Fief of Ainsi

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The Fief of Ainsi is a landed Fief representing one noble's fief. Its is owned by Dame Margot who visits it regularly. In many ways it is typical of a knight's fief across the realm. A small collection of central buildings and a keep of some kind, with farmsteads connected to nearby hamlets.


The fief consists of a manor house surrounded by a collection heavy stone buildings, and 4 hamlets within short rides from the Manor. Each hamlet sponsor from 10 to 20 farmsteads.


  • Blue pop berries
  • Various berries.
  • Horse Training for the citizenry.
  • truffles.

Besides these most farmsteads are self-sufficient in most staples.

Retirement community of Ainsi-Alata

One small collection of dwellings are those of retired staff from the Castle Amber. This collection of heavy stone buildings are near the Manor of Ainsi.