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  • Deladrin Bylar - Beloved from Steel Hill. Falknar left her behind when he started to gain the attention of the orc patrols. That was many years ago, and women like Deladrin don't escape the eyes of the legates for long...
  • Barton Hellindor - Friend from Steel Hill. Boyhood friend. Worked in the smithy when Falknar left. Asked him to watch out for Deladrin to make sure no harm would come to her.
  • Jed - Wanderer. Falknar med Jed soon after his hunting party was killed. They travelled together for a long time and during that time Jed taught him about surviving in the wilderness and avoiding orcs and fell alike. Was awed by Falknar's ability to sense if a person was fell 'just by looking at him'. Falknar has not seen Jed for many months, or has it been years?


  • Tarnel Reylind - Mentor from Steel Hill. Had a soft spot for Falknar when he was under his tutelage. He secured Falknar a position in the resistance as he had for so many young men in the area who were quickly going to end up in the gallows for being too human.
  • Geoffrey Alron - Trader. Falknar knew Geoffrey as a trader with whom his family dealt when selling their goods. He moved goods from Steel Hill to Fallport and Highwall. Would also dabble in contraband items, and Falknar heard rumours that he also moved the weapons produced in Steel Hill to outlying areas as well.
  • Many times during Falnar's travels since leaving Steel Hill, he has caught glimpses of a person. At times when he lay down at night hungry, there would be a bit of food waiting for him when he awoke. When he was harried by a pack of wolves, something caused them to give up persuit for no apparent reason. Items needed for survival have sometimes shown up at the most serindipitous moments - a new flint in an abandoned waystation, a blanket (albeit mothridden) during a cold journey. Falknar has no idea who would have such an interest in him, and the views are fleeting. He has no idea if this person exists, human or elf, but the number of strange coincedinces makes him believe they are not. He simply refers to the cloaked watcher as 'The Guardian'. He has not seen him or any evidence of his presence since he has joined with the army.


  • Igor Bylar - Brother of Deladrin. Believed that Falknar stole his sister's virtue. Was most likely the cause of Falknar's having to leave Steel Hill due to orkish interest. Falknar never found out how far Igor went in his fruitless cause of defaming him for the sake of a percieved slight to his sister's (and hence family's) honour.
  • Ramooz - Orc captain. Falknar and Jed created lots of headaches for the shadow during their time together. One of the more memorable was waylaying a small party of orcs (well, two counts as a party, right?) and making off with their supplies. After Jed had dispatched of one of the orcs and stunned Ramooz, the two tied him up and spoke of how 'The great duo of Jed and Falknar will spare your worthless hide' and tied him up naked as they made off with his stuff. Unfortunately Falknar was in charge of the knots and Ramooz caught up to them as they were crossing a river. With the prospect of facing a very angry orc or simply dropping everything and swimming downriver, the two decided that the latter was the better course of action and left Ramooz screaming in the distance as they drifted downstream eating barely rotten orc rations. Ramooz had the sign of a fist with a thumb sticking to the left - he and Jed commented that it made Ramooz look like neither a great captain nor a bad one, just another mediocre thraal in the sea of darkness that would soon be banished from the world.
  • Phinneaus Lendic - Trader. Soon after his departure with Jed, Falknar hooked up with Phinneaus as a guard for his wagon train. Soon after Falknar's arrival, grumbling began about personal items disappearing among the hired crew. As the grumblings increased, more of the blame was put on the 'new guy' and Falknar's life was made more and more difficult as time went on. After a particularly bad run-in with one of the surly crew members, Falknar decided to go to Phinneaus to plea his case. He went into the head wagon without announcing his presence and saw Phinneaus with one of the crew memeber's stolen items. When Phinneaus noticed him, he threatened his life if he should speak out about what he witnessed. Falknar clubbed Phinneaus (the only time he drew his weapon during his tenure) and left him unconscious in his wagon and left the caravan in the cover of dusk. To this day he has no idea what the fate of Phinneaus was - if his theiving was discovered or not, but Falknar left a mark that wouldn't soon be forgotten.


  •  ???


  • The only organization that Falknar ever belonged to was a rag-tag group of Dorns who ran around pretending to play hero. They referred to themselves as The Maidensword's Justice in reference to the betrayed Lady Eden Falon of Steel Hill. Their sign is a sword sticking into the city outline. Ineffective in true damage to the Shadow, but very great in terms of giving the people of Steel Hill a spark of hope for a better life and better future.

Falknar's particular war band was wiped out by orcs in a quick and lopsided battle. He was the lone survivor and was forced to kill several of the band as they rose again after the fight.

Possible Covenant Items

  • A magical HAMMER that could possibly have 'cleric' vs. undead powers
  • An amulet of light
  • A breast-piece of armour (or bracers) that would have some sort of power but be constructed of human bone… I think something along this line would be hella-cool for a fellhunter to brandish. Bracers would be better visually…


These questions will aid in creating ideas and stories that cater to your hero. It will also help flesh out your hero. You are welcome to create addional background questions. But these short answers are all that's necessary here.

Describe what your hero's glorious death might be

To puncture the maelstorm to allow even a few trapped spirits release into the void

Describe what your hero's worst fated death at the hands of [the ENEMY] might be

Allow me to become fell

What is the worst thing [the Shadow] could do to your hero? (this could include things done to loved ones)

See above (to me or a loved one)

Describe a victory that your hero would like to have against [the Shadow]

Other than complete destruction of the shadow, to create even a small space where people could live in peace without the worries of having orkish troops coming to kill innocents for sport.

What action would your hero never do? (meaning type of action "like burn a village down", NOT a general idea like "give in to the shadow")

Leave a deceased body intact with the potential to become fell (no matter the situation or personal sacrifice involved)

What would cause your hero to break down to sadness or fear?

Seeing a loved one who has the craving for the living

What do you hope your heroe's honorific would be? (An honorific is a word or expression that conveys esteem or respect and is used in addressing or referring to a person. Honorifics are usually placed immediately before or after the name of the subject. e.g. Thok the Orc Masher!)

Falknar Lightbringer (or Peacebringer)

What would it take for your hero to turn traitor? (these can result from bribe or blackmail)

This is a hard one, I'll think about it, but apart from the promise of the usual "We'll kill you and everyone you love" line, I can't think of anything

PLAYER: What's your favorite monster or NPCs to fight?!!

Undead (for this campaign anyways!)

PLAYER: What do you most enjoy about RPGs & D&D? (meaning battling monsters, solving puzzles, political roleplaying, etc..?)

I like battles, I think D&D does this pretty well. Positive player interaction and problem solving is good, too.

Midnight: North & South Portal