Sorcery in Jeweled Amber
Sorcery is the power to manipulate the forces of the universe using a High Order Construct such as the Pattern. Not all High Order Constructs can empower sorcery.
The effectiveness of spells is based on the High Order Construct they channel such as Patters, Marks, Squiggles, and other High Order Constructs.
Most sorcerers can memorize one spell. Otherwise a spell must be encanted in its entirety to cast. High Order Constructs allow a orceror to raise a Frame to 'Hang' spell on for eaier use/
Sorcerers create a Frame and which they hang elaborate spells, leaving off a few elements calledLynchpinsto cast the spell. Lynchpins are key phrases and gestures that allow a spell taking hours to cast to be cast in second from a saved or "hung" spell.
- Basic Sorcery 15 pips
- Advanced Sorcery 30 pips
- Mastery Sorcery 60 Pips
- Paramount Sorcery 120 Pips.
- Basic Spell: Mind Touch.
- Base Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
- Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Name/Description of Subject, Name of Caster's Current Shadow location, Name of Subject's location in Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Quell.
- Base Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional). Variations: Can be modified to affect any natural bodily function of the victim, either speeding up or slowing natural processes.
- Variations: Disimpaction: causes sudden and explosive disimpaction and urination.
- Basic Spell: Cardiac Arrest.
- Base Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Stone Binding.
- Base Casting Time: One and a half Hours
- Lynchpins: Additional fifteen minutes casting time each. Name/Description of Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Invisibility.
- Base Casting Time: One Hour.
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of subject, Magic of Shadow, Degree of Invisibility, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Strength Drain.
- Base Casting Time: Two Hours
- Lynchpins: Additional twenty minutes casting time each. Name of Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Bodily Defense.
- Base Casting Time: One Hour.
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional), Protection Range (Naming Magic, Pattern, Logrus, Trump, or any combination).
- Basic Spell: Defensive Shield.
- Base Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Placement of Shield, Dimensions of Shield, Shape of Shield (Optional, will be square unless otherwise defined), Limits of Effectiveness (name the forces it blocks - Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Magical Drain.
- Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Placement of Hole, Drain Exit (can be simply into the ground, or dispersed, or off to another Shadow location), Area of Drain Effect (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Defensive Psyche Ward.
- Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Line of Ward (Touch, the caster must actually move a finger or pointer, tracing the line or boundary of the Ward's limits), Unattended (Optional), Linked (Optional), Name of Link (Optional - only if Linked), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).
- Basic Spell: Defensive Material.
- Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Name of Object, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional). SUMMONING MAGIC SPELLS Although summoning spells can be used for a variety of things, they are most often used offensively, to draw objects and forces out of Shadow as weapons.
- Basic Spell: Lightning Bolt.
- Casting Time: One Hour
- Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Direction of Conductive Channel, Distance of Channel (Optional), Magic of Shadow, Trigger.
- Variations: Fire bolt, Cold Bolt
- Basic Spell: Pressurized Lava.
- Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
- Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Hand Motions (gestures are used to specify the location of the opening, and the tilt of the hands show the angle through which the lava will exit), Size of Lava Chunk, Trigger. Variations: Any fluid material under pressure can be substituted for the lava. For example, sea water or fresh water taken from the depths, rain or wind from a Shadow with great air pressure, even liquid sulphur, mercury or white-hot iron.
- Variations:
- Malvern Hill: Spell opens to a prearranged collection of Vulcan Cannons, laser designated to fire whn the portal opens. This cn deleiver any such munition but the firing location must be specially aranged.
- Basic Spell: Replicate Shadow Object.
- Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
- Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Name of Object, Magic of Shadow, Living or Dead (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional). This is a creation spell not a conjuration spell.
- Basic Spell: Self-Teleport.
- Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
- Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Name of Destination **Variations:
- Transport with Possessions (Optional, the caster will bring along possessions, and anything loose that is being grasped, up to about a ton, but it won't work if the caster is chained or attached to something really large),
- Transport without Possessions (Optional, the caster will arrive naked, leaving all possession behind, but escapes bindings, chains, or the grasp of any hostile).
- Bubble Stream
Bubbles stream from the caster’s hands, and swirl around the target. Each bubble contains a concentration of feelings, captured from some place in Shadow where psyche is broadcast, so that a strong emotion is emitted when a bubble bursts. The closer the burst, the more likely the victim will be affected. One by one, the bubbles will swoop in, strike the target, and burst. The target will then feel whatever emotions he or she would feel, if that event had just happened to him or her. Basically, this is a distraction spell, keeping the victim from concentrating properly on fighting, spell-casting, power-summoning, or quick movement. Spell Type: Summoning. Casting Time: One Hour, plus an additional Fifteen Minutes for each additional emotion beyond the first Lynehpins: Additional fifteen minutes casting time each. Magic o( Shadow, Hand Motions (Optional), Name of Target (Optional), Type of Emotion (Optional, but one Lynchpin per emotion specified), Trigger (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional), and Quantity of Bubbles (Optional).
- Confusion Storm
Find a race of strongly Psychic creatures out in Shadow, of the type that broadcast their emotions. Then record their confusion as they are subjected to a number of stresses. Finally, put the resulting recording through a mantic blender, sight first, then hearing, then taste, smell, etc., till the pieces are no more than half a second long. Release, so the target is subjected to a barrage of emotions. If successful, the victim will be literally unable to form a whole word, let alone a thought. Spell Type: Summoning. Casting Time: Two Hours. Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow, Name of Target (Optional), Duration (Optional), Oispel Word (Optional).
- Why break into somebody’s mind with a battering ram or a pickaxe, if you can coax them into handing you the keys7 Under the influence o( a “Warm Fuzzy” spell, the target will feel safe, willing to trust the caster. If successful, the victim will be easy meat for Imperatives, or any other invasive spell. As with other invasive spells, the
victim’s Psyche must be overcome. Also, unless the victim has a relatively inferior Psyche, there must be at least some positive feelings for the caster. It might also be called a ludas spell; it only works if cast by those you like or trust. Spell Type: Invasive. Casting Time: One Hour. Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. NameZDescription of Subject, Name of Caster's Current Shadow location, Name of Subject’s location in Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).