Belus Good Roam
This is a character for the Legacy PbP game, Embers of the Past.

- Name: Belus Goodroam, Braided into Gree.
- Playbook: Sentinel
- Family: Regents of the New Herd
- Looks: Masculine, Blunt Face, Judging Eyes, Compact Body
- Stats
- Force +1
- Lore 0
- Steel +1
- Sway 0
- Moves
- Family Inheritance: Hardy
- The first time each day you take Harm, by 1.
- Steel Rain
- When you ambush your enemies with a coordinated strike, your rolls and any Call for Aid attempt the others make have advantage.
- Family Inheritance: Hardy
- Playbook options
- Add 1 to outfit when tooling up.
- Family gear
- Strider Gear (mobile, camo)
- Pedigree animals (land, mount)
- Rangers (quality 1, Live off the Land)
Belus spent most of his life a simple hand and guard for the Gree Braid sambison herd. That changed, however, with the attack. That gave him a degree of notoriety he has not fully embraced, and contact with Strangers which he does not truly enjoy.
Backstory Tie-Ins
- "I have sworn to protect _____"
- _____ and I stood watch together against the chaos.
- _____ helped me get out of a siege alive.