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You wake up... ...on a sailing ship... ...in a hotel room... ...on a slab of metal... ...on a train...

Wherever it is that you wake up, you wake up without any memories. You know the basics. Who is president. Who won and lost WWII. Who the Yankees are (if you ever followed that sort of thing), what cars, boats, puppies, and candy bars are. And so on and so forth. You also have a name rattling around in your head that might be your name. Then again, it might not be it really is hard to say. How did you get here? Where is here? And what is happening? These are the first questions to answer in the TangenT game. And the answers may be very surprising.


Character creation for TangenT is about as easy as it can be. You simply describe what your character looks like and sounds like (any accents they might have, etc) any scars or tattoos they have, what kind of clothes they are wearing (top, bottom (or all in one if a dress, etc and shoes). You possess no wallet. No purse. No watch or other items. No money. Why? That is what you are going to find out.

As the game progresses, you will be given opportunities to "build" your character (you see a baseball bat, are you drawn to that or the computer in the other corner of the room?) and similar situations. As you pick up the Skills to use these items, you also begin to unlock memories, just minor flashes until you begin to piece them together. If more than one of your decide you are attracted to the same item because you are attracted to that Skill don't worry, more than one person can know the same thing. The higher the Skill level you pick (1-5), the stronger the flash of memory will be linked to that Skill. You have 15 points total so be careful how many Skills you pick up right away and how high you rank them.


As with any game, you will want to take Action. Though TangenT is a lot more about unlocking mysteries and making discoveries about yourself and those aorund you than actually jumping into action constantly, there are still those moments and those moments need dice to roll so here is the run down.

TangenT uses a fairly straight forward 20-sided dice mechanic to take actions that require rolls. Each Skill you possess will have a rank of 1-5 which is the Bonus you add to your dice rolls to accomplish the task you are trying to accomplish. In some circumstances and through special abilities you uncover in the game, you may roll Bonus Dice (BD). When you roll BD, you take the best number out of the dice rolled to use for your Skill roll. So if you roll you standard roll +2BD, you roll three 20-sided dice altogether and keep the best roll out of the three.

And that's about it for how to roll Skills.

Actons in Combat

Though Combat is not necessarily the main focus of TangenT, it is bound to happen in a RPG. The main thing to remember in Combat is that your attacks do damage depending on what you are using as a weapon and, most importantly, you take damage when you are attacks.

Characters in TangenT begin play with 15 Life Points. If you reach 0 Life Points then you are dying and will die if no one patches you up or uses some means of bringing you back from the brink. When you bring someone (or some thing) else down to 0 Life Points, they are also dying or you have the option of killing them outright.


So you might already be asking what could possibly be behind a group of people waking up in a place with no memory? Well that literally might have any answer and you should expect the unexpected but I shan't ruin any surprises here. The journey is just as fun as the destination, but the destination in this case is also meant to be quite fun.