DRYH: Mortal Coils - David

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High Concept

MY NAME IS . . . David Ericson

AND I AM . . . a picture perfect paper boy

Five Questions

WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU AWAKE? Keeping up with everyone. After the homework is done, I need to do the extra credit assignment for Mr Arnold. After that, Jackie wanted me to listen to two new albums. I’ll read that comic Kyle gave me while I listen. Chelsea recommended a new TV series, too. She’s two seasons in. Then it’s nearly morning. Time for the paper route.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU? I was getting dressed, changed my mind for what felt like the fourth time, and when I pulled the shirt over my head, I saw that my reflection still had his on. As I stepped back, he stepped forward, and started hammering at the mirror’s glass with his fist. He was yelling something I couldn’t hear, and the glass shook and threatened to break. As the glass started to crack and I could see the reflection’s blood running down the inside of the glass, I bolted out of the room. My sister was just outside the door, asked me why I’d been screaming. That was when I noticed the shirt I was still wearing, and the cut on my hand. I said it was a spider. That always makes Sara laugh.

WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? On the surface, David has everything. He has supportive parents, a nice little sister, lots of potential. He is eager, sincere, innocent in a way that most boys his age aren’t. Then again, that’s also why he’s friends with a lot of people, but isn’t very popular. He’s nice to almost everyone, and no-one thinks of him as having the edge necessary to make something of himself. He avoids confrontation too much. He’s too nice, too perfect.

WHAT LIES BENEATH? A sinking feeling that, without anyone to tell him what (or who) to be, David wouldn’t be anyone at all. He can’t really think of anything that he does just for himself, and that scares him. He keeps this existential crisis to himself though. Nobody wants to see him worry, stress, break down under the pressure...

WHAT IS YOUR PATH? David needs to figure out who he really is, find something that he wants to do just because he wants to do it. He also might need to tell a few people to go jump. His story ends either with him finally able to stand on his own, or with him fading away for good.

Sixth Question

WHAT NIGHTMARE DOGS YOUR STEPS? The Nightmare that dogs David responds not to any title, but to a human name it swears is it’s own: David Ericson. This being appears to be an ordinary human, indistinguishable from David himself, and from its actions genuinely believes itself to be a real person. If it runs into anyone aware of the supernatural, it attempts to convince them that it was replaced by David, who is the real monster, a changeling of sorts. Trouble is, something deep in David’s gut resonates with this. What if HE’s the real Nightmare?





  • Bike Riding: David is really good at riding. On a bike, he’s fast and agile, and can do some pretty impressive tricks too.

MADNESS TALENT That thing you do that shouldn't EVEN be possible . . .

  • Mirror, Mirror: After years of becoming exactly what people expected of him, David can now do this by magical means. To start, he can appear to fit in with a group. What that group expect from a person like them, they see in David. He still needs to act the part on his own, but he will passively look like he belongs.
Surrendering himself to the power, David can start to act like a being in his presence. Anything they can do, he can do too, even magical things. However, he also begins to think like them...
If he pushes himself further, David can transform into an exact physical copy of someone in his presence. He can do everything they can, know everything they know... but only a whisper of himself remains.

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