White Picket Witches 2020:Player Characters

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Meet the Stars

Here are the main players in our show.

Lavinia Morgan -Played by drearyArchon



  • Canon Aspect: Restless Witch of Dreams
  • Tragic Flaw: Too Clever By Half
  • Casting: Way Too Pretty For This Shit
  • Childhood: Ran With the Fair Folk
  • Family: Lost Heir of the Morgans, Returned


Great (+4): Brilliant Fair (+2): Skin Work Average (+1): Savvy Average (+1): Treacherous

Stunts and Spells

  • Stunt: Like An Open Book

When dealing with someone you have studied or spent much time with, you may use Brilliant in place of Sensitive to Create An Advantage.

  • Stunt: Blessing of the Fae

You gain a +2 bonus to Attack using Skin Work when creating glamour and illusions.

  • Spell: Dreams Come True

You make a target relive their dreams or nightmares. To cast this spell, make an Attack roll with Skin Work and spend an FP. If they take a Consequence, it is Experiencing [Target's] Dream. If a Moderate Consequence is inflicted, people other than the target can be Invoked or Compelled with the Aspect to experience the sensation and act on it as the dream leaks into reality. If a Severe Consequence is inflicted, the dream becomes a bigger part of reality, acquiring a single Asset at +1 to manipulate people within the zone into being more realistic.

Zakiya Braithwaite - Played by InsertName



  • Canon Aspect: Inhuman Power, Human Heart
  • Tragic Flaw: Makes Herself Responsible
  • Casting: Diversity Jackpot
  • Childhood: Best Friends with Ruth Delgado
  • Heritage: Black Sheep of the Braithwaites


Blood Work +4 Sensitive +3 Powerful +1

Stunts and Spells:

  • Spell: Bridge Between: Whenever you invoke an Aspect created by Bone Work using your Blood Work, take +4 instead of +2. Whenever someone else invokes an Aspect created by your Blood Work with Bone Work, they take a +4 instead of a +2.
  • Stunt: Blood Ties +2 to any Stress inflicting roll against Family.

Candice Dench- Played by Nate_MI



  • Canon Like a wrecking ball, too loud and no apologies.
  • Tragic Flaw In the lead or on my own.
  • Casting Industrial punk, green hair and eye-shadow. Clashes horribly and deliberately with the Stepford vibe of the island.
  • Childhood Sneaking through secret corridors in the family house.
  • Heritage Secretly a twin; knows sister is trapped in the walls somewhere.


Powerful +4, Savvy +2, Muscle Work +1, Treacherous +1

Stunts and Spells

  • Spell Skin Deep: This spell lets you assume the physical appearance of another person. Height, weight, voice, and other physical details are all handled by the spell. Spend a fate point and roll. This creates a temporary Aspect called Form of [Subject]. This can be compelled to mimic their appearance and can be used to create a Barrier that must be Overcome before convincing others that the spellcaster is not in fact the Subject.
  • Stunt See Through Many Eyes: Spend a fate point and roll Muscle Work to create an Advantage of a secret you know from having observed a person or place while in a shapeshifted disguise.
  • Stunt: In Front of a Crowd: Candice has +2 to Powerful when making rolls in a public space with an audience watching her.

Marissa Rainwright - Played by Apparitions Stalk the Night



  • Canon Aspect : You can almost see the sparks.
  • Tragic Flaw : Manic Enthusiasm / Cant see the forest for the mushrooms
  • Casting : She won’t just walk like she owns the place, she’ll throw her coat over a chair, pour a glass of wine, and start rearranging the bookshelves.
  • Childhood: Star in her own (imaginary) show!
  • Heritage: "They wanted me safe and healthy, I wanted girls and magic secrets and power. Both these plans went wrong. Now we need each other."


Good (+3): Breath Work Fair (+2): Brilliant Fair (+2): Powerful Average (+1): Treacherous

Stunts and Spells:

  • Spell: knock knock: A splash of brine on the breath, and a taste of wine on the mind let open a door from the outside, or pick a pocket without using her hands.
  • Spark Student: Marisa knows the old words for lighting well enough to use them as a flash bang or hand held taser, though using them in public could call down all sorts of trouble on her head.

Ben Chandler - played by Levinwuth



  • Canon Aspect: A Sympathetic Ear
  • Tragic Flaw: Biddable -.
  • Casting: Cute and Lovable -.
  • Childhood: Are You Still Here?
  • Heritage: Steel Trap Mind


Great (+4): Sensitive Good (+2): Dangerous Average (+1): Treacherous Average (+1): Savvy

Stunts and Spells

  • Stunt: Craftsman Ben gets a +2 Advantage when Creating an Advantage if he can do it through something he's spent time and care making.
  • Stunt: Like A Book.-- Once per episode he can alter the level of severity of someone else's consequence by one by talking to them and offering insight. To do this he must succeed on a Fair (+2) for a mild consequence, Good (+3) for Moderate, or Great (+4) for Severe. Whether he is upgrading or downgrading, the higher of the two difficulties is always the one he's rolling against
  • Spell: Dead Men's Tales -- Once per episode, you may take a boost, representing a secret whispered to you by the dead, granting one free invoke of it before it fades away.