Savage Shadowrun AE Conversion

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This conversion notes are based on certain assumptions and expectation. I can’t recreate everything from Shadowrun and reflect it in Savage Worlds, so I am going more for the “spirit” of the game…

1. Arcane Magic vs. Cybernetic Technology: In a world were both magic and cyberware exists, they don’t coexists peacefully. Those who rely on magic have a harder time with technology, especially invasive technology that they implant into the bodies. Concurrently technology tends to not accept a lot of magic into its systems.

2. Fractured Power: The Sixth World is one of fractured power. It it’s filled with nations, sovereign corporations, criminal syndicates, powerful individuals of myriad of origins, dragons, and secret magical groups. All of them want what any such entity wants: more power. For the last few years many of these struggles have not only been bloody and often unprofitable, but some have been very embarrassing.

3. Corporate Espionage and Conspiracies: The world of Shadowrun is not a peaceful world of the future but one fraught with hidden and obvious dangers around every corner and behind ever smile.

4. “Denialable” Accesses: In this caldron of struggling powers, espionage and conspires there is a need for access that cannot be tied back to these entity; maybe because of embarrassment, exposer, hidden dangers, public scorn, competition, etc. These access, often nonpersons (SIN-less), free-agent criminals, called Shadowrunners. They can be hired and discard with little evidence linking them back to the source.

5. Eldritch Horror: in the early editions of the game there was an idea introduced that with the rise of magic, some dark evil forces from deep in Astral Space where rising out of the darkness to threaten the world.


  • Using the Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE).
  • Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore Rank requirements for Edges at character creation), Gritty Damage (whenever a Wild Card takes a Wound, roll on the Injury Table and apply the results immediately but roll only once per incident regardless of how many Wounds are actually caused. If all wounds from an incident are Soaked ignore the Injury Table), High Adventure (the heroes can spend a Benny to gain the one-time use of a Combat Edge. They must meet the Rank and any Edge requirements as usual but can ignore Trait requirements), More Skill Points (heroes start with 15 points for Skills), Wound Cap (heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds in s single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls).


  • Range Modifiers: Extreme -6 (see SFC pg. 27)
  • Heroic Recovery: At the end of fight, all characters who have suffered a Wound or Wounds can make a Soak Check after a short rest (10+ minutes) for free. Make a normal healing test, with a success you recover a Wound (max).
  • Vehicles: Personal weapons that are not rated as Heavy (see Gear) do not apply their AP values against vehicle armor and the vehicle’s Toughness rating is increased by its Size against such weapons (i.e. a standard car that has a size of 3, increases its toughness by 3).
  • Essence: is the equivalent of Stain from the Science Fiction Companion but halved (Essence is equal to ½ the lower of Spirits or Vigor trait die).


Steps to creating a character for Savage World Shadowrun…

  • Pick a Racial Meta-Human Type.
  • Picks an ICONIC Framework from the list below.
  • Assign Attribute Points (5 points) and Skill Points (15 points). Note all Starting skill levels.
  • Pick Hindrances (up to 4 points in either Major or Minor).
  • Starts with 5,000¥ to purchase Gear, Cybernetics, etc. A character whom applies one Minor Hindrance towards wealth at character creation gains an additional 5,000¥ for starting gear, etc. Between mission a character must maintain his lifestyle (rent and food) and lose an additional 1d6 x5% ¥ of the characters total cash on hand miscellaneous events like partying, going out, maintaining contacts, etc.
  • All Shadowrunners also start with a Fake ID rating 2 (d6) for free (see Gear pg. 52)
  • Characters start with three months of their Low Lifestyle rent paid for have 3 basic Individual Contacts of their choosing whom they can go to for information and rumors and Network with (SWAE pg. 133). With the CONNTECT Edge a character gains 3 additional contacts of any one category – Corporations, Criminal Organizations, etc.


Note these are only the most common metahuman variants. There are others and can be taken with GM’s permission (and need to be created with the Racial Creation rules). Races are created with a base of 5 ‘points’ to reflect a bit more of the power of the characters in Shadowrun.

HUMAN – the most common metahumanity type of the world making up around 40% of the total population. They are known as being adaptive and often skilled.

  • Adaptive: gain one free Edge. Must still qualify (except for Rank)
  • Broadminded: gain +3 Skill points to their total.

DWARF - short and stocky dwarfs and their variants make up about 15% of the overall meta-human population. Often headstrong and tough as nails.

  • Infravision: can see 'heat'. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings).
  • Resistant to Toxin: +2 to checks against toxins and poisons.
  • Robust: base Vigor of a d6 and a max starting of a d12+1.
  • Squat: Dwarfs base Pace is 5 with a Run die of a d4.
  • Willful: base Spirits of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1

ELF - lean and attractive to a fault, elves and their variants make up around 15% of the overall metahuman population.

  • Allure: almost all other races find elves to be beautiful. They gain a +1 to Performance and Persuasion checks with all races except human supremacists.
  • Fast on their Feet: Elves have a base Pace of 8.
  • Grace: base Agility or Smarts (player's choice) of a d6 and a max starting of a d12+1.
  • Low-Light Vision: ignore penalties for Dim and Dark illumination.

ORK - big and tough, orks and their variants make up around 25% of the overall population.

  • Bite: deal Str+d4 damage. See Natural Weapons SWAE pg. 104.
  • Low-Light Vision: ignore penalties for Dim and Dark illumination.
  • Outsider: as Minor Hindrance. Orks suffer a -1 to Persuasion with non-Orks and Trolls.
  • Size +1: and Toughness +1.
  • Strong: base Strength of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1

TROLL -averaging 9 feet tall and weighing well over 500lbs trolls and their variants only make up about 5% of the overall population.

  • Big: particularly large in a world where most others aren’t. He subtracts 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for his race and cannot wear their armor or clothing. Equipment, food, and clothing cost double the listed price. This includes firearms but not melee weapons.
  • Clumsy: -2 to Agility trait test (not linked skills)
  • Dermal Plating: +2 Armor Points that stack with any other armor.
  • Horns or Bite: deal Str+d4 in melee. See Natural Weapons SWA pg. 104.
  • Infravision: can see 'heat'. This halves Illumination penalties (including invisible beings).
  • Size +3 and Reach: Toughness +3 and Reach +1.
  • Ugly: as Hindrance. Trolls are pretty universally seen as unattractive.
  • Very Strong: base Strength of a d8 and a maximum starting of a d12+2.


ICON help define certain archetypes in Shadowrun and to reflect the training and background one gained before entering the life.

ADEPT: this is a magic user whose magic is turned inward, into enhancing their own body. Attribute and Skill die step increase do not allow one to exceed the standard d12.

  • Arcane Background (Gifted): as Edge.
  • Physical: +1 die step to two physical traits of either Agility, Strength or Vigor (must be different).
  • Training: Focus of a d6.
  • Willful: +1 die step to Spirits attribute.

BODYGUARD: those whom are paid to protect others, often with their own body's if need be.

  • Alertness: as Edge
  • Bodyguard: as New Edge (Professions)
  • Healthy and Physical: +1 die step to Vigor and another +1 die step to either Agility or Strength
  • Training: +2 Skill points to be used on Athletics and/or Notice

BOUNTYHUNTER: Those that make a living hunting down prey, either metahuman or paracritter.

  • Bounty Hunter: as new Edge (Professions)
  • Bright and Physical: +1 die step to Smarts and another +1 die step to either Agility, Strength or Vigor.
  • Hunters: either the Streetwise or Woodsman edge.
  • Training: +2 Skill points to be used on Occultism, Research and/or Survival.

COVERT OP SPECIALIST: Criminals whom specialize in breaking and entering, security foil experts.

  • Agile and Smart: +1 die step to Agility and Smarts.
  • Dedicated Gear: see new Edge (Background), starting with 20,000¥ for Cybernetic gear and/or Covert Operative Gear.
  • Thief: as Edge.
  • Training: +2 Skill points to be used on Stealth or Thievery.

DECKER: Cyber-criminals and council cowboy, they specialize in everything to do with the Matrix.

  • Bright: +1 die step to Smarts trait.
  • Dedicated Gear: see new Edge (Background), starting with 20,000¥ for cyberdeck and programs.
  • Natural Hackers: gain +1 to Hacking and Thievery skills
  • Training: +4 Skill points to be used on Electronics, Hacking, Repair or Thievery.

GANGER: Street gangs are a way of life in the Barrens and many other parts of any urban Motorplex.

  • Fleet Footed or Free Runner: pick one, as Edge.
  • Physical: +1 die step to any two physical traits of either Agility, Strength or Vigor (must be different).
  • Training: +4 Skill points to be used on Drive, Fighting, Intimidate and/or Shooting.

FACE: social monsters and negotiators, they specialize in finding out things by talking.

  • Bright and Willful: +1 die step to Smarts and Spirits.
  • Charisma: as Edge.
  • Face Edge: gain any one Leadership or Social Edge so long as you meet requirements.
  • Training: +2 Skill points to be used on Intimidate, Persuasion and/or Taunt.

FORMER COMPANY MAN: former trouble shooters for one of the corps, they use to do all the dirty business of their former bosses. Now are often hunted by former employer.

  • Company Background: start with any one Combat or Social Edge so long as you meet the requirements.
  • Dedicated Gear: as new Edge (Background). Gain 20,000¥ in cybernetic upgrades.
  • Training: +2 Skill points in Intimidate, Persuasion and/or Shooting.
  • Well-Rounded: add +1 die step to any two Attribute trait that you wish.

MAGIC USER: full hermetic spell caster, learned spells attending classes and reading ebooks.

  • Arcane Background (Magic): as Edge.
  • Bright: +1 die step to Smarts.
  • Power Edges: gain any two of the following edges for free - Channeling, Concentration, New Powers, Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain, Stoic (New Edge) or Wizard.
  • Training: Spellcasting d6.

RIGGER: drivers and pilots who can ghost (direct control) specially rigged vehicles.

  • Ace: as Edge.
  • Agile and Bright: +1 die step to Agility and Smarts traits.
  • Dedicated Gear: as new Edge (Background). Gain 20,000¥ in Vehicle Control Rig (10,000¥) and the remaining for drones or a vehicle.
  • Training: +2 Skill points in Boating, Driving, Piloting and/or Repair.

SHAMAN: full shamanic caster, learned their magic more naturally or via a mentor spirit.

  • Arcane Background (Shaman): as Edge.
  • Power Edges: gain any two of the following edges for free - Channeling, Concentration, Mentor Spirit (new Edge), New Powers, Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain or Wizard.
  • Training: Faith d6.
  • Willful: +1 step to Spirits attribute.

STREET SAMURAI: street warriors with their own code of honor.

  • Combat Edges: gain any two combat Edge for free. Must still meet requirements (except Rank).
  • Dedicated Gear: as new Edge (Background). Gain 20,000¥ in cybernetic upgrades.
  • Physical: +1 step to either Agility, Strength or Vigor attribute.
  • Training: +2 Skill points in Athletics, Fighting or Shooting.

TECHNOMANCER: a type of mage that can wirelesses connect with the Matrix with just their minds.

  • Arcane Background (Technomancer): see new Edge (Background).
  • Bright: add +1 die step to Smarts trait.
  • Power Edges: gain any two of the following edges for free – Concentration, New Power, Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Stoic (new Edge) or Soul Drain.
  • Training: Hacking d6



Disallowed Edges – Champion, Gadgeter, Mentalist, Holy/Unholy Warrior.
The following are generally NPC only edges – Aristocrat, Fame (Improved Fame), Rich (Filth Rich). Fame (Famous) is restricted to Street Cred for most players.


