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Your searcher finds 100 Poe or roll on the following. A. Otice with a raise allows you to roll a second d6 as a hero die:

1-cursed item: appealing find (sailor’s locket, named tankard or hat) reduces the ship’s FP by 1.

2-grim find. Skull, nasty corpse or zonbi rat ; roll Spirit or be unnerved for the rest of the day

3- bauble: scrimshaw animal, ship in a bottle, or lude drawing

4- handy item: good hammock, coat, pistol or other humble mundane item worth double normal price

5- expensive item: fine compass, cutlass, medicine chest or telescope (max 500 poe)

6- treasure: locked (TN6) small chest containing 1d6* 1d6 hundred poe of jewels, jewellery, coins

I am aware this is a bonanza in terms of bennies, but let’s keep them coming where they are due(you’ll lose extra bennies when you refresh anyway). A benny to one-eye for the partisan account of his life as a Blackbeard crewman, wisely avoiding mention of his old captain’s name Two bennies to chabas for the gruesome seafood find (how did a scurrilous get onto an Earth ship-perhaps he boarded it to investigate) and the comedy lecture Two bennies to Jose for the compass detail and the good use of his gambling skill Benny to Mitch for including actual media

There is a skiff running out of a flooded ravine , once a twisting highland valley now partly covered sea. Farmers along there call it wTerfall Creek. A skiff, working as spies for the Kierans, operates from there. They nip into the creek whenever approached, following its twists inland until only their skiff can manage the shallow water. The Teroso is faster than any local ships so can pursue her, putting off a dinghy if possible to capture them in their hidden base. They use a wave-rider, though there are no Doreens sighted.