Kuni Witch Hunters

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Kuni Witch Hunter [ Monk ]

Though not a true monastic order, the descriptor is there to indicate that Kuni Witch Hunters may learn kiho as a shugenja. Additionally, Witch Hunters break the rule for Multiple Schools. Any Kuni shugenja of at least Rank 2 may take their next Rank as a Kuni Witch Hunter, paying for Multiple School as normal.

Benefit: +1 Perception

Beginnning Honor: 1.5

Skills: Defense, Hunting, Investigation, Shadowlands Lore, Spellcraft (Maho), any two Bugei skills

Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, any 2 weapons; Kimono and sandals; Jade Amulet; 2 fingers of Jade; traveling pack; 2 koku

Rank 1 - To See the Darkness

By concentrating for one round and making a successful Perception/Shadowlands Lore roll at TN 15, the Witch Hunter can detect the presence of Tainted beings out to 50 yards +10 yards per School Rank. For each Raise made on the roll, the Hunter may add 10 yards to the distance. The Witch Hunter adds his Intelligence to any rolls involving Tainted creatures, including attack and damage rolls.

The concentration necessary in this technique is essentially the same as Full Concentration for shugenja.

Rank 2 - To Strike the Darkness

The Hunter adds 2x his Water Ring to his TN to be hit when fighting creatures with a Taint score. The Witch Hunter may make 2 attacks per round against Tainted creatures. Addiitonally, the Witch Hunter gains a Free Raise per School Rank for any rolls involving Tainted creatures.

Rank 3 - To Ride the Darkness

Any time a Maho Spell is used in the Witch Hunter's presence, he gains an extra die, either rolled or kept, to all attack or damage rolls for the remainder of the combat. The placement of these dice must be chosen when the spell is cast. In melee combat, the Witch Hunter may keep an additional number of dice to all attack rolls equal to his opponent's Rank of Shadowlands Taint.

Rank 4 - To Repel the Darkness

The Witch Hunter is immune to the effects of Maho and Taint, and can make another character resistant for one round + 1 round per Raise by rolling Willpower/Spellcraft (Maho) at a TN of 25. Also, by making an Intelligence/Spellcraft (Maho) roll (TN 10 + 5 x Mastery Level of the spell) and spending 2 Void points, the Hunter can dispell one maho spell (either one being cast or one with an ongoing effect).

Rank 5 - To Shatter the Darkness

The Witch Hunter may make 3 attacks per round against Tainted creatures, or 2 attacks against creatures without a Taint score. Any time a Witch Hunter kills a Tainted creature in combat, it does not count as one of his attacks that round. The Hunter now adds 2x his Intelligence to all rolls involving Tainted creatures, replacing the Rank 1 technique. The Witch Hunter may spend a Void point to reduce the Carapace (but not armor) of a foe by a number equal to his Ranks in Shadowlands Lore. The Witch Hunter may only spend Void to redcuce Carapace once per round.


"Additionally, Witch Hunters break the rule for Multiple Schools. Any Kuni shugenja of at least Rank 2 may take their next Rank as a Kuni Witch Hunter, paying for Multiple School as normal. "

Actually, doesn't the "Monk" descriptor beat this restriction anyway? This would need to be a bushi school in order to be incompatible with being a shugenja. 13:28, 16 Jul 2005 (PDT)