EndOfTheFifthAgeJack Johnson
Jake Johnson
Character Quote
- Nature: Visionary (Regain Willpower when you convince folks that your
vision is worth their devotion too, or when your actions turn your vision into practical reality. )
- Demeanor: Benefactor
Born in the better parts of Chicago, He suffered from learning difficulties while younger and from the bullying and teasing learned to champion the underdog and develop a strong desire for peace and harmony. His parents messy divorce and fighting only increased his desires for such. He struggled his way through college and medschool where he developed a fascination for the human mind. He specialized in Psychiatry and sought to unravel the secrets of the human mind. He soon started a practice that does well enough giving him some extra cash, a network of diverse people and some power influence over local affairs. Things continued as well until one day while talking to a patient the aforementioned patient suddenly awakened the the truth of reality. This event opened his eyes to the supernatural. Luckily, with the help of his new found calming fate powers he was able to hep his now panicked patient to calm down and accept the new reality of a malleable reality. He now goes forth into the night seeking to bring peace and mental healing to a sick world.
- Strength (2)
- Dexterity (2)
- Stamina (3)
- Charisma (5)
- Manipulation (3)
- Appearance (3)
- Perception (3)
- Intelligence (3)
- Wits (3)
Attributes at 4+ gain a free Specialty. When your specialty applies, a roll of 10 counts as two successes instead of one. Charisma Inspirational speciality
- Alertness (1)
- Athletics (0)
- Awareness (0)
- Brawl (2)
- Empathy (-5)
- Expression (2)
- Intimidation (0)
- Leadership (1)
- Streetwise (0)
- Subterfuge (0)
- Animal Ken (0)
- Crafts (0)(Specialties)
- Drive (0)
- Etiquette (3)
- Firearms (0)
- Larceny (0)
- Melee (0)
- Performance (3)
- Stealth (0)
- Survival (0)
- Academics (2)
- Computer (2)
- Finance (0)
- Investigation (0)
- Law (1)
- Medicine (3)
- Occult (1)
- Politics (0)
- Science (3)
- Technology (1)
Abilities at 4+ gain a free Specialty. When your specialty applies, a roll of 10 counts as two successes instead of one. Specialty in Interpersonal Psychology for Empathy.
- Resources (2)
- Arcane (5)
- Contacts (2)
- Influence (2)
Merits & Flaws
- Merit (1)
- Flaw (+1)
Willpower 10
- Willpower Points: [x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Essence 1
- Essence Pool: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
- Anima Banner: A glowing blue light.
- Anima Power: Keeps people friendly.
- Righteous Lion Defense (O): Intimacies are inviolate.
- Excellency of the Cerulean Lute (O): Add Essence for 1 Essence for a scene to Caste Abilities or reduce difficulty by 2.
- Auspicious Prospects for Serenity (O): Storyteller give me plot seeds about serenity.
- Duck Fate (0): roll dex plus athletics to avoid harm, 1 essence vs difficulty 7
Ancient Sorcery
- Spell Name: Spell Description.
- Hippocratic Oath: A devotion to modern medical ethics
- I will Seek Justice for all: Self explanatory
- Mercy is a gift from the strong to the weak: He believes that mercy requires a power imbalance but that when that exists one should be merciful
Limit Break
- Limit: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
- Limit Trigger:
Hurt (-1):
Injured (-2):
Wounded (-3):
Mauled (-4):
Crippled (-5):
Gear and Equipment
Gear Name: Gear Description
Combat Statistics
Attack Name: Attack Description
- Difficulty: __; Damage: __; Range: __; Rate: __; Clip: __; Concealment: __;
Attack Name: Attack Description
- Difficulty: __; Damage: __; Range: __; Rate: __; Clip: __; Concealment: __;
Attack Name: Attack Description
- Difficulty: __; Damage: __; Range: __; Rate: __; Clip: __; Concealment: __;
Character Advancement
Experience Earned: 0 Experience Spent: 0
Advancement Log
To help keep track of both new additions and changes in your character, you may record such changes in this section.