GREMLINS (Minor or Major): renamed All Thumbs Hindrance. Minor is just a -1 to any Technology/ Gadget use that requires a roll. Major version is a -2 and as other affects as listed in SWAE.
MYSTERIOUS CYBERWARE (Minor or Major): You have an unknown piece (or pieces) of Cyberware implanted within your body by an unknown source. The Minor version it is just mysterious and the GM might cause you some minor adverse effects every 4-5 game sessions. The Major form counts as 1.0 points of Strain and the GM may cause some adverse effects against player every 2-3 games.
SINER (Minor or Major): the character has a System Identification Number and it is registered with most world governments and corporations. As a Minor Hindrance the character simply has a registered ID and national or corporate citizenship and maybe a day job. As a Major Hindrance the character has a criminal recorded and the local authority agencies have a file on him (along with fingerprints, DNA samples, etc.)
SQUATTER LIFESTYLE (Minor): renamed Poverty. The character is living almost on the street, in a small cubical with poor quality food and hand-me-down or old normal clothing. Characters start with only 2,500¥ (with minor hindrance another 2,500¥ starting gear) and also with two months of Squatter life-style paid in advance (500¥ total).



ARCANE BACKGROUND [ADAPT] (Novice, Special): the character has learned the magic of enhancing her own body through mystical powers. See Magic
ARCANE BACKGROUND [MAGE] (Novice, Special): this character has learned the Hermetic spellcasting tradition. See Magic
ARCANE BACKGROUND [MENTOR SPIRIT] (Novice, Arcane Background): this Edge grants a character a mentor spirit’s bonuses. See Mentor Spirits (in Magic)
ARCANE BACKGROUND [SHAMANIC] (Novice, Special): this character has learned the shamanic spellcasting tradition.
ARCANE BACKGROUND [TECHNOMANCER] (Notice, Special): this character can access the Matrix without a comlink or datajack, naturally entering and interacting with that world. They have a natural broadcasting ability and firewall. See Technomancers (see the Matrix).
DEDICATE GEAR (Notice, cannot have Squatter class lifestyle): This Edge grants the character +20,000¥ but only for certain gear which must be chosen when the character takes this Edge. Persona and Programs (see the Matrix), Implants (see Implants), Armor and Weapons, Miscellaneous Gear or Vehicles and Drones. You get ½ unspent added to basic gear. This Edge can be taken more than once, but only at character creation.
FOCUS (Novice, Arcane Background): character owns and has bound a magical focus to themselves. After character creation the character must pay for it or steal one first. See Focus (in Magic)
INITIATION (Seasoned, Arcane Background): Each time you take this Edge you gain greater understanding of the mysterious of Magic. It grants you an enhancement from the Initiation Abilities (see Initiation in Magic). This Edge may only be taken once per rank, starting at Seasoned (ignoring the usual aspect of ‘Born A Hero’).
MIDDLE CLASS LIFESTYLE (Novice, cannot have Squatter Lifestyle): the character has a nice had with good quality food. The character starts with 15,000¥ (Minor Hindrance add another 15,000¥ starting gear). She is also assumed to have paid for two months of Middle-Lifestyle (10,000¥ total). Finally the character gains an additional +10,000¥ each time she takes the Dedicated Gear edge.
RESONANCE (Seasoned, Arcane Background – Technomancer): The Technomancer version of Initiation, the adapt has delved into the depths of the Matrix and has mastered new and strange abilities. This Edge may be taken once per Rank, starting at Seasoned (see Technomancer in the Matrix).
UPGRADE (Novice): The character can handle more cybernetics and bioware systems. Add +3.0 to his basic Strain score maximum. See Cybernetic/Bioware Implants


BORN LEADER (Veteran, Command): If you spend an action, one ally within your presence area is granted a free and immediate attack of their choice against an enemy of your choosing that you can both see (or know where it is).
MOVE IT MISTER! (Seasoned, Command): You can use a Standard Action to give one ally within your presence area a free and immediate movement of Pace (no Run die). This ally cannot pass through threatened enemy’s space without drawing an attack (unless they have Extraction, then roll normal)
TACTICIAN (Updated Rules): The Tactician make a free Battle check at the beginning of combat. With a success they gain a card draw. This card can be given to any ally that the tactician communicate with as an extra action that round.
STRATEGIST (Veteran, Command, Tactician): as Tactician but gain +1 Cards with each raise.


CYBER-PSYCHIC ALIGNMENT (Seasoned, Arcane Background, Spirits d8+, Vigor d6+]: The character’s mind and body are aligned strongly enough to offset one level of Strain penalty to any arcane abilities. Having a single 1.0 point of Strain’s worth of cybernetics or bioware means there is no impact one these checks, while having 3.0 points of Strain value embedded only applies at -2.
IMPROVED CYBER-PHYSIC ALIGNMENT (Veteran, Cyber-Psychic Alignment, Vigor d8+): The character can ignore 2.0 levels of Strain penalties when using her powers.
STOIC (Seasoned, Arcane Background): This character has learned how to regain Power Points back quickly at least once a day. With one minute ritual of full concentration by the character she regains 2d6 Power Points (up to her maximum). She cannot use this ritual again for 24 hours.


BODYGUARD (Novice, Vigor d8+, Fighting or Shooting d6+, Notice d8+): trained to protect important people from taking harm. Often, this means that you throw yourself into the line of fire. Once per round, a bodyguard within 2” of a character that he wants to protect, must make a Notice check to throw himself into the line of fire, should the target be attacked. On a successful attack, move the bodyguard into the line of fire (moves into the nearest available square) and apply any damage to him instead of the original target. The bodyguard enjoys a +1 to his Toughness base against this damage. This does not count as an action or movement for the Bodyguard’s round.
BOUNTY HUNTER (Novice, Smarts d6+, Intimidate d6+, plus either Occultism, Research or Survival d6+): Bounty hunters devote their lives to hunting down and capturing or killing targets; as a result, they get very good at it. One a target you have studied you can make a Occultism (vs. non-meta-human sapient targets like dragons and vampires) Research (vs. metahumans) or Survival (vs. animals and paracritters) check. Success grants +1 to all Trait rolls against the target and to your damage rolls against it until the end of the encounter. With a raise the bonus to Trait rolls and damage against the target are increased to +2.
COMBAT ACE (Season, Ace, Boating or Drive or Pilot d8+, Shooting d6+): The vehicle operator can fire one weapon system and make normal vehicle control checks once per action without incurring a multi-action penalty while Boating, Piloting or Driving a vehicle, aircraft, or spacecraft.
CORPORATE MAGE/SHAMAN (Novice, Arcane Background – Mage or Shaman, Smarts d8+, Occultism d6+; cannot have Street Mage/Shaman edge): this spellcaster (normally a Mage) is use to the ins and outs of corporate lives and formal training of his or her magical traditions. Due to how commonly they have implants, they receive extra training on how to overcome it. They can ignore 1.0 points of Strain penalty when casting spells. They also have a +2 Common Knowledge rolls about the corporation they belong too and +1 Persuasion with corps types.
COVERT OPERATIVE (Novice, Thief, Agility d8+, Athletics d8+, Hacking d6+, Stealth d8+, Thievery d6+]: Covert Operatives specialize in breaking and entering into places. They gain a +2 to Hacking skill when attempting to bypass a lock or security systems. They also grant a grants a +2 to Stealth rolls to all followers that are within 6” of him (including other Wild Cards).
DRONE BOND (Novice, Vehicle Rig Control implant): as Beast Bond can spend Bennies on Drones under your control via a VRC.
DRONE MASTER (Novice, Vehicle Rig Control implant): Drones under your control via a VRC count as Wild Cards (note that vehicles under your Direct Control automatically count as Wild Cards also).
EXPLORER (Novice, Notice d8+, Survival d8+): Masters of survival and observation, an explore gains +2 to Survival checks as well as Vigor checks made due to environmental influences. This includes weather, temperature, or atmospheres, but not things like plants and animal poisons, etc.
GHOST TALKER (Seasoned, Arcane Background – Mage or Shaman; Occultism d8+): The character has learned to speak with ghosts and spirits in astral space and gain information that they would normally not share. This grants the spell caster the ability to take a full minute of concentration to ask a question that a local spirits or ghost might know by making a Spellcasting check. The GM has the final say but most spirits have limited information about their area or a ghost might know how it died (but it might not) and give some basic information of other spirits or metahumans that have passed through the area recently, etc.
INFILTRATOR (Seasoned, Stealth d10+): Infiltrators specialize at entering bypassing guards and security systems. You can re-roll a Stealth check so long as the roll was not a Critical Failure.
SMOOTH OPERATOR (Novice, Smarts d8+, Persuasion d6+): A master of negotiation. Whether they work for a corporation, a government or a crime syndicate, you gain a +2 to Networking checks within such groups (SWA pg. 133).
SMUGGLER (Novice, Stealth d8+, Thievery d8+): Smugglers ply the illegal trade routes, smuggling goods from one hot-spot to another. They gain a +2 to Stealth or Thievery skill checks to hiding items one yourself or on their vehicles. This bonus also applies for their vehicles when trying to avoid detection. Also gain a +1 Repair skill to modifying their own vehicles.
STREET MAGE/SHAMAN (Novice, Arcane Background – Mage or Shaman, Smarts d8+, Occultism d6+; cannot have Corporate Mage/Shaman Edge): these spellcasters learned their art on the means streets of some Metroplex. They are used to the rigors of on the fly spellcasting and can ignore Fatigue penalty to any of your Spellcasting checks (but only spell casting). Finally they gain +2 to Common Knowledge checks about streetwise life and +1 Persuasion with street people.


In this setting of Shadowrun magic uses the basic Power System from SWAE. There are four basic types of Magic Users – the Adapt (those that turn their magic inward to enhance their abilities and their body and mind), Mages (those spellcasters of the Hermetic or formal learning leaning), Shamanic (those casters of the more intuitive learning) and Technomancers (those who can connect with an enter the Matrix without equipment). Technomachers are covered under the Matrix later. The other three types of magic users are covered here.

Note that due to the nature of higher damage and armor in this setting, all Damaging Powers (Bolt, Burst, etc.) increase their damage die type by +1 step (i.e. 2d4 because 2d6; 2d6 becomes 2d8; 3d6 becomes 3d8; etc.) and the Smite Power increases the damage to +3 (+6 with a Raise). Teleport and Summon Ally are not used in this setting. Summon Ally has been replaced by Summon Elemental or Spirit (see New Spells) and Sprits (see Technomancers).

Magic returned some 50 years ago to the world and yet it is still not fully understood. The three basic Arcane Backgrounds listed below are only the most commonly found ones in the setting I am going to run (Seattle in the 2060’s). Others exist such as Technomanchers (see the Matrix for their abilities) but generally others are going to be NPC only.

ADAPT: A physical adapt is a magic user whose powers are turned inward.

  • Arcane Background (Gifted)
  • Starting Power Points: 15
  • Starting Powers: 1
  • Skill: Focus (Spirits)
  • Power List: Arcane Protection†, Astral Projection÷, Beast Friend, Boost Trait†/‡, Confusion≠, Darksight†, Deflection†, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Disguise†, Distant Strike, Drain Power Points≠, Empathy, Environmental Protection†, Farsight†, Healing†, Intangibility†, Invisibility†, Mind Link, Mind Reading≠, Mind Wipe≠, Object Reading, Protection†, Relief†, Speed†/‡, Slumber≠, Smite†, Speak Language†, Stun≠, Suggestion÷, Wall Walker†, Warrior's Gift†
†These powers have the limitation - Range: Self automatically.
‡These powers have the limitation - Aspect automatically.
≠These powers have the limitation - Range: Touch automatically.
÷ New Power, see description

MAGE: Also called Hermetic magic. Examples include Mages, Wizards, Hermetic Druids, Magi, Qabbalistic, Wu Jin, etc.: the scientific study of magic as a complex pattern of elemental forces that can be control with the correct formulae and rituals.

