Apogee: Outsider

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Vital Statistics

Look: shifting form often employing kaleidoscopic coloration, owl eyes, mismatched clothing, no costume


  • Danger: -1
  • Freak: +1
  • Savior: 0
  • Superior: +2
  • Mundane: +1

Check the Google Doc for most up-to-date info

Abilities: Ari can fly, is pretty tough, and is a radical shapeshifter and telepath who can blast people with their mind

Advancement: Potential: 0/5


Ari has influence over:


Outsider Moves

Belong in Two Worlds - You have the resources that come with your station. Whenever you contact your people, roll + Superior. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1, but your people make an uncomfortable demand of you. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to:

  • receive a useful piece of Dream technology that will allow you to use any ability from another playbook once (choose the ability when you spend the hold)
  • consult your people’s knowledge to ask the GM a question about the current situation
  • clear a condition through the comfort of contact with your home

Dream tech - When you alter a human device with your dream technology, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create a device that can do something impossible once and then fizzle. When you roll a 10+, choose one of the below. On a miss, the device works, but it has a completely unintended side effect that the GM will reveal when you use it.

  • it works exceptionally well
  • you get an additional use out of it

Not so different after all - When you talk about your home, roll + Freak. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. During the conversation, you... On a miss, you inadvertently reveal more about yourself than you planned; tell them a secret or vulnerability you haven’t shared with Earthlings before now.

  • confess a flaw of your home; add 1 Team to the pool
  • mislead them about your home; take Influence over them
  • describe the glories of your home; clear a condition

Team Moves

  • When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, take Influence over them if you show them meaningful affection, physical or emotional. They decide if it’s meaningful.
  • When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, they tell you what you should do to fit in more. Take +1 forward to do it, and mark potential if you do.

Moment of Truth
You embrace your home and call them for aid. They will answer your call—in force!—arriving exactly when you need them to turn the tide. They fight and serve you for the rest of the battle. Of course, when all is said and done...they’d probably like to take you home with them. You did, after all, just prove yourself worthy.


  • Where do you come from? I'm from the Suburb of Dreams. Just off Recurring Place, not far from Nightmare Boulevard.
  • Why did you come to Earth? Well, I had my choice of places to go for my Rumspringa, and Earth seemed like fun! You all seem so into the laws of nature and physics, and that sort of thing... I just had to see it for myself.
  • Why do you want to stay here? Umm.. I mean, I should finish out the school year, right? I just got here!
  • Why do your people want you to come home? I've been getting urgent messages that I'm needed back on the dreamforce, but this is my one big vacation, and I've been realitying about it for cycles and cycles! It's not my fault so many people are having so many dreams right when I got here!
  • Why do you care about the team? I've seen so many of you in passing in dreams for so long, it seems like we're family.