Squiggit the Magnificent

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A character in What Was Once Lost.


Squiggit the useless, Squiggit the pitiful, Squiggit the Mundane was the ugly duckling of his clan. His father a mythical Cobbler, able to shift forms and cast spells. His mother a Cobbler too, his brothers and sisters likewise, all 6 of them.

All of them creatures of myth and magic, folklore and fearful mumblings among the folks of isolated villages. But Squiggit was no cygnet in disguise, nope, he was every bit as painfully unremarkable as he appeared.

A mortal Goblin born to a family of creatures of magic. Squiggit the Mundane was the laughing stock you'd expect him to be. Not merely among the Cobblers, but the Bogies, and Boggarts, and Toadstools and all the like. They had no place for the powerless in their Fae games.

Squiggit took their malicious abuse in spades over his entire childhood. Then one day, having seen a raiding party of Brodkil, and knowing some small amount of their ways from observation he went in search of some of the head cans their strongest warriors seemed to have.

Everyone close by knew some small amount about the chop shops and the neurodocs they took everyone from the pathetic to the powerful and made them Titans! They gave powers the likes of which mortals could not comprehend. Power enough to drive men mad, but Squiggit was no mere man. He knew his superior will could hold off any deleterious effects.

So he gathered up his family's treasures, veils of tears, cloaks of spider's silk, spears of moonlight and took these wonders to a Cyberdoc of some iffy repute to trade for his elevation to godhood!

Sure enough he was transformed. Serving in a local army some time insulated him from the worst of reprisals from his Fae kin, but they always found some way to spite him. He in turn added to his growing journal of grudges against their entire kind.

When the Juicer Uprising happened he found himself with a golden opportunity, his employer wished him to sell the wonders of M.O.M to those burning out on the Juice. To say it did not go according to plan would be an understatement.

To say Squiggit's useful contributions to matters were sabotaged by his elder brother Mergit, 6th son of a 7th son (yes he insists on that ridiculous title) would be an understatement.

Mortal affairs mattered nothing to the Fae and they would happily see them die to bring their errant sibling begging back to them like he ought to. But in the massive death toll Squiggit was able to Disguise himself as a human child and flee the entire messy scene.

Now finding what work he can under his usual alias of Simon the City Rat urchin he has stumbled onto quite the plum job for a genius Techno Wizard who saw immediately through his facade to the cunning beneath it.

Digging up some human junk for money? Easy life…



  • Agility-d10
  • Smarts-d8
  • Spirit-d6
  • Strength-d10
  • Vigor-d10


  • Athletics-d4
  • Common Knowledge-d4
  • Persuasion-d4 (-2 generally/ -4 with Dwarves or CS Citizens)
  • Shooting-d8
  • Notice-d6
  • Fighting-d10
  • Survival-d4
  • Stealth-d10
  • Research-d6
  • Psionics-d6
  • Language (Gobbley)-d6
  • Language (Fae Speech)-d4

Derived Stats

  • Pace 16" (Run d8)*
  • Toughness: 12 (5)
  • Parry: 7 (9 if I see it coming)
  • Size -1


  • Quick
  • Rapid Recharge (ISP)
  • Giant Killer
  • Common Bond
  • Arcane Background-Psionics


  • Monologuer (Major)
  • Overconfident
  • Enemy (Minor)- Fae in general
  • Vengeance (Minor)- As above
  • Cybernetics: Crazies suffer −1 to

Psionics per point of Strain

  • Distinctive Appearance: The

protrusions from the skull alone mark a Crazy for what she is. Most also indulge in tattoos, body piercings, and other means of declaring themselves to the world.

  • Magic: M.O.M. implants jumble the mind in such a way as to make the use of magic impossible.
  • Needs Action: Crazies live in a constant state of heightened adrenaline and awareness, even those suffering from depression cannot escape the feeling. During particular slow periods, the Game Master may call for a Spirit roll. Failure means the Crazy gains −1 Persuasion as she

becomes irritable and impatient. She also suffers a −1 to all Trait rolls from the distraction of her frenzied mind, until some kind of high alert status or action kicks in.


ISPs: 10

  • Detect/Conceal Arcana
  • Disguise
  • Divination

Special Abilities

  • Infravision- The creature detects and “sees” heat, either through eyes or other

sensory organs. This allows it to halve penalties for bad lighting when attacking creatures that radiate he

  • Losing it- gains the effects of being Berserk (as per the Edge). This can be done at will, as an action. While he is Losing It, the Crazy is Fearless (see Monstrous Abilities in Savage Worlds), making her immune to Fear and Intimidation. While in this state, he cannot use his psionic abilities, nor anything requiring concentration.
  • Bio-Regeneration: Awakening certain

portions of the brain via the Mind Over Matter implants grants the Crazy a natural healing roll once every 24 hours.

  • Enhanced Attributes: Crazies gain +2

die types to Agility, Strength, and Vigor. These traits have no maximum.

  • Enhanced Speed: Crazies double their

base Pace.

  • Heightened Senses: Crazies gain +2 (+4 if visual based) to Notice and Tracking rolls. They also ignore two points of Range penalties.
  • Super Endurance: Crazies require only half the normal amount of sleep, and gain +4 on all checks to resist Fatigue
  • Uncanny Reflexes: A Crazy’s reflexes are superhuman, granting them –2 to be hit by any attack they are aware of as well

as +2 on Evasion rolls.

  • Your character gains a +2 on any Common Knowledge rolls related to Geography and understanding the people and places of North America. He also gains a +2 on Survival and Streetwise checks in North America.
  • Expert at breaking the influence others have on people. As an action, your character can give an ally an immediate attempt to break out of illusion (and deadly illusion) or puppet (and mind control) at +2, and he can do this once per round until they break free. This benefit also aids anyone under the mind walk Mega Power.

Hero's Journey

  • 2x Experience & Wisdom table rolls: 13,6
  • 3x Psionics table rolls:12,3,20 with the 20 I chose a power outside my normal list, that being Disguise.


  • Wilks 237
    • Range: 15/30/60
    • Damage: 2d6+2
    • AP:3
    • ROF:3
    • Shots: 24
    • Min Str: d6
    • Weight: 3
  • Wilks 447
    • Range: 24/48/96
    • Damage: 3d6
    • AP:4
    • ROF:1
    • Shots: 20
    • Min Str: d4
    • Weight: 5
  • Vibrosword
    • Damage: Str+1d10
    • AP:4
    • Min Str: d8
    • Weight 6


  • Lightweight Huntsman Armor
  • NG-S2 Survival Pack,
  • 2 e-clips for each gun.
  • 800 credits