  • Arcane Background (Magic)
  • Starting Power Points: 10
  • Starting Powers: 3
  • Skill: Spellcasting (Smarts)
  • Power List: Any.

SHAMAN: Examples include Shamans, Asatur, Shinto Priest, Voodoo Hooungans or Manbos, Wuxing, etc.: magic comes from a shaman’s connection to the powers of nature and the spirits. These latter forces are magnifications of the living Earth. Shamans are guided and aided by her children, the spirits, often through totems.

  • Arcane Background (Shaman)
  • Starting Power Points: 10
  • Starting Powers: 3
  • Skill: Faith (Spirits)
  • Power List: Any.

Note that for Adapts and Shaman and Power that lists the Range as Smarts they use their Spirits trait instead (if the Adapts’ power allows it to be used at range).



Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Special
Duration: one Hour.

Astral Projection allows a Mage or Shaman to project their spirting into the Astral Plane. While in astral space you can move through almost anything that does not have an astral signature. All living beings have an astral signature as does the Earth itself (Astral Beings can ‘push’ their way slowly through the Earth, at their Astral Pace per Hour). Wards and Astral Barriers can block astral beings from seeing through or passing through them (see Wards below). While traveling in Astral Space a being can move their Smarts or Spirits dice each round. With a “Run” action the caster can move at a Pace of 96 (around 400 MPH). Your spirit is completely intangible and invisible and cannot interact with the real world in any way but then nothing can hurt you while projecting not even other astral beings. While projecting you ignore Invisible and can see through the powers Disguise and Illusion and see the ‘true form’ of someone using Shapeshifter. This does mean that Astral Projectors can see each other they just can’t affect each other. While projecting you can read the “auras” of those you can see. This allows you to see if they have an Astral Background (vs. Conceal Arcana) and/or if they have any cybernetic implants (you can tell how much but not exactly the type, depending on what it is. So you could the target has cybernetic eyes but not what mods have been added). You can make a Notice check to determine the person’s mood, general health and tell if they are lying, etc.

Additional Modifiers
  • Duel-Nature (+0): Instead of projecting one’s spirit into Astral Space a caster can instead simply per into Astral Space with her eyes. This causes the caster to be Discarded (SWA pg. 100) for the duration but it can affect things both in Astral Space and the Real World. An Adapt may only use the Duel-Natural aspect of this power but they can active or deactivate it as a free action, once a round.


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Spirits
Duration: 5

Distant Strike allows and adapt to make a Fighting melee attack at range (up to his Spirits”). This acts as a ranged attack but uses the adept’s Fighting skill to hit. All other aspects of the attack are as normal and can be combine with Powers like Smite.


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5

Jinx causes any foe one foe within range that is making a direct action against your character—whether an attack, Test of Wills, or other action—suffers a mishap if his skill die is a natural 1, regardless of Wild Die. When this occurs, the foe’s weapon malfunctions, he slips and falls, a super villain’s power fails, and so on. The exact effect is up to the Game Master, but should usually cause the foe to miss his turn at the very least.

Additional Modifiers
  • Area of Effect (+2/+4): for an additional +2 power points the Jinx effects everyone within a Medium Burst Template. For +4 power points it effects everyone in a Large Burst Template.
  • Improved Jinx (+1): Foes suffer misfortune on a roll of 1 or 2 on their Trait die.


Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant.

Malfunction allows the character can cause technological devices to fail by picking a target within Smarts” and making a Spirit roll, minus the modifiers below. If successful, the device mal functions in some way. Simple to moderately complex devices just stop working. Complex devices lose a random sub system, determined by the Game Master. Particular sub-systems of complex devices can be selected as well. This incurs a further –2 penalty on the device. Causing a tank’s gun to malfunction, for example, is a total modifier of –6 (–4 for complex device, –2 for a subsystem). Basic casters modifier to casting checks is +0 for Simple devices (can opener, crossbow, etc.), -2 to Moderately complex devices (firearms, car transmitter, microwave ovens, etc.) and -4 for Complex devices (drones, shielded military technology, aircraft, highway autodrive highways, etc.)

Additional Modifiers
  • Area of Effect (+2): effects all devices within a Medium Burst Template.


Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3+
Range: Smarts x100”
Duration: 5

Remote Viewing allows a user to sense of people, places, and things outside of normal perception. Walls, doors and other barriers do not hamper remote viewing but Wards blocks it completely as do the Barrier and Conceal powers while the power is active. While it’s active, the user can shift the point of observation to anywhere within her Range as a free action. When using remote viewing, the caster chooses a single sense (usually sight) to project. For each additional 1 PP she spends at casting, she may add an additional sense.


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant

Suggestion allows you to make unbelievable suggestions that do not threaten the target. The target must make an opposed Spirits or Use the Force skill check. If you win the target believes your lie or follows your suggestion like it was his idea. You can also make a small illusion that distracts your target. With the same test you can make a Stealth check as if you were hidden by something against the target even if you are right in front of it. You can even make such a check and if you got a raise over the target’s check you have ‘the Drop’ on it until the end of your next action.

Additional Modifiers
  • Area Affect (+2/+4): You can force all targets within a Medium Burst Template to make a check to resist your power or for +4 power points you affect everyone in a Large Burst Template.


Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 4+
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5

Summon Elemental or Spirit (or Sprite) allows the character to summon an Elemental or Spirit from astral space (or Sprites from the Matrix, see Technomancers). A Mage can summon either an Air, Earth, Fire or Water Elemental while the Shaman may summon an Air (called Sky), Earth (called Land), Water (called Lake or Sea or River) and a Beast Spirits (spirits and elementals are exactly the same just called different things). It materializes anywhere in Range and with a raise on the arcane skill check its’ has a level of Resilient as well. The elemental acts on its creator’s Action Card and follows her commands to the best of its abilities. It has no personality, creativity, or emotions. When the power ends or the ally is incapacitated, it fades into nothingness, leaving no trace behind. How powerful the elemental is depends on the rank of the caster. At Novice level she can summon a basic Elemental type listed in the Bestiary pages 182-3. The Beast Spirit is listed below. Note that all Elementals and Spirits are considered Hardy, Gain +2 to recover from Shaken and Stunned and take only ½ damage from Firearms. Summoning an Elemental or Spirit at higher Rank increases their abilities, etc. as listed.

Additional Modifiers
  • Greater Spirit (+2/+4): Too summon a greater Elemental or Spirit requires the caster be at least Veteran rank and its costs additional Power Points. For +2 Power Points (total 6) can summon a Greater Elemental or Spirits (see below). At Heroic rank and +4 Power Points (total 8) can summon a Superior Elemental or Spirit.

BEAST SPIRITS: Appear has a large animal/plant like hybrid.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities:
  • Big: Size +1
  • Bite and Claws: base Str+d8, with teeth and claws.
  • Elemental: No additional damage from Called Shots, ignores 1 point of Wound penalties, doesn’t breathe, immune to disease and poison.
  • Entangling Vines: as the Entangle Power (SWA). Uses Spirits to active power within its Spirits (6”) range and in a Medium Burst Template, Stronger (-2 to break free and Hardness of 7).
  • Fleet Footed: base Run die of a d10.


All Greater Elementals and Spirits automatically gain Resilient (Earth Elementals; Very Resilient)

AIR: Increase Vigor to a d8 and Toughness to a 6. Increase Shooting to a d8. Gains 10 Power Points, Spellcasting d8 and Powers: Fly. This spell is generally used on the caster or allies (note it does not suffer a Strain penalty when cast on others).
BEAST: Increase Agility to a d10 and Strength and Vigor to a d12 each, Toughness to a 10. Increase Size to +2 and Gain 10 Power Points, Spellcasting d8 and Powers: Speed. This spell is generally used on the caster or allies (and does not suffer Strain penalties to cast on others).
EARTH: Increase Strength to a d12+2 and Vigor to a d12. Increase Toughness to 14 (4) and add Size +2. Gains 10 Power Points, Spellcasting d8 and Powers: Protection. This spell is generally used on the caster or allies (and does not suffer Strain penalties to cast on others).
FIRE: Increase Vigor to a d8 and Toughness to a 6. Increase Shooting to a d10. Gains 10 Power Points, Spellcasting d8 and Powers: Invisibility. This spell is often used on the caster or allies (and does not suffer Strain penalties to cast on others) but it also uses on itself via the casters commands.
WATER: Increase Strength and Vigor to a d12, and Toughness to 9. Also add Size+1. Gains 10 Power Points, Spellcasting d8 and Powers: Elemental Protection. This spell is generally used on the caster or allies (and does not suffer Strain penalties to cast on others).


All Superior Elementals and Spirits automatically gain Very Resilient (Earth Elementals gain an addition +2 to their Toughness score, factored in below). Also increase the Size of all by +2 and Toughness by +2 (Beast and Earth are now Large size gains an additional Wound and granting others a +2 on attack rolls against them).

AIR: Wind Blast penalty increases to -2 (-4 with a raise) and the damage to slam into a hard surface increases to 2d8 (2d6 base). Increase Power Points to 15 and add Powers: Fear and Invisibility
BEAST: Entangling Vines increases to a Large Burst Template and is -4 to resist with a Hardness of 9. Increase Claws to Str+d10. Increase Power Points to 15 and add Powers: Fear and Speed.
EARTH: Increase Rocky Hide to AP+8 and Slam to Str+d10. Increase Power Points to 15 and add Powers: Barrier and Fear.
FIRE: Increase Fiery Touch to Str+d10 and Flame Strike to 3d10 (3d8 base). Increase Power Points to 15 and add Powers: Fear and Fly.

"WATER: Increase Power Points to 15 and add Powers: Fear and Invisibility. Increase Slam to Str+d10 and Water Spout damage to 2d10 (2d8 base).


These are additional Modifiers for the basic Powers found in SWAE and updated for Shadowrun's setting


Additional Modifiers
  • Astral Barrier (+0): the Barrier will only block astral being and spirts and other living beings, it has no effect on bullets or drones or vehicles or living beings fulling enclosed within them, exposed crew would be thrown off the vehicle if they try to pass through. The base duration of this power is 10 rounds instead of the normal 5.


Additional Modifiers
  • Truesight (+2): Throughout the duration of this power the caster can ignore invisibility penalties and can see through illusions automatically.


Additional Modifiers
  • Film Quality (+1): Cameras, security devices and microphones detect and record the illusion.
  • Obscure (+2/+4): The illusion may be used to darken or otherwise obscure vision. For 2 points, it inflicts a –2 penalty to all rolls dependent on vision made within. For 4 points, it inflicts a –6 penalty. The super is immune to his own illusions, but others (including allies) are not. This isn’t actual darkness, so low light and other types of vision enhancements don’t reduce the penalty.
  • System Shock (+2): The illusion may attack one target per level of the power each round. It automatically “hits” and each target affected must make a Smarts roll or be Shaken. A second Shaken result from an illusion doesn’t cause an actual wound, but those who roll a 1 on their Smarts die do suffer a wound from the shock to their system.


Additional Modifiers
  • Phase (+2): The character can phase in long enough to take a single action (such as an attack) and immediately phase back out again. This requires a caster check to successfully phase in and phase back out (or vice-versa). An opponent can hit the character while solid by being on Hold and interrupting his action. This only last one round and cost the caster 2 power point each round.


