Gillian and Joan Milgard

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The Milgards while a long and rich family, has had a long history of hedonism, apparent madness and suicide. Seemingly changing personality in later life they all have a breakdown leaving a disruptive wake in their paths. This was the future in stall for Gillian at her birth had it not for a fever activating the change at a younger age then most. Unlocking her second personality as a child allowed them to befriend each other and grow with each other seeing themselves as sisters rather then rivals or an infection. Not aware of the others actions while one sleeps and the other acts, they can communicate with each other in mirrors and notes. This mirror talking may have arised due to a quick of their change where a beauty mark under one eye switches places when they switch places.

Always curious about their unique condition and family history, it was when she found the diary of her ever so many great grandmother's diary that she found a lead. Reading about a dalliance with a Mr Hyde has lead her to learn about him and his friend Dr Jekyll. Tracing the fragments of that strange case has lead them to learn that the Jekyll estate and papers has ended in the hands of their neighbours the Jackdaw family.

Gillian and Joan Milgard, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Without Restraint


Trust Funded


What are our limits? I can afford it.
Attention 0 Fade 0 Attention 0 Fade 0
Power Tags: Power Tags:
A Unbounded physical capability A Family Home
C Shocking and Surprising B Sufficient wealth and comfort
G Nothing can restrain me E Consider it a gift on us
Weakness Tags: Weakness Tags:
D No self-restraint D Overseen by family agents
In Two Minds


Amateur Historian


Is our identity stable? History has redefined us.
Attention 0 Fade 0 Attention 0 Fade 0
Power Tags: Power Tags:
A A will of two minds A Local history
D Can’t trick us both C Research methods
G Don't like me? Try my sister D Never ignore the details
E Patience and Focus
Weakness Tags: Weakness Tags:
D We don’t always agree A No official training
D Misses the big picture