Dracula Dossier: Daniel Rossi
Daniel Rossi
Drive: Thrill-Seeker
Background: Black Bagger
Previous Patron: MI6/CIA
Hit Threshold: 4
Health: 7
Stability: 7
Sources of Stability
Symbol: a 15th Century florin
Solace: Jo Raschle, girlfriend, museum curator in Bern
Safety: cottage in the Italian Alps, near the Slovenian border, containing his art collection
Investigative Abilities
- Accounting
- Archaeology 1
- Architecture 1
- Art History 2
- Criminology
- Diagnosis
- History
- Human Terrain
- Languages 2
- Law
- Military Science 1
- Occult Studies
- Research
- Vampirology
- Bullshit Detector
- Bureaucracy
- Cop Talk
- Flattery 2
- Flirting 2
- High Society 2
- Interrogation
- Intimidation
- Negotiation
- Reassurance 2
- Streetwise 2
- Tradecraft 1
- Astronomy
- Chemistry
- Cryptography
- Data Recovery 1
- Electronic Surveillance 1
- Forensic Pathology 1
- Forgery
- Notice 1
- Outdoor Survival 1
- Pharmacy
- Photography 1
- Traffic Analysis
- Urban Survival 1
General Abilities
- Athletics 8
- Conceal 4
- Cover 15
- Digital Intrusion 2
- Disguise 8
- Driving 2
- Hand to Hand 6
- Infiltration 10 (MOS)
- Filch 8
- Mechanics
- Medic
- Network 15
- Piloting
- Preparedness 3
- Sense Trouble 3
- Shooting 4
- Shrink
- Surveillance
- Weapons 1
Network Contacts
Infiltation: Open Sesame
Filch: A Lift in Time Saves Nine
Disguise: Just the Help
Son of Italian and American art restorers, Rossi grew up in but not of the world of wealthy art collectors, although he would reject the idea there is some trite psychological component in his decision to go into high-end art theft as a profession. For a while he was doing black bag work for the CIA and MI6 - out of some mix of a need for a greater purpose and a need for variety - but he's found the offers dried up in recent years for no reason he could find.