Wyrd of the Wanderer - Chargen
The folk of the Clans (and most of the Empire) are human, and so the PCs for this game will be human. I don't have a particular meatworld culture or ethnicity that I am modeling the clans on. As far as I'm concerned that can vary from clan to clan and you can decide for yourself your character's appearance.
Culturally, the clans are tribal and led by a hierarchy of warlords and shamans. A governing body made up of the eldest shamans from each individual clan, known as the Clanclave, makes overreaching decisions for the Clan as a whole.
For flavor, I've changed the names of the base attributes. I don't mean for this to sow confusion; I just want to set the tone and actively set the folk of the Clan apart from the Empire.
As in the RAW, each attribute starts at 1d4, but players have 8 points rather than 5 to raise these stats (to a maximum of d12) at a cost of 1 point per raise. This is meant to model the intrinsic difference between the Clan and folk of the Empire based on the demands of their daily lives.
- Savagery (formerly Strength)
- Reflexes (formerly Agility)
- Grit (formerly Vigor)
- Cunning (formerly Smarts)
- Wyrd (formerly Spirit)
Derived Stats
- Charisma 0 + Edge modifiers (if any)
- Pace 6 (+1d6 if running)
- Parry 2 + 1/2 Fighting + applicable Weapon/Shield bonus
- Toughness 2 + 1/2 Grit (Vigor) + Armor
Skills start at 1d4 instead of 0 as in the RAW. This is mostly because I don't want to fuss with the -2 penalty etc in a PBP game. We're starting at Seasoned rank, so I'm giving everyone 20 points instead of 15 to raise skills. If your skill is equal to or lower than the primary attribute associated with it it costs 1 point per raise. Once you go to raise a skill above the primary attribute associated with it, it costs 2 points to raise. Skills can be raised to a maximum of 12.
Driving and Piloting are not skills you can take because no motor vehicles or planes; (I could have tacked driving on to carriages and the like, but I didn't see that as a viable skill for wilderness barbarians. If anyone has a burning desire to take that option, talk to me).
Additionally, Mechanisms is replacing Lockpicking and basically covers locks and traps and other small or intricate manmade gizmos. First Aid replaces Healing just to make it different in my head from Powered Healing. And Craft [+Focus] replaces Repair in that that just made more intuitive sense to me.
Finally, skills with an asterix* after the skill name are considered +2 skills for clan folk to model their closeness with nature.
- Boating (Reflexes)
- Climbing* (Savagery)
- Craft [+Focus] (Reflexes): Woodworking, Stonemasonry, Smithing, etc
- Fighting (Better of Reflexes or Savagery)
- First Aid [Replaces Healing] (Cunning)
- Gambling (Cunning)
- Intimidation (Grit)
- Investigation (Cunning)
- Knowledge [+Focus] (Cunning): Note – Imperial Trade tongue is considered common knowledge as is birth Clan and Clanclave. High Imperial and other more exotic languages require Knowledge [Language].
- Mechanisms [Locks and Traps] (Reflexes)
- Notice (Better of Cunning or Wyrd)
- Persuasion (Wyrd)
- Riding* (Reflexes)
- Shoot (Reflexes)
- Stealth (Reflexes)
- Streetwise (Cunning)
- Survival* (Better of Cunning or Wyrd)
- Swimming* (Reflexes)
- Taunt (Cunning)
- Throw* (Reflexes)
- Tracking* (Cunning)
As stated in the House Rules section, feel free to take them for RP flavor, but not worth points, primarily to avoid bogging down PBP gameplay.
Characters will begin with 6 Edges (A human with full complement of hinderances allowed in the RAW for points would start with 3 edges and gain the opportunity to gain 3 more by the time they reached 20xp).
Additionally, all characters have one instance of Wyrd Adept [see below] (they can buy others if they have free edges to choose). If an edge is available, it’s extended/advanced versions are available as well, but I'm not listing all of those.
Note: Clan characters start play at 20xp and as such meet the requirements for edges with the Seasoned prerequisite.
Player’s Options:
- You may exchange one edge to advance one attribute by one die (to a max of d12).
- You may exchange any number of edges to increase any one skill that is at or above its related attribute by one die -or- two skills that are below its related die type.
(You may not exchange your Wyrd Adept edge.
For various reasons, the following Edges are not available: Background - Noble, Quick, Rich; Combat - First Strike (because initiative changes/PBP headaches), Giant Killer, Rock and Roll; Powered - None are available because of the power houserules; Professional - Ace, Adept, Champion, Cartographer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, and Wizard (These are exclusively Imperial edges. They might be earned later through experience, but it will take some legwork), Mr. Fix-it; Social Edges and Weird edges are all available; Wildcard Edges are not available since we are not using cards; Legendary Edges are being left off for now because they go beyond the immediate scope of starting this game.