Tobias Hughes

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Name: Tobias Hughes

Concept: Grad student with a knowledgeable voice in his head

Obsession: Develop a scientific working theory of alchemy.

Noble: Knowledge is power, power comes with responsibility.

Rage: Willful, self-destructive ignorance.

Fear (Self): The ends not justifying the means.

Fitness 50% Helplessness Dodge 30%

defends Violence

Status 55% Isolation Pursuit 30%

defends Helplessness coerces Isolation

Knowledge 50% Self Lie 30%

defends Unnatural coerces Self

Notice 50% Unnatural Secrets 30%

defends Self coerces Unnatural

Connect 65% Violence Struggle 15%

defends Isolation coerces Violence coerces Helplessness

Demonic Muse 50%

I have a Demonic Muse, of course I can: guess when something is supernatural as opposed to just odd, can explain the difference between Red and Black demons, know basic facts about any subject related to the Red World the nicer type of demon is from.

- Casts Rituals

- Uses Infernal Alchemy (Mechanomancy, focusing on potions and other admixtures that give temporary Identities, with being able to inoculate natal nonsentient animals and flora and fungi to create mutants, with the obvious downside someone has to still feed and care for them.)

- Substitutes for Notice

Chem Major Turned Alchemist 55%

I'm a Chem Major Turned Alchemist, of course I can: understand the spiritual principles of alchemy, use a chemistry laboratory and set effectively, understand scientific papers and data.

- Medical

- Resists Unnatural

- Substitutes for Knowledge

Would-Be Mastermind 35%

I'm a Would-Be Mastermind, of course I can: Figure out a plan that involves multiple people, show people how we both benefit from a goal of mine, coherently direct a group of people.

- Coerces Self

- Therapeutic

- Substitutes for Status

Through the Looking Glass 25%

I'm Through The Looking Glass, of course I can: Be a guide to people who aren't from my timeline.

- Substitutes for Secrets

- Evaluates Negative Identity

- Unique: detect whether something belongs to this reality

Negative Identity - Soul Debt 40%

I have soul debt, of course I can: promise a bit of more of my soul to Clara in return for absolutely certain and honest information about any subject or to get her to turn a Red World demon or what they've created nonhostile.

- Unique: Joyride cash-in (Clara can spent Soul Debt to assume control over their shared body long enough to indulge her passions, experiencing powerful emotions or harassing those who she feels are an obstacle to learning)

- Unique: Perdition says hi (some people can tell just how much in thrall Tobias is to his muse, and it also results in him becoming allergic to genuine faith and divine power in general as his Soul Debt climbs.)