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A moogle

Moogles are not my own creation; they were originally created by Squre Enix. However, the mechanical information regarding them is original.


Moogles are something of an enigma in the world. Their background and homes suggest a tendency towards nature, yet they are adept with tinkering and are credited with constructing airships independently of the gnomes. Despite their small stature, they are highly-respected throughout the world as excellent mechanics.

Moogles are as yet rather uncommon throughout the world; they have yet to spread extensively beyond their home continent of Distarin. However, as they tend to the aircraft that call that part of the world home, they can usually be found in the airdocks of many major cities.

Personality: Moogles as a whole tend to be a friendly people, carefree and altruistic. As a race, moogles have a lackadaisical work ethic, though a number of them overcome this stereotype. Moogles tend to be rather curious and trusting of others - though that can change with experience, as some older moogles in the world have learned to become wary of others.

Physical Description: Moogles do not exceed three feet in height, making them among the shortest races in Trinity. Their fur varies from white to a dark tan, with some exhibiting spotted patterns. Among their more distinctive features are their bat-like wings, which can sustain them in flight; their "pom-pom," which seems to serve little to no biological purpose; and their enormous ears, which are usually at least a fifth of their height, if not more. Though they only have three fingers, rather than four, this does not seem to inhibit their abilities in any way.

Relations: Moogles get along splendidly with clavats, with whom they share a continental homeland. They tend to get along well with most other races, they are often viewed as a frivolous race - with noted exceptions for those who are mechanics on airships, who garner great respect for their amazing skill. The only race moogles do not get along well with are gremlins, who seem to share the same niche in society, but are far less nice about it. It is a common fact that it is very rare for a ship to house both a gremlin and a moogle, for fear of the damage that will result to the ship.

Alignment: As a whole, moogles tend towards good, but have no natural proclivity for law or chaos. Those moogles who have experience the world tend towards a more neutral and more cautious attitude towards life. Moogles who tend airships also have a tendency to be more lawful.

Moogles on Adnez

Moogle Lands: Moogles share the whole of the continent of Distarin with the clavats; the two coexist peacefully and with no problems. However, the upper reaches of the mountains on Distarin are the sole province of the moogles, who originate from there and are built to withstand the cold. Beyond Distarin, moogles and moogle communities are accepted among the general populace, but the moogles lay no claim to lands other than their homeland.

Religion: The vast majority of moogles follow an Eidolon, usually the same Eidolon they were taught to, while others worship the Eidolons as a whole. Moogles are a superstitious people, and many say quick prayers to an appropriate Eidolon (or even Saint or Lucavi, in dire circumstances) before undertaking actions. It's common knowledge that most moogle mechanics say a prayer to Relofis before starting maintenance on an airship.

Language: Moogles have no language of their own - the only remnants of it are the few parts used in Tipan and their own names. Most moogles are also fluent in at least one Trade language, at least one Common language, and those who work on airships try to learn Assembly.

Names: Moogles are well-known for their unusual names, which almost always result in an individual moogle's nickname becoming "mog." Moogle names are the only surviving aspect of their original tongue, which was forgotten when the clavats managed to work out a tongue that was acceptable to both races. As such, moogles tend to be rather proud of their names, despite their absurdity.

Male Names: Artemicion, Grimo, Gumo, Kumool, Kumpo, Kupo, Mimoza, Mochos, Mogreg, Mogritch, Mogyro, Moguta, Monty, Serino, Stiltzkin.

Female Names: Atla, Chimomo, Kuppo, Mocchi, Mocha, Moco, Mogki, Mogmi, Mois, Monev, Mopli, Nazna, Suzuna.

Adventurers: Moogles adventure for a variety of reasons. Those who would work on airships tend to leave their communities, as moogle communities present few opportunities for working on airships. Others - primarily from Distarin - find the work ethic of their clavat neighbors too stifling; they seek a life of excitement, not the dreary day-to-day existence the clavats find acceptable. Moogles who are fresh in their adventuring career tend to be lacking in caution and overly excitable, but a seasoned moogle is just as dependable and knowledgeable as a normal adventurer.

Moogle Racial Traits

  • -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int. Moogles are smart and dexterous, but they have a small frame that makes them weaker and less able to handle stress.
  • Small. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾ those of Medium characters.
  • A moogle’s base land speed is 20 feet.
  • Fly speed of 40 feet (average). Moogles carrying a medium or heavy load cannot fly.
  • Darkvision with a base distance of 60 feet.
  • +2 racial bonus on Repair checks.
  • +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
  • Cold Resistance 5. Moogles have thick fur, which enables them to survive in environments that others would find too hostile to life.
  • Telepathy (Su): Moogles are mildly telepathic, and can communicate telepathically with others within 10 feet. A creature who would be communicated with telepathically is aware of the attempt, and can refuse to communicate in that manner. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent effect.
  • Automatic Languages: One Common language, one Trade language, Tipan. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Choose one - gadgeteer, greasemonkey.