Savage World Adventure Ed. Star Wars setting
- Rule Setting Savage World Adventure Edition (SWA)
- Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion (SFC) for additional rules for Cyberware (pg. 29 31), Starship (pg. 40-50) and Vehicles (pg. 51-57). Allowed Hindrance (pg.11): Low Tech (minor or major) and Edges (pg. 12) include – Cyber Tolerance, Cyborg and Rocket Jock. Note that vehicles have changed with the Adventure rule update, see Vehicles below.
- Setting Rules (SWA pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), Fast Healing (once per day), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Multiple Languages (gain ½ Smarts in d6 languages or twice that in d4 languages that you understand but can’t speak), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls), Wealth (as rules but updated), Wound Cap (heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls).
- Arcane Background (Gifted) with the Skill Focus (Spirits) is only Power type allowed.
- Wealth (SWA pg. 145): with some modifiers. Poverty Hindrance means d4 Wealth, Rich means d8 Wealth and Filthy Rich is a base d10 Wealth. See Gear.