Additional Modifiers
  • Great Leaping (+1): Adapt Only. Throughout the duration of Speed, the adapt can also leap a base of 4” horizontal and 2” vertical (with a raise on initial Focus check change distances to 6” horizontal and 3” vertical.)


Additional Modifiers
  • Decay (+2): Range Touch. This truly terrible aspect destroys matter. Each full round spent in contact with a substance destroys 10 pounds of matter. Harming living beings requires a Touch Attack. If successful, victims must make a Vigor roll or suffer a wound. Extremely thick clothing (up to Armor +1) absorbs a wound the first time the character is hit (unless circumvented via a Called Shot), and Armor +2 or more absorbs two. After that, the clothing or armor is effectively ruined.
  • Elemental Fist (+1): Adapts Only. Unarmed or Melee weapons only. This allows the adapt can stealth her fists or a melee weapon in an elemental trapping that deals an additional +2 damage of that trapping type.
  • Paralysis Touch (+2): Range Touch (Unarmed). Instead of dealing damage a successful Touch attack (+2 to attack roll) requires the target to make a Vigor check (-2 for every raise the caster achieved). If the victim fails the roll, he’s Incapacitated. On his following turns, the paralyzed victim makes a Vigor roll to revive. With a raise, he revives and may act normally. With success, he revives but is Shaken.


"Additional Modifiers
  • Combat Master (+1): Adapts Only. Throughout the duration the adapt also gains +1 to his Fighting and Shooting skills.


Anyone with an Arcane Background can erect magical wards and barriers. This requires material (see Magical Gear) and time. Generally a caster can cover a 20 x 20 foot area with one hour of work for a temporary ward and a full days’ worth of work for a permanent ward. Temporary wards last for one day per Smarts or Spirits of the creator and Permanent last for one year. This has the Conceal Arcana effect in that area automatically without the caster having to know the power or cast it. It also blocks astral beings from normally seeing into or entering the area and blocks the Remote Viewing Power completely. The astral being can attempt to force their way in. This is an opposed Caster check and the creator automatically knows that someone is trying to break through astral space. The astral being can attempt to be subtle but suffers a -4 to his Caster check.

ASPECT AND BACKGROUND COUNT Pollution and locations of powerful emotional focuses (rock concerts or the site of mass murder) can cause an astral shadow, often called Background Count (negative) or Aspect (positive). These affects can affect astral space and even the casting of spells in normal space. The affects can last for days or even years depending on how powerful the original event was. This can cause pain to astral beings (spirits or projecting mages, etc.) with penalties from -1 to -8 (depending again on how powerful the event was) to all actions in Astral Space and as penalty to Spellcasting or Summoning in normal space.

Positive background count tends to make magic users act as if drunk or high, while negative background count tends to make the magic users feel uncomfortable or in pain. Both affect spellcasting and summoning tests and all drain checks.


Any character with an Arcane Background may benefit from a Mentor Spirits. Mentor Spirits run a wide gambit of ideals and cultures. Adepts tend towards the more physical ideals like the Adversary or Fire-Bringer. Hermetic Mages often follow guidance from science or knowledge such as the Artificer or Sky Father. Shamanic caster tend to follow animal spirit guides like Bear and Wolf. These spirit guides tend to interact with the Shaman type on a more personal level than the others. Technomancers can also have a Mentor Spirit but these are beings of the Deep Matrix. See Technomancers (in the Matrix) for their choices.

Mentor Spirits grant the magic user certain benefits to skills and spells, the character may choice any two listed under each type. For example the Adversary grants +2 bonus to Fighting and Intimidate Skills, or +2 to casting the Boost/Lower Trait and Fear spells. A character who takes the Adversary can pick any two of these to gain bonuses to. Each Mentor also lists any Hindrances that the magic user must take as part of their listed ones. These reflect the ideals that the character was drawn to this Mentor or the Mentor was drawn to the character.

Adversary: Wherever there is cosmological order, there is an entity who wishes to overthrow it. The original rebel, working to thwart the mystical Powers-That-Be.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 bonus to Fighting and/or Intimidate Skills, and/or +2 to casting the Boost/Lower Trait and/or Fear spells.
Disadvantage: Quirk (Major): Issues with Authority, always questioning orders or instructions, generally a -1 to Persuasion skill when dealing with authority figures and must make a Spirits -1 test to not insulting or try and break rules or the law in most situations. Also common (but not required) Impulsive and Vengeful.

Artificer: The inventor, the craftsman, and the smith; the true symbol of humanity’s ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Advantages (chose any two of the following +2 bonus Electronics, Repair, and/or Science, and/or +2 to casting Barrier and/or Growth/Shrinking spells.
Disadvantage: Curious (Major)

Alligator: The cruelest (except maybe the Shark) of gift-givers, capriciously doling out life and death while laying lazily about in uncaring observation of its surroundings.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Fighting and/or Survival, and/or +2 to casting Protection and/or Smite spells.
Disadvantages: choice one of Obese (Minor) or Skinny (Minor; -1 to Strength for carrying capacity total); players choice. Also common (but not required) Bloodthirsty and Mean.

Bear: Bear is a Totem found in all cultures where bears are known to roam, from North America to Europe and Asia.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to the Athletics, Fighting and/or Healing and/or +2 to casting Empathy and/or Healing spells.
Disadvantages: Bear casters tend to be Cautions or Stubborn (Minor).

Cat: Cat is honored in cultures around the world. Cat is often seen as the guardian of mystical secrets, often involving the afterlife.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Stealth and/or Taunt and/or +2 to casting the Illusion and/or Invisibility spells.
Disadvantages: Quirk (Minor): a Cats toy with their prey. Unless the Cat shaman makes a Spirit -2, she cannot make an attack that will incapacitate her target (i.e., will not use attacking and damaging spells at first, except to Shake or startle foes). If the shaman is wounded, it stops playing around. Also common (but not required) Curiosity, Impulsive and Vengeful.

Dark King: The grim rulers of the Land of the Dead, he knows many of buried secrets.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 with Intimidate and/or Notice and/or +2 to casting Fear, Light/Darkness (Darkness only) and/or Zombie spells.
Disadvantage: Anemic (Minor) or Frail (Minor) for a -1 Toughness.

Dragon: Dragon is a sly ruler, slow to act and often cruel, but undeniably powerful.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Intimidate and/or Persuasion and/or +2 to casting Burst and/or Protection spells.
Disadvantage: Cautious or Stubborn (Minor), player’s choice. Also common (but not required) are Suspicious and Vengeful.

Dragonslayer: The most heroic of mentor spirits is also the most fun-loving. Though he fights to protect his own against all dangers, he loves a good party even more.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Gambling, Intimidate, Persuasion and/or Taunt, +2 to casting Protection and/or Smite spells.
Disadvantages: Heroic (Major).

Dog: Dog is a loyal friend. He fights ferociously to defend his home and those under his protection.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Notice and/or Stealth and/or +2 to casting Beast Friends and/or Detect/Conceal Arcana spells.
Disadvantages: Loyal (Minor): a Dog is stubbornly loyal. She can never leave someone behind, betray a comrade, or let another sacrifice themselves in her place.

Eagle: Eagle is the highest-flying bird in the sky, considered to be the most noble by many cultures in North America and Europe.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Intimidate and/or Notice and/or casting Farsight and/or Fly spells.
Disadvantages: Eagle magicians receive the Minor Phobia (Claustrophobia).

Fire-Bringer: The Fire-Bringer stole the secret of fire from the heavens and gifted it to meta-humanity. For this crime he was punished by the other gods, suffering for the betterment of man.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Academic and/or Science and/or +2 to casting Burst (Fire trappings only) and/or Environmental Protection.
Disadvantages: Heroic or Impulsive (Major), player’s choice

Great Mother: The Great Mother is the supporter of all living beings from her generous bounty and lives to embrace her children. She is fertility unbound, but uncaring for technological advances.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Healing and/or Survival and/or +2 to casting Beast Friends and/or Healing
Disadvantage: Pacifist (Minor). Also common (but not required) include Heroic and Vow (aiding those in need).

Horned Man: The Horned Man is the symbol of masculine energy, virility, wild behavior and vegetation. He is also the great seducer of anything of beauty.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Athletics and/or Persuasion and/or +2 to casting Illusion and/or Puppet spells.
Disadvantages: Quirk (Minor): they know no boundaries for acceptable social behavior and suffer a -1 Persuasion in most situations except when dealing with those who are as “open” as you.

Lion: The proud hunter, Lion is a skilled warrior but also represents the fringes of the world where the unknown might threaten mankind.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Fighting and/or Intimidate and/or +2 to casting Bolt, Blast and/or Burst spells.
Disadvantages: Overconfidence (Major).

Moon Maiden: The Moon Maiden is the embodiment of the night’s sky. Moody, changeable, emotional, mysterious, sometimes gentle and pleasant but other times wild and uninhibited.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Persuasion and/or Stealth and/or +2 to casting Illusion and/or the Light/Darkness spells.
Disadvantages: Quirk – Mood Swings (Minor). Tend to be either happy or mad, outgoing or introverted, etc. Also common (but not required) includes Impulsive.

Mountain: Mountain is rooted in the very heart of the Earth but reaches towards the lofty heights. He is limitless strength and endurance, but Mountain is stubborn and unyielding.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Intimidate and/or Survival and/or +2 to casting Arcane Protection, Banish and/or Protection.
Disadvantages: Cautions or Stubborn (Minor).

Oak: Oak is the strongest and the oldest of trees, patients and noble.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Athletics and/or Healing and/or +2 to casting Growth (aspect only) and/or Protection spells.
Disadvantages: Cautions or Loyalty (Minor).

Owl: Owl features in mythology all over the world as a symbol of wisdom, prophecy, death and as a guide to the afterlife or the spirit world.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Notice and/or Stealth and/or +2 to casting Divination and/or Darksight spells.
Disadvantages: Death wish or Vengeful (Minor).

Rat: Rat is found wherever humans are, for whom else’s bounty can sustain him?

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 with Stealth and/or Taunt and/or +2 to casting Illusion and/or Invisibility spells.
Disadvantages: A Rat almost never forgets (or forgives) a wrong and is Vengeful (Minor)

Raven: Raven is a harbinger of trouble and doom worldwide. He is a trickster and a transformer, dark and devious.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 with Notice and/or Taunt and/or +2 with Illusion and/or Suggestion spells.
Disadvantages: Quirk (Minor): a Raven must make a Spirit -1 test to avoid exploiting someone else’s misfortune to her own advantage or making an obvious insult at an inappropriate time.

Sea: Sea is the birthplace of all living things and she is unfathomable, moody, tranquil and comforting one moment and fearsome and destructive the next.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Athletics and/or Survival and/or +2 to casting Environmental Protection and/or the Slow/Speed spells.
Disadvantages: Outsider (Minor) in most civilized lands.

Seductress: The Seductress is the incarnation of desire. She has many whims and vices that she that she must frequently satisfy. She is also jealous and greedy and seeks to inflame the wants of others.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Persuasion and/or Taunt, and/or +2 to casting Puppet, Slumber and/or Stun spells.
Disadvantages: Habit (Minor): Compulsive carousing and seduction attempts or Vengeful (Minor).

Shark: Shark is a cold and relentless hunter. His power is known to all who live near the sea.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Athletics and/or Fighting and/or +2 to casting Havoc and/or Smite spells.
Disadvantages: Shark shamans can go into fury in combat when they are wounded or when they wound an opponent. Make a Spirit Roll. On a failed check the character goes berserk for 3 turns, minus 1 turn success and raise. A berserk Shaman will attack the nearest foe without regard for her own safety. If the shaman incapacitates a target before the time is up, the fury dissipates.

