation which intended to transfer all its holdings and manufacturing to a world outside the Federation's legal control. It had worked well enough that the Randal Corp had moved a million people and a material for constructing orbital ships and low orbital private crafts and a wide range of land vehicles.”
"In 2509 A Singularity passing in the region of spae near Randl lightly tapped its atmosphere, removing all but 5% and greatly ravagin the northern edge of the main continent."
"The Federation stepped in and restored the atmospher of the world but the bills were staggering. Afterwards the fines and fees were enough that the Corporation all but walked away from the world. They declared it an independent planet, established a puppet government, transferred all the debts to its treasury and abandoned it to its own fortunes. The grateful settlers, misunderstanding the situation, kept the planet's name out of gratitude.”
“The government, mostly comprised of lawyers, middle managers, layabouts, and sportsman, billed the world as a vacation spot with rugged adventure locations, extensive athletic and sports facilities. They built dirt tracks to race anything they could find and soon it became a squalid world of gamblers, layabouts, race enthusiasts and people dropped off here when their passage money on civilian passenger ships ran out. The world became popular with the kind of people with no place to go and not enough money to go anyplace else anyway”
"In 2521 Delwin Gretilion , a space pirate of the Resarian Realm, brought a “Starship Repair Station of unknown origin” to Randal and parked it in orbit. He hired people to spend a month as some kind of ah.. no idea what this means ..-Neural Processing Unit- He paid them enough to live on planet for a year it seems. Soon ships from all over the quadrant were being brought here and repaired, upgraded, and otherwise empowered. In time he set up connected repair stations on the planet and began repairing everything, and the government paid for it all.”
“Soon this Gretilion repaired several replicator plants. Refuse was collected, used by the units to build things, and power the replicator plants. The Neural Processing Units business was booming and only a week a year was needed from each volunteer but the payout remained the same. Refuse was traded for replicator charges and in a decade the place was cleaned up. Apparently there were also some rather bloody purges and duels.. The details are murky. However the race tracks had stadiums built around them, a few hotel chains refurbished slums, and the planet began attracting a less desperate clientèle. In a decade the place was back on the star routes and had become a legitimate vacation destination for weary star faring peoples.”
"Attractions include Hunting medium and big mammals and extensive fishing opportunists. It is on the list of all race specialties and hosts many interplanetary leagues."
"Various balance formats of motorcycles and zipp speeder racing is extremely popular. Figure 5 Course racing may have originated on Randal and remains its most popular race sport.'
"Warrior Core and Lord Gladiators Association participates on Randal and generally use the 10 Called Rule format.'
"Its rugged northern continent, the largest land mass on the planet, Is filled with adventurous mountain ranges from 3000' to 19,000'. Gretillion Vale is at 18,000' and has access to Mountain climbing peaks as high as 22,000' and guided Environmental Suit tours to the top of Mount Ranadl Corp at 31,000' feet. "