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This is your ability to search for hints and to seek the truth.


Ability Charisma
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes; see below
Concentration Yes

Description: You can force an NPC to give you information that he wants to keep secret. It takes time to make someone talk, and you may need to negotiate some advantages for your opponent against the information. Check: You must beat an opponent Will resistance. A failure means that the opponent won't talk or will lie if he has an attitude of unfriendly or worse. You can make a Sense Motive check to detect if your opponent is lying. If you succeed, the opponent will answer truthfully to one question Interrogation rank.

Your Interrogation check is modified by your opponent attitude ranks toward you.

Total Success: You double the number of question you can ask. Total Failure: The opponent loose one attitude ranks toward you. Action: A full interrogation takes time, but you can make a quick interrogation to get one important pieces of information. A quick interrogation is quicker, but you can only ask one question to your opponent.

The time depends on the attitude of your opponent.

Attitude Full Quick
Hostile 8 hours 8 minutes
Unfriendly 4 hours 4 minutes
Indifferent 2 hours 2 minutes
Friendly 1 hour 1 minute
Helpful 30 minutes 30 seconds

Try Again: Yes, but it takes time for each check. Each time you take a retry, your opponent loose one attitude ranks towards you. For a quick interrogation, there is no retry possible unless you are doing a full interrogation to get the information.


Ability Intelligence
Action Long
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes; see below
Concentration No

Synergy: Survival

Description: You have keen perception that allows you to notice specific things that other people might miss.

Check: You generally must be within 10 feet of the object or surface to be searched. You need one check for a 5-foot-by-5-foot area. The table below gives DCs for typical tasks involving the Search skill.

Task Search DC
Ransack a chest full of junk to find a certain item 10
Notice a typical secret door or a simple trap 20
Find a difficult trap 21 or higher
Notice a well-hidden secret door 30
Find a footprint Varies1

1A successful Search check can find a footprint or similar sign of a creature's passage, but it won't let you find or follow a trail. See the Survival Track feat for the appropriate DC.

Total Failure: You find something that you found interesting but have absolutely nothing to do with what you are searching for. This only make you lose some time.

Sense Motive

Ability Wisdom
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes; see below
Concentration No

Synergy: Diplomacy Description: This skill is your ability to discover the motives behind a person action. This allows you to discover when someone is avoiding the truth, lying or when someone is up to something.

This skill also allows assessing someone’s trustworthiness, sense manipulation and discovering secret message.

Check: To discover someone motives or assess his trustworthiness, you must beat the opponent Wits.

Sense Manipulation: You can tell that someone's behavior is being influenced by another person. This person is maybe acting some way because someone his menacing him or someone he loved or he may be under some mental influence. The usual DC is 25, but if the target does something really out of character, the DC is only 15.

Discern Secret Message: You may use Sense Motive to detect that a hidden message is being transmitted via the Innuendo skill. In this case, your Sense Motive check is opposed by the Innuendo check of the character transmitting the message. For each piece of information relating to the message that you are missing, you take a -2 penalty on your Sense Motive check. On a success, you know that something hidden is being communicated, but you can't learn anything specific about its content. If you have a total success, you intercept and understand the message. On a total failure, you think you have intercepted a message whatever there was on or not and information in the message are misleading.

Action: Trying to gain information with Sense Motive generally takes at least 1 minute, and you could spend a whole evening trying to get a sense of the people around you.

Try Again: No.