Bards in Trinity follow the same rules as found in the SRD, here. However, they are somewhat changed, to make up for the lack of power of the class.
Game Rule Information
Force Alignment: Magic.
Force Resistances: PR 5 + level, TR 5 + level.
Class Features
The following are additional class features of the bard core class.
Learn Music (Ex): Not all bards learn the same music as part of their training or travels, but they can pick up such new music easily enough. Whenever a bard is within the range of a bardic music effect which he does not know, he may make a Listen check against the other bard's Perform check. If this succeeds, the bard may make an Intelligence check against DC 10 + ranks required to use the bardic music ability in question; if the bard succeeds, he learns the effect, provided he has sufficient ranks in Perform to do so.