Snake: Snake is wise and knows many secrets. She is a good counselor, but exacts a price for advice.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Notice and/or Persuasion, and/or +2 to casting Detect/Conceal Arcana, Divination and/or Speak Languages spells.
Disadvantages: Cautious or Pacifist (Minor).

Sky Father: The Sky Father rules from the dome of the heavens, high atop his mountain throne. The ultimate patriarch of early civilization, he rules all and there is little that can escape his gaze… or wrath.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Intimidate and/or Notice, and/or +2 to casting Darksight Farsight and/or Remote Viewing spells.
Disadvantages: Vengeful (Minor)

Spider: Spider weaves the web of the world and waits patiently for all things to come to her.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Persuasion, Stealth and/or Taunt, and/or +2 to Detect/ Conceal Arcana and/or Suggestion.
Disadvantages: Cautions (Minor)

Sun: Sun is excellence, shining brightly in the sky, and appreciates those who strive for perfection.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Athletics and/or Intimidate and/or +2 to casting Light/Darkness and/or Remote Viewing spells.
Disadvantages: Overconfidence (Major)

Trickster: The Trickster is the clever one, swift of mind and body, master of disguise and deception.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Taunt and/or Thievery and/or +2 to casting Disguise and/or Illusion spells.
Disadvantages: Quirk (Minor): a Trickers at heart, who must make a Spirit -1 test to avoid exploiting or insulting someone else’s misfortune to her own advantage.

Wise Warrior: The Wise Warrior is skilled in the art of war, for battle is an art to him, an exercise in the power of the mind as well as the body.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to casting Athletics and/or Fighting and/or +2 to casting Protection and/or Warriors Gifts.
Disadvantages: Overconfidence (Major)

Wolf: Wolf is recognized as a hunter and warrior worldwide. It is said he will win every fight until his last. Wolf fights for his family and friends and rarely backs down.

Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Fighting and/or Survival and/or +2 to casting Protection and/or Smite spells.
Disadvantages: A Wolf magician must succeed in a Spirit -1 tests to retreat from any fight (Major).


Focuses are a unique form of Signature Gear and Equipment and can only be purchased with the Focus Edge. After character creation they must also be paid ¥ (unless stolen from another caster) along with taking the Edge to ‘bond’ to the device. One may only take the Focus Edge more then twice. A Power Focus may not be combined with either the Spell Focus or Siphoning Focus. These are not the only kind of magical item but there are generally the only kind carried by characters. It takes a free action to activate or deactivate a Focus on the owner’s turn.

Magical Focus can be noticed from Astral Space; each Focus adds +1 to opponents using Astral Projection (pg. 12) and to Notice a subject that is trying to hide, reading their mood, etc.

Spell Focus (5,000¥): Gives a caster a +2 to Casting bonus to one specific spell. Most be chosen when the caster ‘binds’ the focus to themselves (buys the Edge).
Siphoning Focus (7,500¥): Grants the user +10 Power Points. They points return independently of the caster at her basic speed (if she has the Rapid Recharge edge).
Banishing Focus (6,000¥): Grants the caster the Banish power that can be used with any spirit, ghosts, etc. Also grants the caster -1 power point to cast and a +1 to his casting check if he has the Banish power.
Sustaining Focus (6,000¥): A focus that will maintain any one spell a duration of one hour without costing the caster any power points. It takes 24 hours of recharge before the focus can be used again.
Weapon Focus (Weapon cost +8,000¥): Must also be purchase a Melee Weapon (SWAE pg.). The focus then adds +1 to Fighting skill, +2 Damage and +2 AP (stacks with basic weapons AP).
Power Focus (10,000¥ per level): Gives the caster a +1 to all spells Casting test and adds +5 Power Points that the caster can draw on. These points return independently of the caster at the same rate as he regains his with rest. The Edge can be taken twice to increase the bonus for all castings checks to +2 and an additional +5 power points (10 points total).


Initiation is a special knowledge and understanding by Awakened beings. Each time the arcane user takes the Edge Initiation they can choice one of the following special abilities…

  • Adept Centering (Adept only): This Edge can be taken twice and is an automatic action. Each level allows the Adept to ignore one level of Fatigue penalties.
  • Ally Spirit (Mage and Shaman only): You have conjured an ally spirit that is not have a duration but instead is there whenever you need it. This required a week long full concentration ritual on your part. The Spirit is a basic type you can summon and is a Wild Card (but not no benny of its own). For every 5 full raises you achieve your spirit grows in power. The first time it gain Greater Spirit abilities and the second time it gain Superior Spirit abilities. It will follow your instructions and is far more “sentient” that a normal spirit or element. It is not limited to a certain area around you and if it is banished or destroyed will reappear in 2d6 days.
  • Attunement (Adapt only): As Beast Bound Edge. Allows a Para-Critter to bond with you.
  • Centering: This Edge can be taken more than once and it requires Pace of 0 to use. Each level reduces the cost of casting a spell by 1 (minimum 1).
  • Channeling: This Edge can be taken more than once and requires a Pace of 0 to use. Each level adds +1 to next casting/Power skill check.
  • Flexible Signature: This power can be used as a free action (automatically). The initiate can choose to alter her astral signature at will, disguising it so that it cannot be used to identify her, forging the signature of someone else or simply reducing the amount of time that it lasts. Whenever someone tries to read their signature minus the number of times the caster has taken any Initiation Edges (including the Flexible Signature edge) from their Notice.
  • Masking: This power can be used as a free action (automatically). This ability allows the initiate to appear to be a mundane, non-magical being. Whenever someone tries to look at their Astral Signature they must beat an opposed Spirit or Smarts Traits test to see through the mask. The masker gains a bonus of +1 for each Initiate Edge they have taken (including the Masking Edge). NOTE that there is no known way to mask a spell to look mundane, hence if an initiate is maintaining a spell he or she may appear mundane but the spell is still visible in Astral Space.
  • Quickening: This Edge requires a Pace of 0 to use at first but then is a free action to maintain. The caster can maintain a spell for up to one hour for no additional power point cost. The caster cannot use this ability again for 24 hours after the spell ends.


The wireless Matrix is made up of thousands of individual ‘nodes’ (something like modern day cellphone towers) each with its’ own signal strength that creates an overlapping systems without breaks in every modern Metroplex. Corporations also support their own nodes along with the public infrastructure. Almost every device at this time is wireless and can and will broadcast its information out to the world for all to see and use. This includes your home or apartment appliances, window shades, maglocks, comlinks, cyberware, vehicles, drones, etc. Basically anything electronic has a wireless connection so that it can be view and talk to other wireless devices. This way if you are running low on Soy Milk, your refrigerator can tell you about it and your Harley will let you know when you need to change the oil again. Your cyberware and comlink can receive automatic system updates from the corporate you purchased it from for software patches and upgrades, etc.

In a shadowrunner’s world, this is not always good thing. You don’t want just anyone to be able to view your data or hack into your personal information or be able to track where you are at any given time. For this reason, most devices can also run in a ‘hidden mode’ where it is not broadcasting its basic information to just anyone, you have to know the right codes in order to not just see them but to interact with them. Cyberware can also have their wireless access modes turned off but this can hurt them in the long run as they will have no way of updating any software patches and makes periodic maintenance more difficult.

Anyone that Broadcast (via a comlink, etc.) can immerse themselves into this Augmented Reality (AR) wireless world to view and access the information there. This allows them to ‘see’ other AR uses basic information along with hundreds if not thousands of wireless ads and banners. This information is overlaid onto the uses field of vision but does not block it (although it can be overloaded with too much information in some high-spam traffic areas). In order to project ones conscious into the Matrix requires the Emersion modifier from Broadcast (either with a Simsense rig or Datajack implant). To manipulate the Matrix requires the Hacking skill and Programs.


A comlink is basically an advanced personal computer, PDA and cellphone. When in active mode, anyone can see your basic display information in AR as is ‘projected’ out into the wireless world. The Broadcast power basically is the range of your device. Firewall acts as protection from hostile deckers and scans, while More Range grants greater signal strength and range.

Emersion and Interface are explained below and affect how the Decker, Technomancer or Rigger can manipulate the Matrix or other technology devices. Comlinks can also operate on ‘hidden mode’ where they only talk to certain other comlinks and do not appear on others AR overlay, but this is illegal is certain higher security areas. For example, Lone Star does not allow anyone to operate their comlink in a hidden mode in most of the downtown core areas of Seattle. Most shopping centers and corporate locations also require anyone visiting to have their public information displayed at all times. This has the added benefit of restricting most homeless people and other ‘undesirables’ from these regions. Fake ID can overcome this security… if good enough (high enough ranking).


When one views the Matrix via AR (Augment Reality) one see information (text, advertisements, other AR users, etc.) broadcast out by various nodes and host systems. They want to be seen by consumers and other users. When a decker uses Emersion to projecting their consciousness into the Matrix and experience it through a Persona (see below) the Matrix looks like a whole other world. The Matrix is built upon millions of different broadcasting Systems that create the virtual structures that act as real structures to Matrix Personas and users. A Node is the center of multiple Broadcast Systems that support an individual site host such as a Corporate Matrix site (think websites of old), Chat rooms, Data sharing sites, News broadcast sites, library sites, government agencies and public access sites, etc. Other programs within individual Nodes include IC (Intrusion Countermeasures), Data-Files, System Programs and a hundred out types of electronic billboards and private (or even secret) systems.

To find basic public information on can be a difficult task as there is so much information out there these days that one has to shift through a lot of data to get the answers they seek. Of course one must have access to the Matrix to do such a search, but within a standard Metroplex this is easy with all overlapping broadcasting nodes. Basic or Standard information search (like finding a corporate public Matrix site, looking up a SIN registered comlink number, etc.) requires only a base successful with a Research skill check and 1d6 rounds. Depending on how obscure a search might be the can be a -1 to -4 penalty to this test and GM can impose extra time (multiple the base 1d6 rounds by extra dice or minutes or hours). Raise(s) provide additional information depending on what you are searching for.

Anyone with a comlink that includes the Scan program can attempt to locate ‘hidden’ device(s) within it Broadcast range (such as comlinks, drones, vehicles and/or Matrix security Nodes, etc.) with a base Electronics or Hacking skill check. This takes 1d6 rounds within 50”.

Once you have found something that you might wish to access more than just the public files you will have to bypass the security put in place just to stop such attempts. This might include a Matrix site, enemy vehicle, drone or comlink, etc. This requires an Action and Hacking skill check minus the devices Firewall rating. Success allows access past the first basic layer of security. This allows one more detailed information but also can start to use Matrix Programs against the device, technology or within the Matrix Node system. If a failure is the result the hacker can try again next round as an Action. Failure can also alerts the user that someone is attempting to access their device, vehicle or Node unless the hacker is running a Ghosting or Spoof program (then it is a contested check between the Decker’s Hacking and the systems Notice skill, adding the system or device’s Firewall rating a bonus). If alerted the device can be shut down an opposing Decker can try and block future attacks and Corporate Nodes often go on security upgrades, activating IC programs and alerting security, etc. How fast these systems activate depends on the Nodes security rating (see below).

Most Data Nodes have layers of security attached to them that must be broken through in order to get to the pay dirt within. As wireless information can be stolen with enough skill, effort and technology much sensitive information is not broadcast onto the Matrix but instead in isolated on-sight Nodes. It’s for this reason that a decker must often accompany a team to the physical location to get access to the really good info.

