Mare In The High Castle:Misty Shade

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Misty Shade

Unicorn Mare
Level 5
Gray coat, Black Mane and Tail with Red Highlights (Dyed), Light Pink Mane and Tail (Natural); Red Eyes (Colored Contacts), Blue Eyes (natural)
Cutie Mark: An open book surrounded by a dark aura
Element: Loyalty

Body D4
Mind D20
Charm D6
Maximum Stamina: 20

Telekinesis D8
Living Shadow D20
Keen Knowledge: Dark Arts D8
Stun Ray D6
Booksmart D6
Creation D4
Eldritch Daggers D4

Shadow Pony
Body D20
Mind D4
Charm D4
Special Skill: Ethereal (Thick Hide) D4
Maximum Stamina: 24

Bits: 400
Items: none
Friendship Tokens: 4

Misty Shade was born in a rather remote village. While she had been a rather gifted unicorn she had trouble finding her talent. It didn't help that she was a rather withdrawn individual, caring more about keeping to her textbooks than socialising with the other ponies. However, one day she stumbled upon an old tome in the attic of her parent's house. The tome had spells that even the (rather advanced) tomes her parents had aquired for her. That one book had then kickstarted her interest in the dark arts. Soon enough she had even tried to cast one of the spells from the book. Upon casting the dar spell the filly's very own shadow detached from it's host and became a seperate being. It was that moment that had given Misty her Cutie Mark.

Misty had lived the rest of her life with her shadowy companion, through the good times and the bad times. All the while she was deepening her study into the forbidden arts, some of them she'd honestly never use. It was difficult, especially since the available books on the subject were rare, but there were channels for stuff like that. The village she had lived in was still her home and she tried to help it as much as she could, through Misty was still rather distant. Her research has also given her the nickname of 'The Witch', which she took in stride, even dying her mane and tail black (with a tiny dash of red).

Aside from all that, she was working on a rather large research paper to present to Princess Celestia. It was meant to showcase the practical use of Dark Arts. And when the village needed to send a representitive to Canterlot to ask the Princess for aid, Misty jumped on the opportunity. Of course, when she got there she presented her research paper and the request for access to the Royal Library to further her research (after requesting aid of course, she isn't a jerk). Well it didn't exactly went well and Misty was left rather soured on the Princess (at least on a pony-to-pony level).

When Nightmare Moon took over, Misty originally didn't care much, nothing had seemed to change much for her and she always liked the night. That however changed quickly when the monster attacks became much more commonplace. She had returned to Canterlot to ask the Princess of the Night for assistance (and tried once again to request access to the Royal Library) but ended up thrown into the dungeons. This happened two more times. After that Misty had taken a disliking towards Nightmare Moon and her government.

Eldritch Daggers: You summon Die/2 daggers of magical force which hover around your head. On subsequent turns, as an action, you can use your Telekinesis to fling 1 or more of these daggers at a single target, resolving each dagger as a separate attack. These daggers are treated as a basic thrown weapon using Mind + Telekinesis, with both dice downgraded for long range or multiple attacks.