Fall of the Feywild - House Rules
Action Deck
Because of the nature of PBP timing, we will not be using the Action Deck for initiative or anything else. Players should post when they are able without concerning themselves with initiative. If it is thematically appropriate or strategically important to do so, I may rearrange character actions when I update the thread.

Range Zones
I'm not going to try to keep up a grid for a PBP game. Instead we will use zones to 'eyeball' where folk are when where folk are matters. Zones will generally be specific to whatever area the PCs occupy. A fight in/around a Tavern might include the zones: Street, Porch, Rafters, Hearth, Bar, and Commons.
If necessary, in a particularly gritty or tactical fight, I might define character specific ranges within (or as relates to) specific zones as follows:
- Engaged (Active Melee Combat - You are crossing weapons with somebody or something)
- Melee (Close enough to strike with a fist but not yet engaged in combat)
- Reach (Close enough to strike with a great spear or polearm)
- Close (Close enough to strike with a thrown weapon without taking a penalty)
- Mid (Close enough to shoot without taking a penalty)
- Long (Close enough to shoot with a penalty)
- Out (Not close enough to attack with a long range weapon)
Players that wish to take hindrances for RP flavor may do so, but they are not worth points.
Mechanically, it's a nuisance to track/enforce hindrance penalties at the table and prohibitively distracting in a PBP game. Starting characters will still have access to edges without the RAW trade off of hindrances to get them.
- Readying a Weapon - This does not take an action if you have your weapon on or near you.
- Ammo Tracking - Not a thing unless it would legit be thematically appropriate (like last stand at the Alamo or something)
- Incapacitated/Injury/Fatigue - If a character sustains more than three wounds they will be 'taken out' of the conflict for the remainder of the scene, but I'm not going to fiddle with the injury table in a PBP game (nor am I particularly inclined to mess with fatigue - again unless it becomes thematically appropriate to do so)
- Unhealed Wounds - If a wound is not healed in the allotted timeframe of the RAW, penalties will drop off either at a the end of the current scene or the end of the following scene depending on where we are in the first scene. This is neither terribly gritty nor realistic, but PBP . . .