The Renegades: The Brain

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Main Page Notes and Story Record


Abilities:Samra Feris is smartest person in the sector by a wide margin. His brain buzzes with possibilities and designs that would take a lesser engineer decades to develop, and he can perform mathematical calculations at a speed that leaves planet-sized supercomputers in the dust.

  • Hyper-intelligence: Samra's mental capacity outstrips almost any attempt at measuring it. His intellect defies qualification; it cold be called once in a century only if one understands just how many minds are born in a galaxy in a century. Among all of those tens of quintillions, Samra is clearly the top.
  • Fractal Limbs: Samra has replaced his natural arms and legs with prosthetics that have breath-taking ability to adapt and change. They can provide him with almost any tool or measuring device conceivable but they require an intellect of his caliber to maintain their
  • Gadgets Samra's brain cannot stop working. For him, inventing reality-bending wonders is as natural as breathing. It's a point of pride that he doesn't use the same trick twice and he always has something new to test out.

Moment of Truth

Sooner or later, all the super powers, elite training, and experience are helpless in the face of evil or disaster. That’s when somebody like you, gifted as you are with a peerless intellect, can rise to the occasion. Your plan, your invention, or your lightning-fast thought processes save the day, in a way no one else could have foreseen. Of course, after you’ve shown how different you are from them, that distance between you and the others is now that much greater. And the world is only going to pull you farther apart...

Lables Rating
Danger +0
Freak +1
Saviour +1
Superior +2
Mundane -1


[ ] Afraid (-2 to Directly Engage a Threat)

[ ] Angry (-2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask)

[X] Guilty (-2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation)

[ ] Hopeless (-2 to Unleash Your Powers)

[ ] Insecure (-2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence)

Team Moves

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if they felt they could have done it without you. If they say yes, give Influence to them and mark a condition. If they say no, they give Influence to you.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, hold 2. Spend the hold 1-for-1 to clear a condition or add 1 Team to the pool when you are with them.


Logical Angle: When you comfort or support someone by rationally pointing out their mistakes so they can do better next time, roll + Superior instead of + Mundane. If they do not open up to you, mark a condition.

Always Prepared: When you have a chance to restock your supplies, hold up to 2-gadgets. When you unleash your powers by producing a brand new minor invention or gadget from your supply, spend 1-gadget and roll + Superior. When you reach 0-gadgets, mark a condition.

Tactical Genius: When you point out the obvious flaw in a known foe’s plan, roll + Savior. On a hit, you’re right, and another teammate (your choice) can take advantage; they get +1 ongoing to act on your information. On a 7-9, pick one:

  • You missed something important. The GM will tell you what.
  • You look like a showoff. Your chosen teammate takes Influence over you, and you lose Influence over them.
  • You make your teammates feel like little more than pawns. Your chosen teammate marks a condition.

On a miss, you’ve played into your enemy’s hands; watch the trap spring.


  • I told Omen about my shame and asked him for his confidence.
  • I wish I could be a better hero, more like Magnetar.


Who has Influence over me...

  • Magnetar

The Brain's Shame

You have a deep and abiding sense of guilt for something you have created or had a hand in creating. It could have been something you invented when you first came into your genius, or something you set into motion that you no longer have the power to stop. It may even be something beyond your ability to achieve again, this once-in-a-lifetime creation. Just as you are a world-class intellect, your shame is a world-class problem. Whatever the case may be, your role in its creation is not publicly known...yet. What is your shame?

❑ A prototype AI ❑ A cosmic phenomenon ❑ A catastrophic weapon ❑ A dangerous chemical ❑ A living monstrosity ❑ An altered former ally

Whenever you are confronted with your shame, either mark a condition or shift Superior down and Danger up. If your shame is an NPC, they can never lose Influence over you. At the end of every session, answer the question:

• Did you take steps to make amends for your shame?

If the answer is yes, mark potential. If the answer is no, give Influence to one of your teammates.


When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.

  • [] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [] Take another move from your playbook.
  • [] Take a Sanctuary from the Doomed playbook.
  • [] Take Drives from the Beacon playbook.
  • [] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label.
  • [] Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label.
  • [] Unlock your Moment of Truth.

When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.

  • [] Unlock your Moment of Truth after it’s been used once.
  • [] Confront your Shame on your terms; if you survive, change playbooks.
  • [] Take an adult move.
  • [] Take an adult move.
  • [] Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice.
  • [] Become a paragon of the city for however long you have left.