Solar Exalted
The Solar Exalted are the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, who is the greatest of the gods. His Chosen alone embody perfection and are destined to be the kings of Creation, provided they can keep from destroying it first.
The Solar Exalted are divided into five Castes. Each Caste represents a different general method by which the Solar will bring the Unconquered Sun's virtue and righteousness to Creation and, in turn, glory to the Unconquered Sun. When a Solar is Exalted, her Caste is chosen according to her natural gifts and temperment.
- Dawn Caste Solars are matchless warriors and champions. They achieve glory through force of arms.
- Zenith Caste Solars are prophets, priests, and charismatic leaders. They achieve glory through force of personality.
- Twilight Caste Solars are sorcerers, physicians, detectives, and artificers. They achieve glory through great wisdom.
- Night Caste Solars are spies, assassins, infiltrators, and secret agents. They achieve glory through unequaled cunning.
- Eclipse Caste Solars are diplomats, travellers, merchants, and socialites. They achieve glory through fostering cooperation.
It is important to note that despite the stereotypes listed above, a Solar's Caste is in no way a restriction. Caste is an indicator of probable methodology, not a straight-jacket. For example, a Twilight Caste Solar may be the greatest swordsman that ever lived, but he is likely to consider the wisdom gained through his mastery to be more important than the battles it allows him to win.
Solar Exalted are detailed in the core rule book for Exalted, called simply Exalted</i]>.
Additionally, each of the five Castes has its own Caste Book: