- Human Hexblade L3
- XP: 5,579/9,000 (+5%) (half share of total party XP)
- Alignment Neutral
- Retainer to Abeni played by Sam I Am
- CoL XXX per month
- Loyalty 8
- No titles or holdings
- Has only half a face
- STR 16 (+2, open doors 4-in-6)
- INT 8 (Basic literacy)
- WIS 10
- DEX 14 (+1 AC/Missile/Init)
- CON 13 (+1 hp)
- CHA 6 (-1 NPC reactions)
- Languages
- Commmon (Basic Literacy)
- General Skills
- Animal Handling (mules) (2 levels, does this give me proficient?)
- Class Abilities
- Extra Hex Knack - 2 hexes per day
- Briliaph can use leather armour and shields, plus any weapons.
- Hexblade curse 2/day: [details]
- AC 4 (+1 Leather +1 Shield +1 Dex)
- HP 12 +(1d6+1) for L3
- THAC0 18(+1)
- Movement Rate 90'
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats." THACO 17(+2)
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword: THACO 18(+2) 1d8+2
- Secondary Melee Attack: Warhammer THACO 18(+2) 1d6+2
- Tertiary Melee Attack: Dagger THACO 18(+2) 1d4+2, range 10/20/30 thrown
- Primary Ranged Attack: Longbow: THAC0 18(+0) 1d6, range 70/140/210
- Saves:
- Death 11
- Wands 12
- Petrification & Paralysis 13
- Blast & Breath 14
- Spells 13
- Total Enc (525)
- Armour & Weapons (435)
- +1 Leather Armour (200)
- Shield (100)
- Sword (60)
- Warhammer (30)
- Silver Dagger (10)
- Longbow (30)
- Quiver 20 arrows (5)
- Backpack (80)
- crowbar
- wineskin
- tinderbox
- large sacks x3
- 50' rope & grappling hook
- hammer & iron spikes x12
- iron rations, 1 week
- oil flask x4
- lantern
- bedroll & winter blanket
- Coin
- 10gp
- On ship:
- XX gp
- 40 arrows
- To Do:
- Class skills etc
- Any more?
- To front page
- CoL @ lvl 2?
- Hexblade: Classes 10.13.20.pdf?dl=0