Against a devices, comlink, cybernetic system, drone or vehicle a Decker (and Rigger in some instances) can try and bypass its security and cause problems for the user. Once the system or device has been accessed the Decker has a number of options that she can peruse. To perform any of them first requires an Action and an Opposed Hacking check (anything connected through a comlink has at least a basic d4 in Hacking as manufactures have built the basic safeguards into them). If the Decker wins they can shut down one basic system (like a comlinks broadcasting ability or a single piece of cybernetics or not allow a smartgun linked weapon to fire, etc.) Another option would be to flood the user’s spam AR such that they are Distracted (and Vulnerable if the attacker got a raise over their opponent with the contested check). The Decker could also use any Program they have against the device.

Corporate Nodes have multiple layered structures, each with a Firewall security setting to try and stop intruders breaking into their most sensitive areas. The first layer is the Public Forums, or where the corps display the data they want everyone to see. This area is called the Green Node. The system have a basic Firewall of 1 to bypass but most corps have installed at least Firewall 2 or 3 to try and change or alter the data. The next layer is called a private zone or Blue Node with a basic Firewall rating of 2 overall but can be upgraded during security breaches. Generally this is where confidential corporate communication and basic data about the corps are stored. A Decker can find basic bank account information, standard worker (not upper management or off-the books employees) files, etc. here. The next layer is the secret zone or Red Node and most start with at least a Firewall rating of 3 another the MegaCorps often invest in stiffer security of 4. This can be raise by one or two ratings when a security breach is detected. Whenever a Decker runs a Program within a Node they suffer the Firewall rating as a penalty to their checks or it acts as a bonus for the system to overcome the Decker’s programs. Each of these zone levels must be breached by the Decker to gain access to the next layer. This requires a number of Actions equal to the systems Firewall rating and an Oppose Hacking skill check. Each round spent doing this can potentially alert the system’s security. The systems gets its basic Notice skill plus the Firewall rating Opposed by the Decker’s Sneak or Trickery Matrix skill or against her Ghosting or Spoof program ratings. Success alerts the system of an intruder and what happens depends on the corps size and where the Decker is attempting to access.

Just because the Decker has been able to break into a private or secret zone does not grant them access to everything there. They still must use their Brows or Search Matrix skills or Scan and Sniffer programs to seek out the information or systems that they want and then most bypass any security locks (called Data-Locks) to get to the data. If they are just doing a random search this can take more time as they shift through the data (if they plan on doing it within the system). The system has a chance of detecting the Decker even if they have gained access into the system as it might recognize that they do not belong there. The system makes a Notice check plus the Firewall rating Opposed by the Decker’s Sneak or Trickery Matrix skills or against his Ghosting or Spoof programs. This happens once a minute in a private zone and once a round within a secret zone. For example, a Decker has broken into an Ares Marcotech private subsystem zone (with a Firewall 2) looking for information on the Ares Alpha Assault Rifle design specs and wants to steal the plans for them. He must first make Brows or Search Matrix skill check -2 to locate the data files. Once he has he sees it has a Data-Lock 2 securing the info behind another layer of security. He attempts either a Hacking -4 check (firewall and data-lock rating) or a Passkey program at -2 (the firewall rating) or he could even try and destroy the lock with Erode or simply smash it with the Hammer program but these automatically alert security. Once the information is accessed one need only a round to use the Copy program or a number of rounds equal to its ranting to download it.

Note that the reason the corps doing run the highest levels of Firewall all the time is that these security systems slow down the overall Nodes performance ratings. Corporations can also employ their own Deckers along with Intruder Countermeasure (IC) programs whose sole propose is to provide additional security by seeking out cyber criminals. The level of expertise, skill and Rating of these personal and programs varies hugely between the big corporations and a mom-and-pop.


When a Decker logs onto the Matrix there are three levels of ‘emersion’ that one can use. Riggers do something similar but generally only access a vehicles system. Technomancers experience the Matrix the same way but can use any of the following emersion automatically without a computer or comlink. So long as they are within their broadcast range of a network.

  • AR or Augmented Reality is the most basic level and most of society in the 2060’s involved in at least some level of AR with the comlinks transmitting and receiving data from all the Nodes and system around them every day. AR user or Decker reaction on his or her initiative card in the round. AR provides lots of additional levels of information that is not overly distracting, except when the Decker tries to interact with both ‘realities’ at the same time (for example, decking and combat in the real world at the same time). At these times the Decker is ‘Distracted’ (SWAE pg. 100). This is in addition to any Multi-Action penalties. You can use a Persona in AR in order to use programs etc., and it can take ‘Matrix damage’ as normal. Most AR browsers do not even have a stock persona and only allow character to use Persona Skills (except Scan).
  • Cold Sim is the safest version of ‘emersion’ into the Matrix (requires a minimum of a Sim Emersion upgrade on a Comlink or a Datajack). The Decker leaves his meat-body back in the real-world as they send their consciousness into the Matrix. Generally the worst that can generally happen to the Decker is that they can be dumped off the Matrix forcibly (called Dumpshock), although some programs (like Grey Hammer) can deal harm to the comlink. Cold Sim grants one Extra Action in the Matrix (can ignore one Multi-Action penalty each round).
  • Hot Sim is the most dangerous (and illegal) version of emersion into the Matrix. This requires a Datajack (see Cyberware). With it the Decker uses her Emersion ability (from either cyberware or a comlink) in order to place their consciousness almost fully into the Matrix. Deckers have died while hacking this way while others suffered other adverse physical and psychological effects. Hot Sim grants two Extra Actions in the Matrix (ignore two Multi-Action penalties).

NOTE: that other Extra Action Enhancements such as Adept Powers (Improved Initiative) or Cybernetics (Wired Reflexes) only help your reaction with AR. They have no effect on Cold or Hot Sim. Edges like Quick or Level-Headed help all for all types of initiative.


While “jacked” into the Matrix through a direct neural interface Emersion, the Decker projects her conscious into it and no longer have any meat-body Physical Traits (Agility, Strength and Vigor), nor can they use any skill tied to these Traits. Deckers and Wage-Programmers create unique Persona – an electric, Matrix version of whatever the Decker choices to look like (the Decker’s Avatar). At a very basic level a Persona cost of 500¥ with a Strength and Vigor Trait of D4 each (Agility is irrelevant in the Matrix). Each Trait can be Upgrades individually as listed below. The Decker must have a comlink or computer where the electronic version of this Persona is stored and can be uploaded onto the Matrix. Matrix Strength determines the basic number of Programs (see below) that the device can handle. Comlinks can handle ½ Matrix Strength in Programs while a Cyber-Deck and handle the full Matrix Strength in Programs running at one time. It takes an Action to drop and load a number Program unless noted in the Program’s description.

Rank Cost (each traits must be purchased separately for both Strength and Vigor)

D6 = 1,500¥ each
D8 = 5,000¥ to each
D10 = 15,000¥ to each
D12 = 50,000¥ to each

A Decker’s Persona also has four basic skills – Browse (Matrix Notice), Search (Matrix Research), Sneak (Matrix Stealth), and Trickery (Matrix Persuasion/Deception). Each starts at a base D4 with the basic Persona built. Rank Cost (each skill rank must be purchased separately for each skill)

D6 = 500¥ each
D8 = 1,000¥ to each
D10 = 2,500¥ to each
D12 = 5,000¥ to each


These programs only work within the Matrix. The exceptions include the Scan which can be used in the ‘real-world’ to find nods, comlinks, drones, etc.; Grey Hammer which can damage or destroy hardware and comlinks; and Black Hammer which can kill a decker’s meat body. Range is meaningless and any Area Effect instead affects the local Nod (there is no difference in size in the Matrix).

A Decker can attempt to write her own Programs or increase her Matrix Traits and or Skills instead of purchasing them. This takes 20 hours of dedicated work per 2,000¥ to normally purchase it; not counting restricted or illegal price increase. A decker can normally devote 10 hours a day (14 with a Spirits check that if made works for a week). Those who require less sleep (due to drugs or cybernetics like a Sleep Regulator, etc.) can devote an additional 6 hours per day. At the end the Decker makes a Science skill check. Success grants the first rating or increase a Trait or Skill by +1 step. Failure wastes the time invested.


  • Agents (Restricted) – creates a semi-autonomous programs that can do various takes. The basic Agent has a d6 in Matrix Attributes and a d6 in all Matrix skills. It’s a semi-independent A.I. that will follow orders and instructions but is not creative in any way itself. The Base cost 2,500¥. One can create two Agents for +2,500¥, four Agents for +5,000¥ and a maximum of six Agents for +10,000¥. A decker can grant his agents Programs listed here for the same cost listed.
  • Armor (Restricted) – provide Matrix protection like armor +1 per rating. Cost 200¥ x rating (max 10). This can be combined with raising Toughness at a cost of 500¥ x rating (max 5).
  • Black Hammer (Illegal) – This illegal program not only can damage a Persona but also the meat body of the decker projecting into the Matrixed. The decker’s body suffers ½ the damage the Persona would have taken minus the decker’s comlink Firewall rating. Cost 20,000¥
  • Confusion (Restricted) – This program can cause an enemy Persona or IC to become Distracted and Vulnerable. This is contested check Hacking skill check. Success and the opponent gains both conditions for 1d6 rounds. Every raise increase the duration by 1d6 rounds Cost 2,500¥
  • Copy – This program can download and copy data from files, etc. in one round. Cost 1,000¥
  • Corrupt (Restricted) – This program erodes IC or Persona’s traits (Matrix Attributes or Skills). This is a contested Hacking skill check. Success lowers one trait by 1 die step. Each raise lowers a trait (same or a different one) by another 1 die step. Cost 5,000¥.
  • Data Bomb (Illegal) – This program destroys data-files, generally taking one Action per rating. Cost 2,000¥
  • Erase (Illegal) – This program erodes and destroys a Program. Each round the Decker is in contact with a Program it lowers its rating by one. When it reaches 0 the program is destroy (can be reload by the Host Node but takes time). With a successful Hacking check against an IC or Persona they must make a Matrix Vigor check or suffer a Wound. Cost 10,000¥.
  • Exploit (Illegal) – This program allows the decker to gain control over a Program, IC or Persona. Acts as the puppet power (SWA pg. 166). Cost 10,000¥
  • Fortitude (Restricted) – This program adds to your Persona’s Matrix Toughness. Each level adds +1 to a max rating of 10. Cost 2,000¥ rating I-V, cost 4,000¥ rating VI-X.
  • Ghosting (Illegal) – the Decker’s persona is partially invisible to other programs and Personas. An the system’s or Persona’s Browse or Search along with Sniffer and Scan programs are at -2 per ranking, with Host nodes gaining a bonus equal to the Firewall rating. Cost rank I: 5,000¥; rank II: 12,500¥; or rank III: 25,000¥
  • Glue (Restricted) – This program can ensnares an IC, Persona or Program in place such that it cannot move out of the Host zone it was located. For a Persona a decker can jack-out but doing so removes her Persona from the Host area and if she wishes to return she must break into the system again. This is an Opposed Hacking skill check. Success and the target cannot move and is Distracted. With a raise the target is also Vulnerable. In either case if the decker moved out of the host zone the target cannot follow. Cost 5,000¥
  • Grey Hammer (Restricted) – this semi-legal attack program can damage the hardware of a Program. Any damage the decker inflicts also compare the damage to the target’s hardware Hardness rating plus Firewall. Beating the Hardness rating by four causes it a wound (a Wild Card’s comlink or hardware can take three wound and suffers no wound penalties, but once it has suffered its fourth wound the decker is forced off the Matrix with dumpshock). Cost 5,000¥
  • Hammer (Restricted) – This program increase the Persona’s Strength damage by the rating. Rating I: Str+1d4, Cost 500¥; Rating II: Str+d6, Cost 1,500¥; Rating III: Str+d8, Cost 4,000¥; Rating IV: Str+d10, Cost 8,000¥; Rating V: Str+d12, Cost 15,000¥. Can add upgrades of Penetrator – Reduces Armor Program by its rating. Cost 200¥ x Rating (max 10).
  • Jammer (Illegal) – This program causes a system to not be able to communicate with its host system or others. This is a contested Electronics or Hacking skill check. Success blocks all communication by the target, thus it cannot raise alarms etc. The basic duration of this program is 5 rounds. Cost 5,000¥
  • Medic – This program can heal Matrix wounds on itself. The decker makes an Electronics skill check, minus any wound penalties. Success heals a wound, a raise two wounds. This program can only be used a number of times equal to its rating before requiring it to be reloaded (which normally takes a number of actions of 1d6 rounds x rating). Cost 1,000¥ x rating for levels I-III; costs 2,000¥ x rating for levels IV-VI; costs 5,000¥ x rating for levels VII-X.
  • Passkey (Illegal) – This program grants a decker a bonus to Hacking to overcoming a Data-Lock, allowing him to bypass the security protocols faster and with less danger of alerting security. Each rating adds +1 to his Hacking skill against a Data-Lock. Cost 500¥ x rating for levels I-V; 1,000¥ x rating for levels VI-X.
  • Scan – This legal program allows anyone with a Comlink to find nodes and wireless devices while in the real world. The Range equals to the Broadcast range. Requires a basic success with Electronics or Hacking (apply all Firewall penalties). With a basic success, the decker can use Augury with a Hacking check -2 as a free action. This grants the user additional information about the node or com. For example an enemy team’s locations and number, weapon types (everything from clothing to weapons to cyberware has RFID tags, attached to them. The Scan program get access a lot of this basic data almost instantly). Cost 2,000¥
  • Shield (Restricted) – This program adds to the Persona’s Matrix Parry Score. Each rating adds +1 to this Score. Cost 2,000¥ x rating, I-III.
  • Sniffer (Restricted) – This program is used to find hidden data stores but also to bypass Ghosting and Spoof programs. Each ranking grants +1 to the Persona’s Brows and Search Matrix skills. Cost 1,000¥ x rating for levels I-V; 3,000¥ x rating for levels VI-X.
  • Spoof (Illegal) – This program disguises the Persona to make it appear that it belongs where it normally does not. Each level grants the user a +2 to his Trickery Matrix Skill generally opposed by the systems Notice. Cost rank I: 5,000¥; rank II: 12,500¥; or rank III: 25,000¥.
  • Tracer (Restricted) – This program uses your Persona’s Search Matrix skill to try and locate the physical location of another Persona almost anywhere on Earth. Allows an opposed check (by target’s Hacking and Firewall) every 1d6+1 rounds. Success locates the target’s physical location to within a block, with a raise within a few feet.
  • White Noise (Restricted) – This program fills a local Node or Host system with jamming white noise that causes a general penalty of -1 to all Matrix Skills per rating. But this jamming affects the Decker’s skills and Persona also. Cost 2,000¥ x rating for levels I-III; cost 5,000¥ x rating for levels IV-VI, and 10,000¥ x rating for levels VII-X.

