In The Shadow of the Spire:Aleria Information

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This contains information for use by Aleria Stormsinger during the campaign.


Confirmed facts Aleria knows about Ptolus.

Knights of the Chord

The Knights of the Chord are a small knightly order dedicated to upholding freedom and protecting the innocent. The knights all have mastered, to some degree, the art of drawing power from music and song. While many may have at one time been bards, they are no longer minstrels. These knights are a martial order and focus heavily on combat skills. The Knights own a small keep in Oldtown called the Jodan Templehall, which serves as an informal temple to Jode, goddess of music, as well as the order’s headquarters. The templehall has a chapel, practice hall, meeting room/dining hall, kitchen, single-room apartments for some of the knights, and an office suite for the order’s leader, Hallusiun Everfar (male elf).

Imperial Academy of Music

Ptolus’ Imperial Academy of Music (located in the Nobles' Quarter) carries a reputation that extends far outside the city walls. Many consider it the premier school of music in the Empire.


Unconfirmed rumors Aleria has heard about Ptolus.

The Shadow Theatre

Only very recently opened, this theater is unlike any other. Rather than showing plays with actors, the theater hires “performers” who magically cast animated shadows on a huge white wall to portray an epic story, sometimes with hundreds of characters at once (in large battle scenes), sometimes with amazing effects like flowing rivers or trees blowing in the wind during a storm. The performers are all low-level wizards, sorcerers, or bards who use modified forms of low-level spells or even cantrips, sometimes as many as a dozen spells at a time.

Rumors abound that the Shadow Theater is connected to House Sadar and is part of some insidious plot, perhaps to implant suggestions into the minds of the audience.