Thousand Cities:Ergonus

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Ergonus, Keeper of the Underworld


Ergonus is the librarian of the Cerulean Host. He is the eldest child of Yedan, conceived on the battle field during a great storm. Yedan pierced through the storm with his spear to expose the sun, and he struck Tardrace. She travelled through the Underworld and gave birth to her son before returning to Creation. Ergonus was forgotten when he was left behind, but he has made a home in the Underworld. All things that are forgotten are written into tomes in Ergonus' great library. The spirits of the forgotten dead are Ergonus' companions and assistants. Ergonus is not concerned with what happens outside of the Underworld, because it all comes to him in the end. His life's quest is to assimilate the information that reaches him in the library and discover the great Truth.


Wolves, Twilight, Libraries, Memory, Forgetting.


Ergonus is the Patron of Investigation.

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