Gleaming Republic

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A game set in a Republic where the gods, in a massive war that occurred in heaven and on earth, wiped themselves out and all that remain are humans and few mythological monsters that the gods left behind.



The age of the gods is over and the age of humans has begun. After an epic war between gods that played out on heaven and earth, all that remain are humans and the few mythical monsters that the gods left behind.

The jewel of a world in disarray is a Republic known as Grimstone, currently led by a monster who calls himself King Hydra and his followers. Other factions that have representatives in the Senate are Azura the Sphinx, a giant multi headed dog known as Cerberus, and Bahamut who is a fallen god turned mortal.

Grimstone is at war with a Sorceress, Agate, who fled from the Republic after her followers were arrested for plotting to overthrow it. Her armies of humans turned monsters through dark magics march across the land and have already captured a number of settlements. Though Grimstone, through the efforts of Cerberus, has kept the armies at bay Agate won’t stop until she accomplishes her goal of gaining vengeance against Grimstone and instituting a new Empire under her rule.

But the Republic’s business goes on. Your group has been assigned by Azura to investigate a village and its surroundings wracked by a mysterious illness. You are asked to find the cause of the disease and cure it if you can.

Major Factions in the Senate

Agate: Once well represented in the Senate, when Brimstone discovered a plot by her followers to overthrow the Republic and install herself as Empress, she and those among her followers that weren’t apprehended fled. She now occupies the borderlands around Grimstone, conquering and receiving tribute from the disparate peoples that haven’t shared in the Republic’s prosperity in the aftermath of the Deity Wars. She uses dark magics to twist and warp normal humans into terrible monsters to serve as foot soldiers in her armies.
Azura the Sphinx: Where there is a riddle or mystery to solve Azura sends her people and those working for her to investigate.
Bahamut: Once a deity, Bahamut is a reclusive dragon who charters a variety of exploration missions. He is hungry for lore and is underrepresented in the Senate in Grimstone’s current political climate.
Brimstone the Minotaur: Brimstone is the chief law enforcement officer for the Senate and Grimstone in general.
Cerberus: This multi-headed dog seeks to protect Grimstone and her people. His Equites and Wolf Riders wander the land performing heroic deeds and protecting the weak and vulnerable. Cerberus's latest efforts are on the war effort against Agate’s forces and he is the Supreme Commander of all Grimstone’s fronts in this matter.
King Hydra: King Hydra has several underwater labs devoted to scientific pursuits and magical research. He is currently researching a cure to the dark magics that transform normal humanoids to twisted foot soldiers of destruction in Agate’s army. He is also the current President of the Republic.
Red Eyes: No one has seen Red Eyes’ full form. Whenever anyone speaks to him, he always speaks from a position of darkness where only two red eyes glow accompanied by a sinister, raspy voice. It is believed he answers directly to the President, but few know his true purpose.


Rune, an Artificially Intelligent Adept who Casts Spells (Pandorym)
Vivian Rose, a Mysterious Explorer who Commands Mental Powers (DragonJAW)


Emerald, an agent for King Hydra and currently sailing with the PCs back to the Capitol.