NOTE – these are only the basic programs. You can create others system but remember range has no Matrix effect. Any Area effect will affect everything you can ‘see’ within the Local Node or System


As Persona can move around in the Matrix at near light speed (after all you are just code) Range is irrelevant. All combat is assumed to be ‘hand-to-hand’ just for the sake of easy of play. Attack rolls to hit in the Matrix are determined using your Hacking skills minus any Firewall within a System (but not from comlinks, etc.). This penalty only applies to hostile hackers and not a system Program or IC or personas recognized in their own Host system (if a Decker successfully Spoofs or Sneaks into a system he does not suffer this penalty either). A Decker’s Persona Strength deals base damage (plus Hammer Program). Persona Vigor to determine the Decker’s Matrix Toughness (2 + ½ Matrix Vigor die). Armor that a Decker’s meat-body is wearing doesn’t count, nor does Dermal Planting or Brawny or Size. A Persona’s Parry score is equal to 2 + ½ Hacking skill. Edges like Parry do not add to this score nor does Dodge aid in the Matrix. Call Shots are irrelevant in the Matrix. Wild Cards Personas have 3 Wounds, Extras as normal.

When a Persona takes damage it affects its Matrix skills and traits, etc. just as normal (penalties for wounds). If you are in a Cold-Sim and your Persona takes enough damage to be incapacitated (‘Crash your Persona’), you are forced out of the Matrix and back to the real world in a most unpleasant way… often referred to as Dumpshock. You are automatically Stunned (incapacitated) for 2d6 rounds, and then become Shaken (recover as normal) after that. When running in Hot-Sim and your Persona is incapacitated your meat body suffers a Wound on a failed Vigor test (you can soak this as normal). A critical failure causes you to be Stunned for 2d6 minutes.


Riggers control and operate a numbers vehicles, drones and/or security systems using of Vehicle Rig Control (VRC) cyberware. All vehicles that are to be controlled must be within her Broadcast range and have the Vehicle Rig upgrade although a Rigger can jack directly into a vehicle via a VCR and Vehicle Rig. This has the added bonuses of granting the Rigger the Interface-Remote Control bonuses to all skills (see Cyberware). A Rigger with a VCR can control a maximum number of such vehicles or systems equal to ½ her Smarts die. With just AR a rigger can control these devices but without the Interface-Remote Control skill bonuses (and using the drone’s skill to make all skill checks with. Remember they are not Wild Cards). Riggers can also use Cold or Hot Emersion. With Emersion they gain the skill bonus and each vehicle or device they control directly and these devices counts as a Wild Card. They can ignore one Multi-Action penalty with Cold Sim and two Multi-Action penalties with Hot Sim emersion.

The Rigger can suffer from Dumpshock or physical damage when a drone or vehicle they are directly controlling is destroyed just like when a Persona is destroyed (see Matrix Combat). If the rigger is controlling a vehicle, drone or system, they gain the Interface-Remote Control skill bonuses of +2 to Boating, Drive, Fighting, Notice, Pilot, and +1 to Shooting. A vehicles operator suffers a Multi-Action Penalty when controlling (Boating, Drive, or Pilot) skill check and attacking (Shooting) skill check with the same round. The Combat Ace edge eliminates this penalty.

Riggers use all basic Matrix Skills that a Decker does (and the VCR cybernetic implant includes all at a base rating of D4 each) but its Programs that it can run are limited to Confuse*, Crash*, Exploit*, Ghosting*, Jammer*, Scan, Spoof* and Search (*can only be used vehicles, drones or security systems). They run these through the VRC and don’t require additional computer hardware to do so. These programs are purchased the same way as with Deckers. Drones can extend the range when using Scan and Search to find hidden comlinks, nods, electronic devices, drones, etc. In this way a Rigger can act as something of a team’s ‘Overwatch’ lookout. Scanning for and Searching for dangers and relying any hostile groups’ locations via AR to their team (sharing this information is a free action). At the same time they can be running Spoof to hide their own vehicles and team member’s comlinks from hostile Riggers and Deckers.

A special type of Rigger employed by many Corps is called a Sypder. They control a building or corporate area’s surveillance and threat response equipment (Automated Systems; things like alarms, fire suppression systems and of course pop-out wall guns and gas release systems). In these cases, each ‘system’ that the Sypder is in control of counts as a vehicle or drones for the limit to the number of devices he can control remotely. Different remote controlled guns would count as a vehicles, drones, etc. while camera systems don’t. Instead they act as the Spyder’s eyes and ears. Spyder’s often use the same Matrix Programs as Riggers plus Armor and Hammer.

A Rigger (or Decker/Technomancer) can try and forcibly take control of an enemy drone, a vehicle or Sypder system with an Opposed Hacking skill check (or in the device is on remote service then a basic Hacking success). The attacking hacker must be within his Broadcast radius. The attack suffers a penalty of twice the devices Firewall rating. The hacker must devote his full attention to this action for the duration that he wish to control the enemy’s device.


As the Sixth World has advanced with return of magic that surprised the world 50 years ago, a new wonder has made an appearance – the Technomancers; those who can access the wireless Matrix with only the power of their minds.


  • Arcane Background (Technomancer)
  • Starting Power Points: 10
  • Starting Powers (Called Living Programs): 3
  • Skill: Hacking (Smarts)
  • Power List: Any.


  • Wireless Access: Technomancers can somehow access the wireless Matrix without the benefit of a computer or comlink; they simply can sense and access it as if they did. They also create something they call a Living Persona within the Matrix without any hardware to back it up beside their mind. They can natural access AR, Cold and Hot Sim.
  • Natural Signal Strength and Firewall: Technomancers automatically have the Broadcast ability of 50” (100 yards) with the following modifiers (at no additional cost) – Firewall 1 and the Emersion enhancement and basic Interface abilities.


The Technomancer start with something called a Living Persona. This grants the Technomancer all the benefits of a comlink and datajack without requiring one. When emerged into the Matrix their Persona’s Strength Trait is equal to their Smarts and their Vitality Traits is equal to Spirits (Matrix Toughness is equal to 2 + ½ Spirits). Technomancer also uses their Hacking as their Fighting skill and Matrix Parry (2 + ½ Hacking). The Technomancer also gains all of the Matrix Skills at a base D4 skill each. A Technomancers’ Living Persona ‘Powers’ works just like a Magic Users spells but only within the Matrix and only effect Matrix Hosts, Programs, IC and other Personas. A Technomancer uses her Hacking skill to ‘cast’ these spells and they cost the same Power Points as listed.

As with other Magic Users a Technomancer gains two power with the New Powers edge. In order to raise her Matrix Attribute Traits or Matrix Skills an Advance grants them 2 points for Matrix Attributes or 4 points for Matrix Skills. These skills are not tied to attributes but the max is d12.


