Boldly Going: Chief Medical Officer

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Lieutenant Commander Micheal Chan

Chief Medical Officer

Primary Stats

Traits Human Stress 15 Bonus Damage ?
Attributes # Disciplines # Focuses
Control 10 Command 3 Emergency Medicine
Daring 9 Conn 1 Xenobiology
Fitness 8 Security 4 Cybernetics
Insight 12 Engineering 2 Diplomacy
Presence 7 Science 1 Survival
Reason 10 Medicine 5 Empathy


  • [Bold] Medicine - Whenever you attempt a Task with Medicine, and you buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll a single d20.
  • First Response - Whenever you attempt the First Aid Task during combat, you gain a bonus d20. Further, you may always Succeed at a Cost, with each Complication you suffer adding +1 to the Difficulty of healing the patient’s Injury subsequently.
  • Resolute - You are indomitable, and unwilling to succumb to adversity. You increase your maximum Stress by 3.
  • Empath - You can sense the emotions of most living beings nearby, and can communicate telepathically with other empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom you are extremely familiar. You cannot choose not to sense the emotions of those nearby, except for those who are resistant to telepathy. It may require effort and a Task to pick out the emotions of a specific individual in a crowd, or to block out the emotions of those nearby. Increase the Difficulty of this Task if the situation is stressful, if there are a lot of beings present, if the target has resistance to telepathy, and other relevant factors.


  • Learn what you can, where you can, how you can
  • If you must do harm, make it count
  • Openness begets openness
  • Give a man a chance and he'll show you his worth


  • Phaser, Type 2 [7] Charge
  • Unarmed Strike [5] Knockdown, Nonlethal

Environment & Upbringing

Isolated Colony/Starfleet

Michael Chan grew up on a barren outpost on the dark edge of nowhere, a Starfleet quarantine facility specifically geared towards studying extremely volatile medical hazards in isolated conditions.

Starfleet Academy

Officer/Sciences Track

When Michael came of age and passed all his entry exams, he joined the Starfleet Academy and completed the bulk of his training on the Earth campus. Socially, it was a huge culture shock, which Michael dealt with primarily by burying himself in his studies.

Alien biology and artificial enhancements became chosen specialties.

Career Events

Special Commendation/Recruited to Starfleet Intelligence

During his first deployment, Michael successfully treated an odd outbreak on his ship that should never have happened given the supposed conditions on board. The crew was exposed to an alien virus that was later determined to have been introduced by sabotage. As a result, Michael received a very public commendation for recognizing the strain for what it was and catching it in time to save lives.

Privately, he was approached by a man who didn't exist and asked to do a job that didn't exist. He is still doing that job aboard the Endeavor.


Michael is a short, lean man with close cropped hair and clean shaven face, and typically moves a lot, fidgeting and burning nervous energy. If it wasn't for that, he might fade into the woodwork altogether.


Michael is mostly an easy going guy, soft spoken and unobtrusive, but he can be firm and unyielding when it comes to dispensing his medical expertise.

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