The Technomancer uses Powers in the Matrix as a magic user uses them to cast spells in the ‘real world’. Programs, Hosts and IC all count as creatures that can be affected by Powers like Mind Reading or Object Reading or Puppet. The player of a Technomancer should use their own creativity when coming up with Trapping Names for these Powers. There are few Powers that need special attention for how they work in the Matrix…

Banish: this power works against Sprits but also artificial IC but against them the power only has a Duration of 5. Summon Sprit: a Technomancer that takes the Summon Sprits Power can summon up these constructs (?) from the deep Matrix. They act in all ways as elementals and spirits. These Sprits work exactly like Summoned Elemental power except for their traits powers and abilities as listed below. Note that none of the Sprits have Agility score or Pace listed as movement is irrelevant in the Matrix as everything is moving at near light speed anyway. TYPES OF SPRITS Brute Sprits – these sprits are good at smashing other programs and Personas. They are the Technomancers combat specialist but not good at much else. Smarts d4, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Parry 6, Toughness 11 (4) Skills: Brows d4, Hacking d8, Search d6, Sneak d4, Trickery d4 Special Abilities  Armor: as Program, base rating AP+4  Hammer: as Program, base damage Str+d6 and Penetrator AP-2.  Immunity: Takes only ½ damage from non-magical (Technomancer) attacks.  Resilient: the Brute Spirt can take one wound before being banished/destroyed.  Sprit: ignores 1 point of Wound penalties. Courier Sprit – these sprits are messengers and tracers. Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6 Parry 6, Toughness 5 Skills: Brows d10, Hacking d8, Search d10, Sneak d8, Trickery d8 Special Abilities and Programs  Blast: can send an electronic blast that deals 2d8 damage in an area (so the Node or System).  Immunity: Takes only ½ damage from non-magical (Technomancer and Sprit) attacks.  Sprit: ignores 1 point of Wound penalties.  Sniffer: as Program  Tracer: as Program Crack Sprit – these sprits are masters of finding programming flaws and exploiting them. Smarts d8, Spirits d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6 Parry 7, Toughness 5 Skills: Brows d6, Hacking d10, Search d6, Sneak d4, Trickery d4 Special Abilities and Programs  Confusion: as Program  Crack: sends a bolt of electronic that can short out systems. Damage 3d8.  Immunity: Takes only ½ damage from non-magical (Technomancer and Sprit) attacks.  Passkey: as Program  Sprit: ignores 1 point of Wound penalties. 34 Fault Sprit – these sprits are designed to inject errors codes into programs to cause them to crash Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Parry 6, Toughness 6 Skills: Brows d8, Hacking d8, Search d8, Sneak d8, Trickery d8 Special Abilities  Corrupt: as Program  Data-Bomb: as Program  Immunity: Takes only ½ damage from non-magical (Technomancer) attacks.  Sprit: ignores 1 point of Wound penalties.  White Noise: as Program. GREATER SPRITS All Greater Sprits automatically gain Resilient (Brute Sprits gain Very Resilient). As with Technomancers and ‘Spells’ use the Hacking skill to cast. BRUTE: Increase Strength to d12+2 and Vigor to d12. Increase Toughness to 14 (4). Increase Hammer damage to Str+d8. Gain 10 Power Points and power: Protection. This spell is generally used on the Technomancer or his allies. COURIER: Increase Vigor to d8 and Toughness to a 6. Add Program Ghosting. Gain 10 Power Points and power: Speed. This spell is generally used on the Technomancer or allies to grant them the Quicken modifier. CRACK: Increase Vigor to a d8 and Toughness to a 6. Add Program Spoof. Gains 10 Power Points and power: Invisibility. This spell is often used on the Technomancer or allies. FAULT: Increase Strength to a d12 and Vigor to a d10. Increase Toughness to a 7. Add Program Erase. Gain 10 Power Points and power: Insubstantial. This spell is generally used on the Technomancer or allies. SUPERIOR SPRITS All Superior Sprits automatically gain Very Resilient (Brute Sprits gain the Hardy racial ability) BRUTE: Increase Armor to +8 and toughness to 18 (8). Increase Hammer to Str+d12 and AP-4. Increase Power Points to 15 and add powers: Barrier and Fear. COURIER: Increase Blast to 2d10 damage with AP-2. Add Program Jammer. Increase Power Points to 15 and add powers: Mind Reading and Object Reading. CRACK: Increase Crack to 3d10 damage. Add Programs Data-Bomb and Glue. Increase Power Points to 15 and add powers: Illusion and Suggestion. FAULT: Increase Vigor to a d12 and Toughness to a10 (2). Add Programs Armor and Havoc. Increase Power Points to 15 and add powers: Puppet and Stunning. MENTOR SPRITS As with other Arcane Backgrounds the Technomancer can gain a Mentor Sprit in this case that aids them only in the Matrix. This still requires the Mentor Spirit Edge. Anubis: is thought to be one of the first A.I. created in a lab somewhere in Asia that escaped his creators and now resided in the Deep Matrix zones. Anubis embodies freedom and chaos. Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Stealth and/or Taunt and/or +2 to casting Invisibility and/or Havoc powers. Disadvantages: Impulsive (Major). The Enlightened Construct: This machine spirits seeks to bring enlightenment and meaning to metahumanity through knowledge and understanding. It promotes equality in all things and people. It seeks to bring metahumanity to its next evolutionary step. Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Common Knowledge and/or Persuasion and/or +2 to Empathy and/or Mind Reading. Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Major) Ghost in the Machine: the theoretical super intelligence of the Matrix and reflects the ideas of What is consciousness? Those that follow it are often deep thinkers and philosophers. Advantages (chose any two of the following): +2 to Academic and/or Science and/or a +2 to casting Divination and/or Illusion powers. Disadvantages: Cautious (Minor) or Loyal (Minor) RESONANCE When a Technomancer delves deep into the mysteries of the Matrix (sometimes called Deep Resonance or the Resonance) they gain new abilities to manipulate the Matrix in strange ways.  Ally Sprit: You have conjured an ally sprit that is not have a duration but instead is there whenever you need it. This required a week long full concentration ritual on your part. The Sprit is a basic type you can summon and is a Wild Card (but not no bennies of its own). For every 5 full raises you achieve your spirit grows in power. The first time it gain Greater Sprit abilities and the second time it gain Superior Sprit abilities. It will follow your instructions and is far more “sentient” that a normal spirit or element. It is not limited to a certain area around you and if it is banished or destroyed will reappear in 2d6 days.  Alter Signature (All): This power can be used as a free action (automatically). The Technomancer can choose to alter her Matrix signature at will, disguising it so that it cannot be used to identify her, forging the signature of someone else or simply reducing the amount of time that it lasts. Whenever someone tries to read their signature minus the number of times the caster has taken any Initiation Edges (including the Alter Signature edge) from their Notice. This Resonance edge also grants the Technomancer as the Disguise power when attempting to appear like it belongs within the Host as an approved user.  Coding: This Edge can be taken more than once. Each level adds +1 to next Hacking check when casting a Power (only).  Erase Image: This Edge allows the Technomancer to erase any traces of his passing within a Host and also the Tracer Program.  Revive: The Technomancer can maintain a power for up to one hour for no additional power point cost. The caster cannot use this ability again for 24 hours after the spell ends.  Threading: This Edge can be taken more than once. Each level reduces the cost of casting a Power by 1 (minimum 1).


Cyberware and Bioware must be purchased with cash (the cost listed below does not normally include Surgery and recovery costs). Both have the following qualifiers…

1. Cyberware and Bioware can be Detected by modern scanners and sensors, and with Aura Reading. Can be blocked by implanted neural interface disruptors.
2. Cyberware and Bioware cost Strain as found in the SFC (pg. 29 but ½ Trait die for store; i.e. d6 both Spirits and Vigor means max Strain 3.0) which has an adverse effect on the casting of spells by the user but also acts as a penalty for helpful spells casts on them (see Sorcery).
3. Cultured Bioware can be ‘grown’ for a specific individual and when grafted into that person only costs 60% the base Essence (round to the nearest 0.1) and increase the Bioware cost by 50%.
4. Alphaware cybernetics are next generation technology and not as invasive into the recipient’s psyche. Reduce the Essence cost by 80% (round to the nearest 0.1) and increase the cost by 50%. Betaware reduces the Essence cost by 60% the base Essence (round to the nearest 0.1) and increases the cost by 100%.
5. Cyberware automatically has built-in RFID tags to receive patches and software updates. Most runners and security personal have these function turn off (often illegal for civilians).
6. You cannot stack any abilities with any other similar ability from any another source (i.e. Wired Reflexes grants a Multi-Action as does the Spell Speed-Quickness or Edges like Quick and Bioware implant of Reaction Enhancer. They do not stack, take the better of the two.)


Adrenaline Pump (7,500¥; Strain 1.0): a partially replaced adrenaline gland greatly enhances the subject’s physical abilities for a short time. Increase the subject’s Agility, Strength and Vigor traits by +2 die steps. Also increase the subject’s Pace and Run by +2 each. It takes a Action to activate and then lasts for 10 rounds afterwards. Subject suffers a level of Fatigue afterwards and cannot use the pump again until it recovers. Both recovers in one hour’s time. Bone Density Augmentation I-III: genetic modifications greatly increase the density of the subject’s bones. Level 1 adds +2 to Toughness and unarmed attacks deal Str+d4 (10,000¥, Strain 1.0); Level II adds +4 to Toughness and unarmed attacks deal Str+d6 (25,000¥, Strain 1.5); Level III add +6 to Toughness and unarmed attacks deal Str+d8 (60,000¥, Strain 2.5). Cat’s Eyes (5,000¥, Strain 0.25): gene eye enhancements grant subject Night Vision. Cerebral Boost I-III (15,000¥/level, Strain 0.5/level): gene therapy to the brain snafus greatly enhances the subjects thinking speed and abilities. Each level increase its Smarts by +1 die step. Damage Compensators I-II (10,000¥/level, Strain 0.5/level): these nana-genes allow the subject to ignore pain and wound injuries effects. Each level allows the subject to ignore one Wound penalty. Ecolocation (10,000¥, Strain 0.75): ear modifications allow the subject to locate surrounds via sounds. Subject ignores any and all obscure penalties (darkness, fog, invisibility, etc.) Cover penalties for solid objects apply as normal. Upgradable to Advanced Ecolocation (+8,000¥, Strain +0.25): The subjects can sense all around him and does not grant gang up bonuses. 37 Enhance Articulation (2,500¥, Strain 0.25): gene therapy to the subject’s joints and muscle tendons are modified to allow greater flexibility. Adds +1 to Athletics skill. Gecko Grip (6,000¥, Strain 0.25): gene graphic of microscopic ‘hooks’ allow the subject to cling to walls and walking on vertical surfaces. The subject must use 2” per 1” to move on vertical surfaces or 3” per 1” of movement on ceilings. Gills and Webbing Grafts (8,000¥, Strain 0.5): gills implanted into the subject’s neck, with webbing added to hands & feet. The subject is now breath in oxygenated liquids and can swim at Pace speed. Hearing Enhancers (4,000¥, Strain 0.25): advanced ear drum therapy grants the subject a +2 bonus to Notice checks that involves hearing. Mnemonic Enhancer (4,000¥, Strain 0.25): this advanced gene brain enhancement allows the subject to use any Smarts skill at no penalty for being untrained. Muscle Augmentation I-III (15,000¥/level, Strain 0.5/level): gene-therapy to enhance overall strength. Each level increases the subject’s Strength by +1 die step. Muscle Toner I-III (25,000¥/level, Strain 0.5/level): gene-therapy to enhance overall hand-eye-coordination and balance. Each level increases the subject’s Agility by +1 die step. Otherskin I-IV (5,000¥/level, Strain 0.25/level): toughing of subject’s skin and bio-enhanced strengthening of internal organs. Each level increases the subject’s Toughness score by +1. Pathogenic Defense (2,500¥, Strain 0.25): gene-enhancements to the subject’s immune system adds +4 to resistant tests with Disease and Toxins. Reaction Enhancer (8,000¥, Strain 0.5): synaptic enhancers allows the subject to re-draw and Initiative Card results of a 5 or less. Sleep Regulator (5,000¥, Strain 0.25): brain way enhancers allow the subject to only require three hours of sleep a night or to go up to three nights without sleep without drawbacks. Superthyroid Gland (50,000¥, Strain 1.5): advanced gene therapy increases the subjects Agility, Strength and Vigor by +1 die step each. Symbiotes I-II (25,000¥/level, Strain 0.5/level): this gene and nana treatment allows the subject to make a natural healing check every day with level one and every 12 hours with level 2. Synaptic Boost I-III (35,000¥/level, Strain 0.75/level): gene enhancement to the spinal cord and brain steam grants the subject to ignore one Multi-Action penalty per level. Tailored Pheromones I-II (8,000¥/level, Strain 0.25/level): artificial pheromones grant the subject a +2 to her Performance and Persuasion skill checks so long as the targets can “smell” her. Thermal Damper (4,000¥, Strain 0.25): advanced internal temperature dampeners. The grant the subject +2 to Stealth but only verses Thermal vision. Troll Eyes (5,000¥, Strain 0.25): eye enhancement that grant the subject Thermal Vision (halve immolation penalties including from invisibility from living targets).